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Barbie Killed My Computer !

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A few weeks ago Ken gave Barbie some acid trips and stupid Barbie took them.

After the acid had kicked in, Barbie decided to go on the internet and have a look for a new Barbie van.

To her dismay she couldn’t connect to the internet?

Then Veronica’s computer started to communicate with Barbie and told her she would find the problem inside.

So she became one with the computer and could understand that computers had felling and needs just like people.

The computer told Barbie that it was infested with computer bugs and asked Barbie if she could help and get rid of these nasty little things.

So Barbie took the cover of Veronica’s computer and saw these nasty little bug’s running around every where inside the computer.

So how did Barbie kill these little bug’s I here you ask?

Well she did what any girl would do with a fear of anything that crawls.

She got out the mortin, emptied the can into Veronica’s computer, and kill all the crawly little bugs?

Barbie turned on the computer after she had finish killing the bug’s to see if she had done the job, and the computer only managed to say one thing “BANG”.

Barbie had killed the my computer.

Anyway the computer has been taken to the recyclers in the sky and I have now got a new computer with now "BUGS".

[This message has been edited by Veronica (edited 23 January 2002).]

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no sorry im lost for words. barbie was obviously wearing her blonde wig at the time wink.gif.

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Hey don't sweat it , im sure stuff like that happens to pretty much everyone. Infact I destroyed 3 computers with bug spray just last week!

I gotta run , my microwave is calling out to me , it's saying "Feed me spoons!!!".........

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Sounds like you need Blotter Barbie. Avoid all substitutes and go for the real thing smile.gif

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Guest Nozzle Boy

Hey Veronica - tell Barbie to stop knocking the computer ! As we all should know, it was actually the bugs fault, not the computers. And the can of Mortein. Barbie has to stop finding a computer to blame, and do some introspective thinking.

And what a coincidence - Barbie throws out her computer, and you decide to get a new computer ! What are the chances !

Or is Barbie one of those Barbies that cooks sangas and shit ? Whoever thort of that, HEY ! A BBQ with a mouth, personality, arms, female characteristics, and a problem with shifting the blame. Lucky you guys have me aroond to do all the crap posting for ye's.

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Has anyone out there done anything so stupid like that triping or not?

Come on I now Iam not the only stupid one in here.(or am I)hmm(dont answer that CS)

I think it was the blond wig I was wearing at the time, hmm.. hay maybe It was the blond bleach from the wig that mixed with the acid that gave me the Iam stupid trip???

Naaaa I think it was me just being stupid...well the 2 trips didnt help.

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Originally posted by Veronica:

Has anyone out there done anything so stupid like that triping or not?

Yeah actually now that you mention it smile.gif 6 days ago me and tryptaminer were at this beach that I found (i thought it was a secret beach) we'd eaten a dose of harmine combined with a fairly substantial dose of shrooms. The combo absoloutely fucked us into another world. I thought that i was the only one that new about this beach but I was wrong after we started tripping harcore people started to arrive , they were walking there dogs and doing general beach type stuff. We were sitting in this little beach hut and had a whole mass of stuff sprawled out all over it including sketchbooks , pastels, notepads , pens , towels , nitrous chargers , a cracker , a kalaidoscope , porno mags , a digitla video camera and a still camera , a big bag of weed and some spliffs , a bottle of 1,4B , amyl , a cooler bag filled with fresh fruit and bottled water and starbursts , some lighters , a small bag containing various illegal drugs and my deflector beany.

Anyways after we started losing it this family of what looked like "boat people" started walking past , they were walking along picking things up off the beach. They walked right by us and we were trying as hard as possible to maintain compsure , they scared the absoloute livibg shit out of me but they soon moved on. 5 minutes later this guy comes up to our hut and says "You guys look like respectable fellows" (failing to notice I was inhaling and exhaling out of a balloon) "Do you know what those people are doing" Tryptaminer starts mumbling something about a beer can and he says "Well there taking shell-fish from the beach , they're raping our beaches!" This statement alone was enough to freak me out , I was barely coherent as it was but he soon realised how futile talking to us was. Anyway we ran most of the course of our trip and it was completely insane and astoundingly beautiful all in one. Trypt was somewhere in the bushes writing philosophy and I was in the hut inhaling amyl when this girl walks up to me to ask me what the time is , she's all giggly and acting a bit strange. I put 2+2 together and I realise this girl is tripping even more hardcore then I am , then she walks down to the water and starts splashing around in the shallow part fully clothed. She immerses her entire body in the water and I realise then what she is , she's a mermaid. I run to find trypt to tell him and as I run she begins yelling "coooooooowwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee" "coooooowweeeee". Trypt emerges from the bushes returning the cooee and I say "Man there's a mermaid out here." "Cool he says , what's she doing?" We look to the water and that's when everything begins to fuck up. The sun was beginning to set and a boat was coming into shore , on one side of the boat was a blue light , on the other side was a red light......

