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this creeps me out:

without having to strain my brain, I can think of 3 persons who are otherwise good mates but will vote for Hanson. If I think longer, the list gets longer also.

The similarities:

1. Both are ultra-rightwing, saying: "My Nation , my people are the greatest in the world, and everything else is shit."

2. Both are ultra-racist saying that the white race is superior. The funny thing is, that even people with asian wives and mixed race children are for Hanson. Do they want their children to end up in concentration camps?

3. Both Hitler and hanson spent some time in jail, before their rise to dictatorship (oh well in the case of Hanson it has not yet happened.)

(But didn't I predict that the brute Arnie becomes governor? You wait and see.)

I'm sure there are many more similarities but don't want to waste my time on these megalomaniacs. I felt a lot safer when Hanson was in jail....

I'm always hoping for things to get better on the political scene, but they are getting worse all the time.

I've run out of countries to migrate to...

A tv phone poll said that 80% of pollers want her to return to the political scene, I assume that her supporters made at least 10 calls each.

WHAT IS the world coming to?

[ 09. November 2003, 09:24: Message edited by: gomaos ]

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rumour has it shes pushing for human cloning,and

shes the cell donator. no one else will be able to donate. shes asked for gene modifications allowing the clones to be a-sexual,creating the possibillity of mono-reproduction.

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[ 09. November 2003, 14:37: Message edited by: mr b.caapi ]

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I'm sure there are many more similarities but don't want to waste my time on these megalomaniacs.

Best not waste your time on this subject full-stop.

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What the hell?? Comparing anyone to Hitler, let alone a minor politician in Australia is retarded. Paranoia++

Well perhaps I'm retarded then.

must be the age...

I still think that both have/had the smae motivation and goals...

hopefully pauline will never get as far as adolf, but she'd sure like to...

[ 09. November 2003, 23:20: Message edited by: gomaos ]

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[ 09. November 2003, 23:42: Message edited by: mr b.caapi ]

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there is a difference.

its not comparing hanson to the nazis like that liberal did to the greens.

its comparing hanson to hitlers initial rise to power which i do think have some definate similarities.

Gomaos, i think the concentration camp referrence is a little extreme but i do see the point you are trying to make.

i think the one thing that will stop her is her stupidity. she doesnt have a clue.

(her idea of helping the economy simply by printing more money springs to mind :D )

hitler knew how to manipulate the masses while paulines success comes from stupid ideas which other likeminded individuals agree with.

hopefully she will fade away again but as you said, who would have predicted arnies rise to power?

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Yeah it appears all the people who once voted for her, and later didn't, will do so now again, because now she's a "martyr" and that sort of prooves her to be "in the right" (not to me it doesn't but then I'm retarded)

Most politicians started out as "minor" and just to say " it can't happen in Australia" doesn't work.

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i feel that alot of people have a soft spot for hanson at the moment (even anti-hanson folk) because of the jail thing.

I've spoken to many people who feel that the jail sentence was wrong and felt, in a way, sorry for her. Put this on a mass scale, and include morons, and there will be plenty of people who will support hanson in the near future.

I doubt she will ever reach up to where howard is, though i feel she will gain many supporters.

Whatever happens, she is a fucked up individual, a racist and a bad person in my books.

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Whatever happens, she is a fucked up individual, a racist and a bad person in my books

same here

btw someone came up with this:

"if you randomly punched a queenslander in the face you would have a 1/3 chance of hitting a hansen supporter"

because tv polls allege that 30% of queenslanders would vote for her now

[ 10. November 2003, 00:43: Message edited by: gomaos ]

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Hey im not disagreeing that she is an ignorant racist person but if as soon as someone starts comparing to nazis or hitler they lose a lot of credibility, its really stretching it and almost offensive to the people persecuted by the nazi regime.

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I agree with deaders... people comparing groups/people with Hitler is really overused, and all it does is trivialise the attrocities that were committed by the nazi regime.

now, I'm in no way a Hanson supporter, but I don't really see the justification in calling her a bad person and all of that,

I'm interested to know if the people who are going on about her being racist and all can actually tell me the policies she has proposed along the way, or what she said in her maiden speech in parliament that caught the eye of the media that has made her famous. ( I know I don't)

Personally, I have to admit I do have some respect for her, as she has her beliefs (even if I may not agree with them) and has stuck with them, even when she became the target of the media (unluck some of the major parties who will backflip on issues, or have no real opinion on anything).

I think most of her appeal to people comes from the fact that she is one of the people she is trying to represent, she is a generic, everyday, hard-working australian, she has had to work through the same troubles as her voters and probably her real problem is that she is ignorant, but then again, so are the people she is trying to represent.


