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mannnnnn and i just cut my dreads off :P

i seem to remember there was a lot of smiting in the name of god going on in the samson saga? > (correct me if im wrong)

Edited by -YT-
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Australia is said to be 10 years behind the rest ov the world.

in the early 1990's alot ov UK dreads (me included) cut off their locks because raving all night on E just made for a sweaty mess...seriously 9 out ov 10 dreads became skinheads in the years 90-93.

Samson's activity takes place during a time when God was punishing the Israelites, by giving them "into the hand of the Philistines".[1

There isn't too much smiting (on a biblical scale), but yeah Samson does a fair amount ov killing (40 at least in one go), but he's a freedom fighter, the archetypal freedom fighter.

Critics, of course, have doubted the story and called it a myth. They have argued that a Philistine temple would not have had two central pillars supporting the roof since this wasn’t a typical architectural design of Middle Eastern temples.

But after the remains of two Philistine temples have been excavated, what do they reveal? Both had two main pillars supporting the roof.

One of the Philistine temples is at Tell Qasile, now part of the modern city of Tel Aviv. Archaeologist Amihai Mazar found the remains of a small Philistine temple in the 1970s, and sure enough, he discovered two column bases for a pair of central pillars supporting the roof. They were close enough together that a large man could reach both of them at once.

Some 20 miles away, at the Philistine site of ancient Ekron, archaeologist Trude Dothan discovered another temple in the 1990s with the same characteristics—two central pillars supporting a roof.

The city of Gath, where Samson’s account takes place, has not been excavated, as a modern city has been built on top of the remains. Yet, being one of the main Philistine cities, it is reasonable to imagine that it would have had a much larger temple, holding many more people.

Archaeologist Bryant Wood explains the significance of the discoveries:


“Two Philistine temples have been uncovered by archaeologist…Both temples share a unique design—the roof was supported by two central pillars!


“The pillars were made of wood and rested on stone support bases. With the pillars being about six feet apart, a strong man could dislodge them from their stone bases and bring the entire roof crashing down. The archaeological findings match the Biblical story perfectly and attest to the plausibility of the account…


“The Bible writer knew his facts. He knew that Philistine temples were supported by two pillars and that this was how Samson pulled the temple down. The report is that of an eye-witness, again demonstrating that indeed the Bible is the world’s most accurate textbook” (
“Samson and the Temple of Dagon.”
Bible and Spade, 1974, pp. 53-54).




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im extremely behind the curve here nab :P like i live in a cave

good qoute there, all i remembered was from my christian school days so dont mind my mind being somewhat warped there.. i still cant dig the killing bit though even if there were "heretics". Werent the philistines known for there early advancement of civilisation/culture and known pagans also perhaps there use of alcohol could have tainted them, has been a while since ive looked into such things, guess i should do some more reading :)

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The question is does long hair create sensitivity or do sensitive people grow long hair? It may be a bit of both, environments certainly make an impact on how we perceive things. Having lived in both rural areas and urban areas, and areas close to wilderness, I have noticed that the impact an urban zone has on the consciousness is quite profound, creating an insurmountable division between people and the natural world. How can the long-hair antenna work if there are no signals to receive in the first place! Likewise, even small hair follicles will work if the surrounding signal is strong, and as the hair grows naturally there will be more imperative to continue growing it.

The environment that somewhere crosses the urban and the wild is that of farmland. Farmland is tamed nature, in some ways it is worse than the urban because it is warped and twisted, "controlled" by people, so the signals are there but they are incomplete or distorted.

Australia may seem backward in some ways, but because there is still a large background noise from wild areas there is a strong link to nature not available in most of the rest of the world. It has allowed to bring forth the development of the most advanced form of agriculture developed to date, permaculture, which has the ability to both protect and enhance nature as well as provide food and materials to increase our well-being.

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The egyptians believed that the erect penis was the connection between man, fertility and perhaps the gods and the next world. In the inner sanctum of some pyramids there is an opening that allows a man to expose his penis towards the sky and orion at that time. weird or what?

Edited by Zen Peddler BlueGreenie

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The best way to add chemicals to the body is the hair

chemicals in shampoo etc are poisons and worse

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Have you read your shampoo/conditioner bottle ingredients?

The big companies who sell things that are on the skin are all owned by big pharma

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i haven't washed my hair w/anything since i was 16.

You really don't need to.

And i've had long hair, dreads for 6 years & completely shaved

Your scalp produces some oil to naturally coat your hair.

The oil traps dirt & is easily washed away w/hot or cold water only.

When you go from washing w/shampoo to just plain water at first your hair may

feel greasy, but after 6-10 weeks the oil levels will have evened out & you hair

should feel fine.

If you ever really need to wash it, just use a very small bit ov normal hand soap.

Edited by nabraxas
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