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The Corroboree

Clitocybe odora - anyone know anything?

waterboy 2.0

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looking about, as you do...lol...came across a couple of interesting references to Clitocybe odora - Aniseed toadstool / Aniseed funnel in Aus. and NZ.


WA - possible herbarium import??


the RBGM refers to a refernce to occurance in Aus as Hilton(1988a)....but dunno how to extract full citation...yet.


Two wild records in NZ on Nothofagus sp.

Anyone know anything?? or for that matter any european or american folks familiar with it could also chime in would be appreciated <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

EDIT - I do know its mycorhizzal...but that shit doesn't deter me...lol


Edited by waterboy
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I find most of those online guides include sightings of what the person thinks is this or that - the id'd are never verified. An example is Agaricus langei - despite their being six occurrences recorded on that first page none were microscopically id'd and there are several very similar red-staining agaricus that occur here.

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BY rights should smell it before even seeing it.

One of those NZ records appears to be a noted mycologist (although could be same name) , and on Nothofagus host.

which does raise some questions as it differs from the "usual" hosts noted in mushie books.

Cannot establish what (if so occurring) hosts have been identified for the aus records...

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