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Plants with ergoline derivatives like LSA always have endophytic fungi


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The ergoline derivatives are only found in fungi world (one exception is the poorly researched and ergoline- containing plant Securidaca longipedunculata, in which no endophytic fungus was found, not yet).

Psychoactive plants with Ergolines:

In morning glorys (Ipomoea) there were endophytic fungi found: Periglandula ipomoeae

In ololiuqui (Turbina syn. Rivea corymbosa) it is the endophytic fungus Periglandula turbinae

In Piri-Piri (Cyperus articulatus) some populations are infected with Balansia cyperi

Sleepy grass (Achnatherum robustum syn. Stipa robusta) is infected with Neotyphodium funkii

Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) is infected with Monilinia megalospora

Claviceps purpurea infects many grains


LSA (Ergine) is reported as beeing sedative and weakly hallucinogenic

Methylergometrine is vasoconstrictive and 2mg have are LSD- like action according to Ott


From my other thread on this plants:

Some active constituents:

Ergine: (LSA)-Dopamine Antagonism (sedative profile) and only weak 5-HT2A/C-agonism

Isoergine: 5-HT2A/C partial agonism

Methergine (Methylergometrine): 5-HT2A/C partial agonism and describes as hallucinogenic by J. Ott

Ergometrine (Ergonovine): Partial HT2A/C agonism

Lysergene: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism

Festuclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism

Agroclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism

Elymoclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism, Dopamine Agonism

Chanoclavine: D1/2-Dopamine and 5-HT2A/C Agonism

Lysergic acid: α-hydroxyethylamide

Lysergol: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism, HTF1 agonism,

Ergotamine: partial 5-HT2A agonism

Ergovaline: partial 5-HT2A agonism

Isolysergic acid

Lysergene: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism




Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) also occurs in the Convolvulaceae and may play a role in their weak psychedelic effects

Does somebody know about studies on the distribution of this fungi and their response to environmental and growing conditions of the plants?


With sleepy grass Jim DeKorne speculated that the endophytic fungus is distributed by seeds, which are already infected, but he also mentioned that not all populations of sleepy grass were active.

I have sleepy grass seeds, stored for 15 years in a small pouch and the endophytic fungus visibly has completely taken over the whole seeds.


Ololiuqui (Turbina syn. Rivea corymbosa):

Periglandula is connecting with the tissue of ololiuqui leaves by their trichomes. There can be visible darker spots on the downside of the leaves.

This should mean that the plant is infected and prudicing the alkaloids (ololiuqui contains them in the leaves and transports them when fruiting to the seeds, storing them in the seeds)


Turbina corymbosa 31.JPG

Turbina corymbosa 30.JPG







Edited by mindperformer
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