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Muscle Relaxant Coffee?

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Anyone have tips on readily growable muscle relaxants that would taste good in coffee?

I was woke up early by a knotted up muscle causing stabbing pain in my shoulder, pretty intense. After taking an aspirin and drinking a cuppa coffee in a hot shower most the pain went away and my head cleared enough to think a bit and I made another cuppa with lots of thyme in as well as a pot of lemon balm-sage-oregano tea for after, knowing thyme and oregano are at least antispasmodic to the respiratory tract and used for period pain so probably more broadly antispasmodic. (btw, brewing both at once makes the kitchen smell like hotdogs, boy I wasnt ready for that one :lol: )

The thyme coffee seemed to rid the bit of symptoms missed by the aspirin-coffee-hot shower, but it got me to wonderin' is a effective and drinkable muscle relaxant/antispasmodic coffee recipe known to any ethnobots? Or perhaps something that could be chewed while stumbling toward coffee?

Waking up like that is a stone cold sonofabitch, I want to fix it in under an hour next time.

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how about something like justicia, many coumarinsare said to be antispasmodic i think?

and it's creates a bit of a creamy sorta tea so possibly would go well with coffee taste and texturally. Might be worth looking into, i don't know all the interactions though :D

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hmm, thats a good thought.. and to support (or adjust) the idea it seems the asian species Justicia procumbens is used as tea specifically for backache.

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Might be a calcium buildup on the bones.

My problem is from plastic, when plastic get old releases stuff [Dioxin toxicity ].

As easy way too test is buy a 2 tube epoxy set.

Spread the activator on hands on hands lightly if a reaction many small pustules appear thats it.

Time to replace car or.

Steering Wheels and Dashboards 1939-1949 Chrysler Corporation


Are oldy if lucky.




Edited by devance

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Dude, holy hell.. you got to be shitting me.

A 1949 chrysler would be worth headaches and the odd pustule.

I mean...


...damn! B)

Granted I do have a 1950 plymouth but its not drivable lol. I think my episode was just a freak occurrence of real bad muscle cramp meets scoliosis and early osteoarthritis. So far it hasnt recurred, thank shiva.

Edited by Auxin

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I found Zornia sp to be pretty impressive muscle relaxants. Ashwagandha does ok in this regard as well. I needed to find out after mowing 1/2 an acre with a whipper snipper.

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Doubt it would taste good in coffee but Kava kava is a great muscle relaxant.

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The kava I get (organic, hand pounded) is great with coffee but not the best thing for mornings, lol

I hadnt thought of ashwagandha. I always strip as much of the root bark as I reasonably can off the roots so it can be chewed in centimeter chunks and I actually love the taste and odor and subsequent thyme coffee would be even more pleasurable with ashwagandha on my breath. Hell, I'll have to remember that one as prophylaxis for cold season too. coffee.gif

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Dude, holy hell.. you got to be shitting me.

A 1949 chrysler would be worth headaches and the odd pustule.

I mean...


...damn! B)

Granted I do have a 1950 plymouth but its not drivable lol. I think my episode was just a freak occurrence of real bad muscle cramp meets scoliosis and early osteoarthritis. So far it hasnt recurred, thank shiva.



When i was kid it was http://www.google.com/search?q=1950+plymouth&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Tm2&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=rJpyTpzhB8GtsQLD3OH8CQ&ved=0CCMQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=577.

What happened to the Hudson Hornet,



Actuallly had the car in a the green hornet TV series which was Bruce lee as the loyal driver of the car.

I think a Bruce lee alittle serious for that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Repo Man - What You Got In The Trunk?

]In the midst of all this Charlie Sheen madness, poor Emilio Estevez still can't win. Internet jokes like THIS one, THIS one, or THIS one prove that no matter how insane or out of control Charlie becomes, Emilio will always live in his shadow. But there is one movie that shoots Emilio past his younger brother in the cult classic category, no...... not Judgment Night, I'm talking about the 1984 film Repo Man.

Call it what you want, a satire, a punk film, a black comedy, or an anti-society film. This film spoke to a whole generation during the Regan era and can still be


The wolf Man Jack LA was on the radio and the car and smoking a few smokes.


It wasn't that good, but not be arrested every second, 58,000 dead drafted who didn't go to mprison for 2 years.

Not very democratic.

Edited by devance

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ganoderma reishi, but it doesn't taste so good, but it is anti-inflammatory

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