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The Corroboree

Burdock growth


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Ok, burdock (Arctium lappa) is supposed to be a biennial growing to 2 meters tall to produce seed in the second year. I planted some 16 months ago and its still just a 1 meter wide rosette, not counting the leaves it is 0 cm tall :scratchhead: Theres just about 60 days left until the first freeze. Is this guy gonna jump up out of the soil any day now, or wait until the 3rd year, or die an inglorious seedless death at the start of winter? :unsure:





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i have been growing mine for about three years and it never got the tall shoots

the leaves tend to die off each summer lol and then come back over winter.

it really is not the right environment for them i guess

i pulled one up about a year ago and ate it but it was pretty small

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