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The Corroboree

penis plants spination

san p

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yeah i wonder if thats why coro cacti have i.d their "bridgesii as bridgesii? when it clearly isnt a bridgesii


Have you seen the mother plant their bridgesii cuttings come from? Apart from the odd spination it displays all the other characteristics of bridgesii. It's rib formations, tendency to pup, overall look of the plant from a distance, diametre of the limbs, protruding roots close to the ground, blue colour etc all say bridgesii.

For what it's worth they're not dead set on IDs for hardly any of their trichs. Their bridgesii was ID'd by a prominant cacti specialist from the UK, but if you have definite proof of an alternate ID, Martin's always willing to listen. Chances are it's a hybrid with strong bridgesoid tendencies, but there's no way to say more than that.

With regard to the original post, as far as I know only bridgesii display the penis form, so it has to be. Spination on mutated species are almost never a good indication of form of the standard plant - spination is expected to be quite different.

My 2c anyways.

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Have you seen the mother plant their bridgesii cuttings come from? Apart from the odd spination it displays all the other characteristics of bridgesii. It's rib formations, tendency to pup, overall look of the plant from a distance, diametre of the limbs, protruding roots close to the ground, blue colour etc all say bridgesii.

For what it's worth they're not dead set on IDs for hardly any of their trichs. Their bridgesii was ID'd by a prominant cacti specialist from the UK, but if you have definite proof of an alternate ID, Martin's always willing to listen. Chances are it's a hybrid with strong bridgesoid tendencies, but there's no way to say more than that.

With regard to the original post, as far as I know only bridgesii display the penis form, so it has to be. Spination on mutated species are almost never a good indication of form of the standard plant - spination is expected to be quite different.

My 2c anyways.


yeah i did read on one of his auctions when someone else questioned the fact that it was a bridgesii that he had had it i.d by Graham Charles. have you got any pics of the mother plant? (when are going to see what you got from the auction lol)

i got a mixture of i.ds when i posted a pic of my cut on here about a year ago,most saying peru with some commenting on the slight bridgesii tendencies.heres a pic of my as it is growing now...





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I thought I didn't have a pic of the parent plant, but turns out I do :D Even if it's a bit crappy lol, you get the idea. BTW, you can have this for $250... I can't justify it as I have nowhere to put it :(





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whoa to big for me too

im surprised he sold the tricho strain mother plants as they were such good sellers for them on .i guess he just couldnt find the room to keep them

i dont think it will be hard for you to find someone else to give it a home though.

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Oops, that came out wrong I meant to say you can buy it from CC for $250, I didn't buy it as I have no room Martin said he has kept every variety of Trich, but they will obviously only be available in much smaller numbers now, as he has limited parent stock

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regarding teh penis, the spination does not look abnormal to me, but the amount of aeroles is unusual?...is there a bigger photo of the whole plant? I want one lol, heres a pic of one of my fatter tbm's with a new pup which is looking like a normal bridge pup ...


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if you saw this spination on a columnar tricho would you still i.d it as a bridgesii?


Quite possibly yes, bridgesii shows variation and more than one form is known.

There is no doubt that the form is rather unusual, that the spines do not look typical for most bridgesii forms is true enough.

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