Tryptaminer shouts "Fuck man it's the cops , let's go!" I tried to connect to reality to ask a few questions like "do cops chase after you in boats" "how did the cops know we were tripping?" but there was absoloutely no chance that rational thought was gonna happen for a long time. "C'mon man we gotta run" he shouts so we throw everything into the bags and we start running down the beach at full pelt. I look over my shoulder and notice the boat is getting closer and closer "Fuck man it's after us!! We just got to make it to the car , once we get to the car we'll be safe! They cant hurt us when were in our car , we need to get somewhere safe!". So there we were running down a beach with a cooler bag and a sports bags and towels in our hands shouting about the cops coming to get us.

So we get to the car and we get inside and lock the doors. I start whispering "Ok man we gotta get a grip here , we have to walk out what's going on , what the hells happening man." So he starts to re-trace steps logically , ok we took a dose of maoi with shrooms , we went here then came to the beach etc etc. But I just didn't believe him "How long have we been tripping for man?" I thought maybe we'd been tripping all day. He rationalises again and says "We eyeballed 350mg of harmine , we waited half an....." then I cut him off. "Shit man that's it , we overdosed" and that was pretty much it , we delved into this hellish bad trip where I thought that we had taken to much drugs and we were stuck in the middle of an overdose. I began to panick and freak out , I jumped out of the car adn tried to amke myself vomit , it wasn't happening. I got back in the car and tried to think who to call, should I call an ambulance?? I knew i'd be tripping hardcore in hospital , and I definately didn't want to have to face the cops. The my phone rang..........it was my boss. "Denis where are you?" ummmmmm ahhhh ummm is about all I could manage. "You're supposed to be at work". I hung up the phone.

I knew I had to call someone , somebody I could trust. Anyone with an internet connection. I walked towards the beach dialling Psycho0's number "Psycho0 man I need your help!! I need you to find out the lethal dose of harmine can you look it up!??!" He told me that he wasn't near a computer and then the phone cut out. I ran back to the car "Ok man im pretty sure we're fucked , were gonna need to get somewhere with reception!!" So he said cool we'll drive out to the mainroad and we should have reception there. "Theres no way im driving man , lets go!" so we put all our gear in the boot , locked the car and started walking. It was about 5 minutes to the highway and the nearest town was about 45mins walk. We got out to the highway and it was chock full of cars screaming past us. It was pitch black now and we were going to need to stay near the road to see. "Whatever you do man don't let me get hit by a car , you can't et me get hit by a car."

So there we were to trippers walking frantically along the side of the freeway, im going through my phone trying to ring anyone I can , I dial psycho0 again and get no answer , I call darklight but don't get through , I even rang my ex-girlfriend but with no joy. "Call the hospital man , they'll know!" "Shit man would they even know what harmine is??" "We are completely fucked here man!!" So we keep walking , pretty soon we'd be in town and we'd be able to taxi it to the hospital. "I swear to go if I make it though this im never going to touch drugs ever again!!!" the next half hour walk went from full scale panick to life reflection and I was able to see how badly I needed to change my life. B y teh time we got into town we had stopped tripping more-or-less and we figured that we were most likely safe. So there I was satnding in the middle of town , I was covered in sand and I lloked like shit. All the nightclubbing girls had come out in there sexy gear and were about ready to party. We stood in the middle of the street and people walked past saying "Hey Denis" "You coming out tonight Denis?". I desperately wanted to just walk into a club but it just wouldn't have worked. We got a cab back to my car adn drove to mu house and finished off the night with balloons of nitrous.

Thats my story about doing something completely stupid while tripping. I've got about a hundred more if you wanna hear em smile.gif Ca't say i've ever sprayed bugs into a puter tho wink.gif

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Another cool trip story.

I feel like I was there with you.

I'd never take harmaline and mushies together tough.

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