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The effects of diet and medication on urine fertiliser?

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I've heard much talk about the glowing benefits of urine as fertiliser, usually diluted of course. However, I have often wondered how ones diet affects the quality of urine fertiliser, as well as perhaps more importantly, how the supplements and medication one takes impact the urine.

I know that after my morning multivitamin my piss turns fluro yellow, apparantly due to excess vitamin B3 (or one of the Bs). Are these extra vitamins and minerals in the urine are beneficial or harmful, and what about the overall pH? I also know that after a particularly punishing night of drinking, the morning piss can be somewhat acrid and eye-watering. (although i dont really drink any more)

Furthermore, what about meds? I admit to regularly take dexamphetamine. It helps in many ways but I hope to ween myself off at some point. How do amphetamines impact the urine quality? What about other medication, there must be heaps to consider. Also antibiotics, or if someone is sick, does this need to be considered?

I also take the supplement L-Tyrosine, a precursor to Dopamine. I take this as an attempt to support my overall dopamine levels that are drained by regular dexamphetamine use. Given dopamine is a precursor to the holy active content in some cacti, could this in someway make the urine help increase the potency of the pant?


Edited by Conv3rgence

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The drugs you take can potentially be absorbed by the plant, but probably not in useable amounts unless you extract them.

I seem to recall that Tramadol was found in an African Nauclea Sp. and that Tramadol infected piss was a suspected cause.

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I know that after my morning multivitamin my puss turns fluro yellow,

Fluoro puss !

Does it glow in the dark ?

Sorry just taking the puss.

You're not from NZ are you ?

Jokes aside, there have been studies over the years that have detected traces of prescription meds in US water supplies, I haven't seen any studies on the effect it has on plants though. Some estrogen and steroid drugs can mimic plant hormones and some growers use contraceptive pills to treat their plants.

I know some body builders monitor their urine for nitrogen balance and when it gets too low they think they need more protein, so I'd extrapolate from that that high protein diets would also produce slightly higher nitrogen levels in urine.

Edited by Sally
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I read about a study done recently in QLD where researchers analysed wastewater to determine the net consumption of illicit drugs.

There is also a number of research projects being done in Australia and internationally to determine the environmental impact of waste water containing traces of both illicit and pharmaceutical drugs escaping the treatment process.

So....short answer, maybe :wink:


Edited by katu

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