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Phytochemistry & Taxonomy of the Australasian Juliflorae Acacias

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(here's something I wrote 10 years ago, before the Flora of Australia volume on Acacia's came out, but with the recent posts on Acacia's, I thought I would stick it up unedited)

In the Subgenus Phyllodineae which is essentially an

Australian subgenus with a few species (3) also found in

SE Asia and the South Pacific but not found in Australia.

It can be divided into several Sections of which it seems two

closley related Sections, Juliflorae and Plurinerves as well as a

recently described group which bridges the previous two Sections,

the A. stigmatophylla Group are the most entheobotanically

interesting. A while back it was estimated that there was

219 species in Section Juliflorae and 178 species in Section

Plurinerves in Australia in 1987 (Maslin & Hnatiuk, 1987), since

then there has been several more species desribed, some species

separated into the A. stigmatophylla Group (Tindale, 1980) and

there is also three species of Acacias in these two Sections that

live outside of Australia and were not included in this count.

Adding up phtyochemically known species of 10 in the Juliflorae

with 3 of interest and 4 in the Plurinerves with 3 of interest

(although one of those is only marginally of interest) leads

to a figure of very approximatly 66 active species in the

Juliflorae and 134 active species in the Plurinerves. With new

species described the final figure could be slightly higher.

Species in the other Sections could also be found to be of interest.

Subgenus Phyllodineae

Acacias of the Juliflorae section,

The flowers occuring as spikes rather than as balls,

and phyllodes (looks like the leaves for non botanists, really a modified

part of the leaf that attaches the leaf to the stem) pluriveined.

Species Component Field test Analysis Alkaloid


A0 - Pungent Phyllodes (Phyllodes end with Spikes)

lysiphloia(1c)lf + +

oxycedrus lf +++ + 0.16%

lf +++ +++

pycnostachya ----------------never checked-----------------

rhigiiophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

riceana ----------------never checked-----------------

triptera(1) lf + ++

verticillata lf ++ ++


A1 Anastomosing Nerves in Phyllodes

alpina ----------------never checked-----------------

argyraea ----------------never checked-----------------

auriculiformis ----------------never checked-----------------

brassi ----------------never checked-----------------

brevifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

cincinnata ----------------never checked-----------------

concurrens(1) lf,bk +++

courtii ----------------never checked-----------------

cowleana lf ++ +

craspedocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

crassa ----------------never checked-----------------

cretata ----------------never checked-----------------

dallachiana ----------------never checked-----------------

denticulosa lf

dimidiata ----------------never checked-----------------

floribunda lf + PEA, TRYP

gonoclada ----------------never checked-----------------

grandifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

heliocphylla ----------------never checked-----------------

holosericea lf,st ++ +

bk ++++ ++++ 1.22% HORD

humifusa ----------------never checked-----------------

latifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

lazaridis ----------------never checked-----------------

leiocalyx lf,st +

leptocarpa lf,st

lf 0.09%

limbata ----------------never checked-----------------

longifolia lf,st +++ PEA, TRYP

lf CH, DH, HDH

longispicata ----------------never checked-----------------

longissima lf +++ ++++ 0.25%

bk 0.02%

maidenii bk 0.6% DMT, MMT

lf with bark gave alkaloids (1)

mangium lf +

bk +

mucronata, var lf + ++


nesophila ----------------never checked-----------------

obtusifolia bk 0.15%

oligophleba ----------------never checked-----------------

orites ----------------never checked-----------------

phlebophylla lf 0.3% DMT

bk -------------never checked-----------------

polystachya lf ++ ++

bk +++ +++

bk 0.3% CH

praetermissa ----------------never checked-----------------

sophorae lf +++ +++ CH, HDH

lf 0.15% DMT, TRYP,?