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Well, I'm not gonna play the game and research her speeches, but every person with an average intelligence who has listened to some of her speeches ("I'll personally drive all these damn asians to the airport to get deported"P. Hanson)

or to whatever policies the "one nation Party" may have;basically that the white caucasian, preferably anglo-saxon people become Australia's master race, and hey, aren't they gonna crack down not only on asians and other non-white people, but ALSO ON DRUGS, because mind-altering conciousness-enlarging substances would definitely be detrimental to the idolized tough white Aussie-persona who rules all these "other crappy races.."...

Personally, I have to admit I do have some respect for her, as she has her beliefs

I spit on her, for me she's right up there with my most 10 most hated women, which include one of my ex-wives, she is a disgusting excuse for a human being BECAUSE OF HER BELIEFS

she is a generic, everyday, hard-working australian, she has had to work through the same troubles as her voters

that is a stupid pretentious lie and if you believe that I feel sorry for you...

at least for the last 10 years she has had nothing in common with the people you refer to, it's just a vote-winning image

and probably her real problem is that she is ignorant, but then again, so are the people she is trying to represent.

well yes you're right there, she is very ignorant, and so are the people who vote for her

BTW anyone remember Pauline Pantsdown?

If you want to hear some of the stupid crap she's talking, this is the only fun way, and I just remember, she hates gays as well...

Just download "I don't like it" by Pauline Pantsdown from the net and you will be enlightened about Mrs hanson...

BTW... when Pauline Pantsdown, a drag queen, had a concert in Brisbane, she/he got booed off the stage and had bottles and other things flying at him...

stupid queensland rednecks can't take a joke!

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QUOTE: whatever policies the "one nation Party" may have;basically that the white caucasian, preferably anglo-saxon people become Australia's master race, and hey, aren't they gonna crack down not only on asians and other non-white people, but ALSO ON DRUGS, because mind-altering conciousness-enlarging substances would definitely be detrimental to the idolized tough white Aussie-persona who rules all these "other crappy races.."...

Which is exactly the policy of our current Liberal government. Unfortunately the average Australian voter(sheep) is totally influenced by the media which is controlled by the very people who promote these policies for their own benefit.

I would be more worried about the current government than i would be about one nation ever becoming a political force. It should be Tony Abbott facing a jail sentence for his attempted removal of a political opponent through corrupt means rather than the Pauline Hanson jail sentence farce.

Pauline Hanson doesnt have the brains to be a serious political force, and combine that with no real policies(that make any sense) and i think her chances of a political comeback are very slim. The sad thing about the state of politics at the moment is that Australians seem to think it is ok for politicians to lie, steal and cheat(whatever it takes) to get the result they want. The current government is corrupt to the core and Australia knows it, but it doesnt stop people voting for the pricks. Politicians are setting the bad example for the citizens of Australia and then wonder why its citizens exhibit the same behavoir in our current self destructive society. Politics (Johnny Howard style)is now based on fear campaigns to scare voters into submission. F--K THE SYSTEM.


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>sigh< see what politics do!!

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cubent, I couldn't agree more.

B.Caapi, you're right...

I'll shut up now,

these posts aren't gonna change anyone's mind anyway...

I should give up trying to change the world, after all

"I'm only one man" (Homer)

(Simpson that is)

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I think that alot of Paulines support right now stems not from her policies but the fact she is the little guy battling the entrenched system.

She is a sort of anti-politician

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It should be Tony Abbott facing a jail sentence

this guy has done more damage to the working Australian family than Hanson ever will.

i agree w/her when she said

"god help this country if tony abbot ever becomes prime minister. i despise the man."

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there are far more similarities between Bush and Hitler.

Actually Prescott Bush ( George w's grandpappy) was funding the Nazi's well into the war. and then when the funding "stopped" it was merely channeled through several other overseas companies such that the funding wasn't cut until the 50's. There is a long history of Bush Nazism.

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there are far more similarities between Bush and Hitler.

Actually Prescott Bush ( George w's grandpappy) was funding the Nazi's well into the war. and then when the funding "stopped" it was merely channeled through several other overseas companies such that the funding wasn't cut until the 50's. There is a long history of Bush Nazism.

Yes i read about this, his bank openly financed the nazis until America officially entered the war, and only 40 years later the same family is running the country. Says a lot about their ethics and motives...

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gomaos, remember that homer got a crayon lodged in his brain. Maybe that's why you're retarded! :)

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ok this is the best anagram i could time find for for "hanson and hitler":

"a dash lenin thorn"

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Pauline Hanson doesnt have the brains to be a serious political force...and i think her chances of a political comeback are very slim.

George W?

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