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The Corroboree


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To block out light in your bedroom get a block-out blind that has snug fitting side rails. Or just tape it up with black builders plastic - but be aware that the neighbours will likely dob you in for cooking meth thanks to that stupid ad a few years ago. I find that whe I take melatonin I am not at all sensitive to light during my sleep hours [to the point where I can sleep during the day without a blind], but if I don't then I often find it hard to get back to sleep if there is ANY bit of light.

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I used to live right on an extremely busy main road when I lived in melbourne. Luckily though the windows had very thick curtains that used to block out most of the light. But when I was having a hard time sleeping, I just used masking tape to completely ceil the window up, to get rid of the light that shined though the sides. 

Suppose it doesn't look pretty, so it really used to piss my partner at the time off and I always got paranoid about having my door kicked down at 7am because of it. But it got rid of any light sources and helped me sleep, so whata you gonna do.


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