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The Corroboree

Innoculating poo instead of grains

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I am gunna try this tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anyone had tried innoculating poo in jars instead of rye grains or rice flour? I figure there is way less chance of contaminants, and considering my pressure cooker blew up last month I have no choice but to try mediums that only need pasteurisation.

I just figure that there are so many nasties that like to eat grains and flours, and a lot less that eat dung, or a dung and straw mix.

I'll give it a go anyway, report back if I get some action, assuming my prints are still viable.

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I am gunna try this tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anyone had tried innoculating poo in jars instead of rye grains or rice flour? I figure there is way less chance of contaminants, and considering my pressure cooker blew up last month I have no choice but to try mediums that only need pasteurisation.

I just figure that there are so many nasties that like to eat grains and flours, and a lot less that eat dung, or a dung and straw mix.

I'll give it a go anyway, report back if I get some action, assuming my prints are still viable.

stinks and its hard to get the water right better go to grain the poo

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I used to use a poo straw mix. The water is the easy part I though, the smell is awful. Don't forget that pasturizing means keeping a pot of barely simmering poo on your stove for 2 hrs or so. It needs such a long time because if you do it right you have your mix in a pillow case. Trust me, you don't want to be using a kitchen sieve on your poo. Also get some draining racks etc.

BUT MOST IMPORTANT! --> dont try to grow on poo from prints. the failure rate is too high. By the time the spores have come to life and started growing you already have nasties. I tried a lot of ways to pasturize in plastic oven bags but it was too hard to keep it from fermenting without an air hole. Trying to tie the buggers up when your hands are covered in poo sucks too.

The alternative it to sterilize some grain or vermiculite and shroom food in the microwave then spawn off that. Then transfer onto pasturized poo. I used a pressure cooker but doing it this way I had atleast 4 or 5 successful casing the size of a kitty litter tray (filled with pasturised poo and just lightly covered with tin foil). The trick is to have it colonise quickly so the bad stuff doesnt have a chance, i even put in some lime if i have it to change the pH.

phew. all this stuff is on shroomery.org though. and just a post script, those casing made for the best summer ever since I was getting over 100g dried off each casing of tasty mushrooms.

Edited by CaptAmazing

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