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The Corroboree

Battling tianeptine (opioid) addiction?

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Very interesting thread with some great points.

While its not good to keep following the desire to seek relief from exogenous sources and focus on rewarding activities, time passed and healthy living etc. there is no doubt that supporting and repairing the endorphin and NMDA/glutamatergic systems and minimizing Dynorphin activity makes recovery faster and PAWS shorter which are important because those are the biggest hurdles toward staying free of opiates once the detox is done.

Things like D-phenylalanine are extremely helpful for some individuals.

Protein in high ammounts and minimizing sugar and carb intake is also important but avoid red meat. Avoid anything that will cause inflammation or trigger your immune system.

One of the best things Ive found for withdrawal and recovery are IV vitamin bags, they really help but avoid unmethylated Folate or B12 if you have MTHFR gene mutations or it will aggravate anxiety levels.

If you haven't been checked for MTHFR gene mutations yet its worth it.

Have you heard of the Thomas Recipe?

A lot of people have haf success using it.

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Also dont be afraid of using benzos, use as much as you need thats what they are for just make sure to start tapering the dose after 7 days so that you're down to 0 at day 14.

Even better is to alternate between benzos one day and antihistamines or Mirtazapine on the other days, that way you are less likely to suffer accidental dependance and they will be more effective.

There is no benefit to suffering through withdrawal, it just conditions you to want to avoid it and makes it worse in future due to expectation.

Im now so phobic of withdrawal that the slightest sign of it, even when caused by something else, that I will suffer psychosomatic withdrawal which also compounds the effects of PAWS.

So if I misplace my dose, BAM, Im in withdrawal, Im getting a cold, bam I think Im hanging out, get too hot, it must be hot flashes caused withdrawals.

But in reverse, if I find my dose again they disappear.

Have you heard the story of Dr.Karl and his patient that OD'd due to a placebo dose of opiates being given followed by a real one?

It acted just the same as if he gave him 2 real doses.

My point is that it shouldn't be discounted, it shows how powerful your mindset and thinking can be in detox and recovery.

Its a powerful effect and can cause real problems but it can also be used to your advantage if you flip the script on it.

Edited by AndyAmine.
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Dude i just got back from asia so it will be a hellish week or two .Has any one know about kratom and how it helps the body recover

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Have you tried Nigella Sativa?

I have personally found it to provide quick and effective relief from the symptoms of withdrawal.

Its no magic bullet but it really does work to help reduce the anxiety and withdrawal symptoms.

Get the cold pressed oil in capsules because you get sick of the taste very quickly.

Even chewing the seeds provides some relief, they are the black seeds you see on Turkish bread

I'd take it regularly but I cant handle the taste of the burps and it is a strong potentiator so screws with my serum levels.

Edited by AndyAmine.
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Well i used a lot of opiates but all were mainly fom the chemist no prescriptions is needed .Been 5 days now and im fucking in hell

But from a long time using these wonderful compounds takes a few weeks to get back to normal .Plus i have a belly bug so im going to the toilet A tourist in mexico rattle the buns while a tourist in Cambodia battles the runs

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Interesting, Ive never heard that before and at the doses taken during withdrawal Its never made me or anyone I know restless but instead heavily sedated, thats why its sold as a sleeping tablet and is often given to people in detox.

But doing a quick search it does seem to be contraindicated with RLS,so good catch.

Ill add that to my notes.

Give the Nigella a shot, it really is good and there is a fair bit of evidence prooving its efficacy. Certainly not snake oil.

Edited by AndyAmine.
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