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Olympic Haze

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I was just thinking, are there not a variety of bodies around the world responsible for the health and welfare of their citizens taking part in the olympic games?


Surely someone has a duty of care with regards to preventing the athletes exerting to the max. in such a purple haze. (ok, its not purple, but i always wanted to use that in a sentence :P )

Maybe postpone it until China can clean the air up a bit. And Tibet, and Burma....


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:bong: Eh, i dont see it as a big issue, even most of the athletes dont think its much of a problem (From what iv seen in interviews)..

Ild think its just more anti chinese stuff, which im getting very sick of hearing from everywere because of the olympics. Yea, they have a pollution problem,and one would want the optimum conditions, but if australia had 1 billion people then so would we. Plus, they have been attacked like twice in a week or so, but the news still focuses on the pollution (biASS)

Doesent anyone have any sympathy for the chinese lol? their only, say less then 50 years from their united modern china. And i can assume fairly confidently that the more people try to pressure them, the less they will budge. let them evolve like every other nation have done.

Plus, im not sure if this is a common knowledge but during chinas unification, some governments tried setting up puppet state goverments that would oppose the the communists simply because they dident want china to expand as big as they are today.

So instead of having asia "ruled" by a big china, it could have been ruled OVER because it would have broken asia up into many more smaller and more manageable countries. same goes with tibet. well same shit, dif day. (If china doesent get its water, then india will,leaving tibby in the same spot)

What about Cyprus in Greece, the Basques in spain\france, the Armenians, the kurds, the tamils? and the countless others who want a piece of land to call their home? the world is a funked up place..

I dont want to say everything the chinese are doing is good, but its pretty much what everyone else has done at one point or another in history. As they say, true change comes from within, so with that, i say let em be (Stop the media Bias), and ONLY focus on true atrocities, no matter which country they happen in.

Sorry for the hijack lol, im in a talkative state atm :bong:

PS- if anyone decides to flame me, be kind, im sensitive to heat :)

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Well it's blatantly obvious that the PRC government is getting away with whatever they like regardless of any perceived "pressure".

But it's naive to honestly expect the rest of the world to not complain LOUDLY when for example a Chinese schoolteacher is imprisoned as a seditious antagonist for posting photos of the earthquakes at his school on the internet because they might reflect badly on the construction wing of the PRC.

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Maybe rebadge a commercial haze strain "beijing haze" and promote it as being able to demolish your braincells as if they were kids in a school made of unreinforced and poorly secured prefab concrete slabs?

What a joke, its stupid they even got the go ahead to hold it there in the first place, I don't think we'd let it be held in Zimbabwe, somehow. Maybe we would, if they could knock out billions of cheap electronic gadgets for us ;)


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