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The Corroboree

Ion-exchange resin capsules

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I have some prescription medicine capsules that are sustained release in the form of “ion-exchange resin complex”… 


what I’d like to know is, if I crush these up as much as possible with mortar and pestle, would the HCL be bioavailable when rectally administered (with water)? Or should I further acidify or do something else to them? I’m *guessing* they’re made this way to prevent misuse by intranasal and IV route, but maybe rectal isn’t terribly affected?

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Well, I actually did a lot of shit around the house I needed to, so it definitely worked to some level lol. 

but I don’t want to waste these either. So if there’s something I can do to make the most of it I’m happy to hear. 

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You fiend, sounds like something I would have done. Can't suggest it's good practice to bypass such a safety measure.

Normally amine drugs are absorbed onto cationic ion exchange resins with sulfonic acid groups to form image.thumb.png.67d3e497b8c5b7f6add26f21677a192a.png 

"cation exchange resins contain acidic functional group capable of removing cations from basic solutions. The use of ion exchange resin to prolong the effect of drug release is based on the principle that positively or negatively charged pharmaceuticals, combined with appropriate resins yield insoluble polysaltresinates. Ion exchange resonates when administered orally, they are retained in stomach for two hours in contact with an acidic fluid of pH 1.2 and then move into the intestine at a slightly alkaline pH. Towards the large intestine, desorption from resins and absorption into the body may be slowed due to low fluid content and poor absorption in colon"

Here is acidic release in the stomach:



I would have thought you could likely do a strong acid eg HCl wash of the resin to liberate the amine.HCl salt into solution but maybe strongly basic conditions to liberate the free amine is the way to go.







Edited by Alchemica
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