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The Corroboree

prickly pear potentially for sale


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is there any interest in these? make it worth my while.. and the owner..

apparently theres two types of opuntia that are the best for fruit (according to Robert at fields) and this is one of them, not sure on the specific IDs ( if anyone can help with id let me know)

The bloke told me anything impacting the fence is fair game, so if your keen hit me up with an offer.

people do come every year to pick the fruit so I cant go too hard.

















Edited by godless
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the spines on the pads are workable, not the glochid type spines, but the fruits have tiny glochids on them, pick them with good gloves, and then to remove the glochids put them all together in a bucket of warm water and stir, this will remove most of the glochids, I did this the other day and ate 3 fruit and didn't end up with a single glochid anywhere in me. alternatively you put them over a flame and burn the glochids off.

cuts will be single pads as multiple segments attached are a bitch to post.

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not sure mate, I don't know heaps about them, im trying to keep all opuntia out of my garden due to their spreading potential but this bloke is extremely close to me so I can just wander over and pick fruit whenever anyway. I remember Robert at fields was having trouble with a few self seeded plants popping up randomly (only after 80 years though lol), probly from birds eating them and then shitting out the seeds. I wanna be careful when it comes to potentially invasive species, the fruits do have a lot of seeds in them and theyre quite tasty and a good aphrodisiac.

Edited by godless
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Yeah they take over that's for sure. Otherwise I'd put my hand up for some. Yeah quick g banger search and prickley pear seed oil is quite an expensive beauty product. I remember my partner found it once. 

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I'm getting pads cause I want to eventually eat the fruit. The erection potential is a bonus.
This chick is a bit annoying, but her specimen of a cactus pear looks unreal mate! says its like a watermelon x cucumber. Her ripe fruit that shes eating looks a fair bit darker than the ones in your pic.
Are they the same fruit, just hers is riper than yours? Or are they different cultivars/fruits all together?

I'm going to throw the mongrels down on crown land and let them invade the headland lololol jokes (but seriously...). Opuntia growing virtually in beachsand/dune looks phenomenal. Nice mexicanish vibes :)

Good on you godless - I hope peeps show interest!

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couldn't  say if theyre the same, but the colour of the inside of the fruit is similar to my ones. the fruit that chick has is a fair bit bigger though. maybe with optimal growing conditions mine could achieve the same result, I don't think they get any special attention.

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Nah in her vid she says hers came from the fruitmarket. So her fruits come from commercial plants. I'd just show them as much love as the trichos, or veggies and hopefully I'll get some delicious fruit one day.


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This was the spineless opuntia that I wanted originally - they make beautiful hedges and get a wonderful blue look to them:




I've heard since they don't produce the best fruit. Still haven't had that confirmed though.

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Got your massive cacti package today godless, everything is so beautiful.
Look forward to growing these Opuntia out down near the sand. Will be back for more after winter. Thx mate  :)


Jump on it people... In fact, anything from godless is a safe bet :drool2:







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