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The Corroboree

T. peruvianus "Matucana spineless"


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Yes, those quotation marks are intentional. This plant was grown from (expensive) imported seed, supposedly spineless (maybe, when it gets big enough), supposedly "landrace" genetics from Matucana, supposedly "legendary" etc. etc. Not to complain, it's very beautiful but also ... spiny AF, at least for now. Snails seem to love it, at any rate. Of my three survivors, one was tall, one was stout, and one was blue. This is the tall one, though lately it's been giving the blue one a run for its money. (The stout one, alas, has long since gone to a new home). 20cm pup, loads of character. Maybe it's worth $2/cm including delivery, or make me an offer, if interested. 











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6 hours ago, Cycloneoo said:

open pollinated in Matucana

I would have thought that "landrace genetics" (in my case) if it meant anything at all, would have meant: hand-pollinated. But on second thought, how does any of this sit with self-sterility? I'm starting to think that "landrace" is not applicable at all to Trichocereus spp. (just marketing hype?). Surely in some traditional locale with a favoured variety, the custodians would simply clone the thing vegetatively? If it set seed, it probably would have been "open pollinated" (i.e. productive of hybrid form)?


Yours looks similar to mine, I'm still hoping it will show spineless characteristics on maturity. I'll try and find it for a photo session. 


The cutting I listed above has gone to a good home. 

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From memory,  the trichos in that area were spiky Peruviana type plants, and any spineless trichos were probably brought in from elsewhere.


The spineless clones really get around in South America as they are the more garden friendly types, often seen in the gardens and villages and towns. Their other traits could be anything at all. Cuttings end up miles away from thier original range and end up being cross pollinated by whatever's growing wild in their new area.



All the spineless Matuc's I grew came out with spines. 

Nice plants but I figured they were all pretty much hybrids with who knows what.


People selling seeds aren't very scientific IME.

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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