bk 0.62% as in lf

stipuligera ----------------never checked-----------------

tropica ----------------never checked-----------------

A2 Non-Anastomosing Nerves in Phyllodes

acradenia ----------------never checked-----------------

acuminata lf +++ +++ PEA, TRYP

adsurgens ----------------never checked-----------------

ampliata ----------------never checked-----------------

ancistrocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

aneura lf 0.009%

aprepta ----------------never checked-----------------

armitti ----------------never checked-----------------

aulacocarpa(1) lf + +

ayersiana ----------------never checked-----------------

beauverdiana lf,st ++ +

binervia ----------------never checked-----------------

blakei ----------------never checked-----------------

bulgaensis ----------------never checked-----------------

burkittii ----------------never checked-----------------

burrowii ----------------never checked-----------------

calyculata ----------------never checked-----------------

caroleae ----------------never checked-----------------

catenulata ----------------never checked-----------------

cheelii lf

chisholmii ----------------never checked-----------------

cibaria ----------------never checked-----------------

clivicola ----------------never checked-----------------

conjunctifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

conniana ----------------never checked-----------------

coolgardiensis ----------------never checked-----------------

crassicarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

curranii ----------------never checked-----------------

curvinervia ----------------never checked-----------------

cuthbertsonii ----------------never checked-----------------

cylindrica ----------------never checked-----------------

cyperophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

demissa ----------------never checked-----------------

desertorum ----------------never checked-----------------

diphylla ----------------never checked-----------------

doratoxylon lf,st 0.06%

drepanocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

echinuliflora ----------------never checked-----------------

epedunculata ----------------never checked-----------------

ephedroides ----------------never checked-----------------

fauntleroyi ----------------never checked-----------------

georgensis ----------------never checked-----------------

gibbosa ----------------never checked-----------------

gracillima ----------------never checked-----------------

granitica ----------------never checked-----------------

grasbyi ----------------never checked-----------------

guymeri ----------------never checked-----------------

hammondii ----------------never checked-----------------

heteronerua ----------------never checked-----------------

hemsleyi ----------------never checked-----------------

hilliana lf

hyaloneura ----------------never checked-----------------

incongesta ----------------never checked-----------------

inophloia ----------------never checked-----------------

jackesiana ----------------never checked-----------------

jibberdingensis ---------------never checked-----------------

julifera ----------------never checked-----------------

kempeana lf

laccata ----------------never checked-----------------

lasiocalyx lf

leptostachya bk CH

levata ----------------never checked-----------------

longiphyllodinea --------------never checked-----------------

malloclada ----------------never checked-----------------

matthewii ----------------never checked-----------------

megalantha ----------------never checked-----------------

merinthophora ----------------never checked-----------------

minyura ----------------never checked-----------------

multispicata ----------------never checked-----------------

neurophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

olgana ----------------never checked-----------------

oncinophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

orthocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

paranerua ----------------never checked-----------------

petraea ----------------never checked-----------------

plectocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

pubifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

pubirhachis ----------------never checked-----------------

quadrimarginea ----------------never checked-----------------

ramulosa ----------------never checked-----------------

repanda ----------------never checked-----------------

rhodoxylon lf,st ++ +

sessilipica ----------------never checked-----------------

shirleyi lf +

signata ----------------never checked-----------------

singula ----------------never checked-----------------

spania ----------------never checked-----------------

sparsiflora lf,st


(ssp spirobis) ? CH, HDH

-(found in New Caledonia)

ssp solandri ----------------never checked-----------------

sterophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

stowardii ----------------never checked-----------------

striatifolia ----------------never checked-----------------

subtilinervis ----------------never checked-----------------

tanumbirinensis ---------------never checked-----------------

tarculensis ----------------never checked-----------------

tenuinervis ----------------never checked-----------------

tenuissima ----------------never checked-----------------

torulosa lf ++ +


trachycarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

tumida ----------------never checked-----------------

umbellata lf 0.013%

(wetarensis) ----------------never checked-----------------

-(found in Malaysia)

whitei ----------------never checked-----------------

xanthocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

yorkrakinensis ----------------never checked-----------------

Other Sections

Closely Related Section Bridging Sections A & B

A. stigmatophylla Group

drepanocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

nuperrima ----------------never checked-----------------

oncinocarpa ----------------never checked-----------------

paula ----------------never checked-----------------

producta ----------------never checked-----------------

setulifera ----------------never checked-----------------

stigmatophylla ----------------never checked-----------------

translucens ----------------never checked-----------------

wickhamii ----------------never checked-----------------

yirkallensis ----------------never checked-----------------

Maslin, B.R. & Hnatiuk, R.J. 1987. Aspects of the Phytogeography

of Acacia in Australia. in Stirton, C.H. (ed.) 1987. Advances in

Legume Systematic Part 3. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Tindale, M.D. 1980. Notes on Australian Taxa of Acacia No. 7.

Telopea 2(1), 113.

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Excuse my ignorance, what does lf mean?

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lf means the leaves(phyllodes) were tested, st means stems. :)

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