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Guest homoGenius

Triggers for homosexuality

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thank you illegal brain. he gets my point.

I am not syaing the homosexualty is like peadophilia.

But a 12 "twelve" yr old girl who is biologiclly recpetive (and thus capAble on boiological standard to have sex) her emaotional needs may differ.

again form a biologically point of view - homosexuality does not have reporductive purpose but ahving sex with a sexaully recpetive girl does. AN

It is illegal to have sex with her even if she is ready. Yet it is not illegal to have sex with another male. I do not compare the morals of gay to pedo. Just how in diffeent socities cultural differences impact on the morals.

In some culturlas homosexuality is in the smae regard as we consider pedophiles.

I was making the point taht we (including myself) look down on adults who have sex with biologically recpetive kids, but we don't look down gays.

cultrual differences influence how we as society view people but indifferent circumstances these change.

I wouldn't wnat my 12 yr old girl haviing sex

again i don't agree its just a poiunt on how differnet sociteies view differnet things.

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Hey if nothing else this place is a veritable Sizzler's of news and current distortions :lol:

brain, whilst there is nothing biologically magical about turning 16, and whilst before that age myself and most of my friends were having all kinds of worrying fun (usually within the context of what were actually quite devoted, caring relationships)... fact is , any one of us could've knocked another up. Basically doom the rest of their childhood to caring about someone else's childhood. Parenthood is one of the greatest initiations in life, the things it plants in your head are simply mindblowing to some (well, me) and whilst as far as 15 yo dad's go I'd have been a good one, I'd have been a 15 YEAR OLD DAD... in our little eco-zone, stickin to the plant thing, that's not a good idea...not seen by most as the "natural path" of things.. if we are talking biology and species survival, there are two approaches there... the mass production poppyseed approach, and the more advantagious say aussie native approach... which waits for the nearest thing to prime conditions to get the ball rolling... lookin around the world (not that I have in the flesh, but from feeback from others, media etc), the parts of the world with the "breed as fast as you can and as early as you can" ethic are the least desirable societies for me... and those with a more calculating approach, more desirable.Obviously that is all chicken N egg'd by the conditions that tend to make people overpopulate anyway, bla bla, but yeah.

It's all about context, culture and practicality... and preparedness. Looking at pictures of my mates under 16... we look like kids. We were kids. OK, smartarse kids, clued up kids, fairly precocious kids really... fairly sensible, if a bit nuts haha. We could get free calls, free travel, free highs, looked scary enough to put the average commuter off their apple turnover...But those of us that did wait to go and create life, have a hard enuogh time as it is... doing that at an age where I could be sidetracked for a week over a new CD would've been meltdown time. If 60 is the new 40 then 30 is the new 20...which would explain a bit why theres a lot more women becoming mums around 28 than there is around 18.Maybe. Big issues there...

I'm not saying that people from backgrounds where it is the done thing to marry off 10 yo to 50 yo are automatically immoral, as they can only live by their morals, as I do by mine. But at the same time, I cannot see how any grown man could actually look at a 9yo (think Iran) and think anything but responsibility and teaching. Never mind that fact that just because you CAN fertilise an organism, doesn't mean it is otherwise ready to actually bear fruit. having bubs can be massive trauma for even fully grown women in well equipped hospitals, midwives, swiss balls and drugs on tap... imagine being a 12 year old in some lil village somewhere... yeah. Imagine managing to swallow a couple of rockmelons whole...now imagine getting them out of there... now imagine you are 10 years old in your school uniform eating a muesli bar and watching Agro. I will never go toa country or visit a culture where that is the entirely accepted way of doing things. Then there's the issue of some societies claiming thingns are traditional.... don't get me started there, though I will say that from what first anthros to aus could work out, blackfellas often lived to twice the age of the euro's at the same period history, yet both were prone to thinking 14 was ok... but then both were very male dominated cultures in some ways, has something to do with it. But then after colonisation the numbers flipped, now its caucasian australians living to 75 and a lot of blackfellas dying at 50. Sad stuff.

just my thoughts, noone is getting the cops called on them, we have a dog thread on here why start another one? Original material carries different meaning in the light of further posts. But I won't lie, I am extremely worried by any expression that "well all the bits are working so whats wrong with taking it for a drive?" and those that voice em, I will have doubts about being helpful towards. I can't help it.

Oh, and I'm moderately sure female humans are born with ova intact, they don't "grow" em at some later stage. Toss all the biology around you want.... we just have to have a line in the sand somewhere..usually in the full awareness that it won't stop people going the wrong side of it, but not by much...thats why you can do 80 in 70 zones and not die too often. But it ups the risk of all kinds of things... featuring life taking a turn for the worst.

take care out there


edity bit... nice poem Skorei. Someone hand that man a scalpel he is fit to perform microsurgery.

Edited by greendreams

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thanks guru, thank the heavens ur here to save my soul!!!

and ws is critisized for cut and pasting?

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Guest Øskorei

LOL Jono. I just know how much you love people quoting tool lyrics, so I thought I'd give you something special. Don't say I never do anything for ya :) You owe me a hug, big fella.

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