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Guest Warrioe-Sage

Jesus's Bones found

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The answers lie in the fifth dimension.

Untill we understand the fifth dimension we will have to keep reading short sighted, primitive statements like this one.

Can you define this dimension? It sounds like your already there and floating around in the nothingness, return to the third dimension and share what you have seen. Jesus is Jesus cause he actually helped a lot of people deal with the human drama by helping those that couldn't see the light see it. He did this BEFORE he returned to the Father, if you wanna be like Jesus then you have to help people - start by consolidating your agenda and resurecting yourself. Floating in the clouds is for AFTER you've done your work here, come back down to Earth and use what you have learnt for the betterment of the universe. Disolving into the 5th dimension is a frivalous pursuit.

You'll only find nothing floating in nothingness. Embrace this fact and enjoy your stint as a mind attached to a body in the 3rd dimension.

Edited by Shiva

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

thanks, and now I know that no one know what they are talking about.

If you dont know what the fifth dimension is then you really have no right to speak of dimensions.

the fifth dimension is anything but nothingness.

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thanks, and now I know that no one know what they are talking about.

If you dont know what the fifth dimension is then you really have no right to speak of dimensions.

the fifth dimension is anything but nothingness.

so, this is the 5th dimension? how/?

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Is the 5th dimension anywhere near Blacktown?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

I am the lost prophet of the fifth dimension.

The time is not to reveal

Each dimension, as it becomess discovered, understood and applied, gives us the use of greater forces. The unthinking man would consider that a stone hatchet was of more strenth then one of gaseous substrances. Let ye watch, the way in which an acetylene blowpipe cuts through metals - even uder water, where the hatchet would be quite unweildy.

When fourth dimensional forces are used they are able to master anything in the third dimensional world.

The fifth dimensional forces, whatever they are, are more powerful than any other

The mysterious fifth dimension seems to be long to different laws and conditions. The designs are there, immutable, immovable, held there by a primal force of creation. they are independent of movement, or of modification

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I am the lost prophet of the fifth dimension.

When fourth dimensional forces are used they are able to master anything in the third dimensional world.

is this like what Dr. Who does?

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The mysterious fifth dimension seems to be long to different laws and conditions. The designs are there, immutable, immovable, held there by a primal force of creation. they are independent of movement, or of modification

yes, it certainly is mysterious

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Define your version and I'll tell you if my version is the same as yours! I've been to the edge of the universe but I managed to make it back, seems like that's a task you're incapable of!

(hold me back tepa I'm gonna job this bloke :devil: )

Claiming superiority in your knowledge of the universe over anyone elses is ridiculous at this point of the 4th dimension. We don't have the technology to prove anything. If your such a messiah than bless us with the equations - quick, go on, hurry.

What's the point of mastering the 5th dimension when you haven't mastered the 3rd or the 4th.

If you want people to buy your shit you need hard evidence of the facts, just look at the masses and their dependence on science over religion and mysticism for their model of reality. There's artists and there's bullshit artists - to most your gonna seem like the latter.

Are you just gonna flounder around in oblivion for the rest of your days excusing your stagnation in fullfilling your destiny by justifying laziness and blaming others for your shortcomings?

"Somebody get this man some DMT, - STAT!"

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Yeah you get 15% discount off all the bottom shelf "spirits" and a shirt that says "Yoda guy that thinks he's I F#$ked a".

Work that out

You got nasty first WS, I need to shed my disgust for your sentiments.


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Guest Warrioe-Sage

Shiva, You have spirit, thats good to see.

There is a man (Trevor James Constable) who once made contact with what he referred to as the Ethereans. Basically the Ethereans are is a name he gave to the various interdimensional races. He claimed that some of the interdimensional races where good whereas some were bad. He called the bad ones "The boys from downstairs." He made contact with some of the Ethereans and as a result his mind was later saturated with telepathic messages from the interdimensionals. It got so bad that his mind was almost over taken by the interdimensionals.

He contacted a man by the name of Franklin Thomas. Mr Thomas was well aware of the interdimensionals.

This is the advice that Mr. Thomas gave to Constable. "You have reached a point where you have a sort of assignment-a task to discharge. I cannot tell you where it will lead-to discovery or disappointment-but I can tell you with certainty that success, if it is to come to you, demands that you cut off all psychic activity and abandon it entirely. Everything for you, henceforth must be in the full light of consciousness, with no communication of any kind with unseen forces, no matter what their purported wisdom. Contact must be with your own Higher Self-Your Atma-and nothing inferior to that."

I beleive that what the Transdimensions are trying to do is to stop me learning the secrets of the fifth dimension.

They have even completly interupted my meditations on the subject of the fifth dimension..I can longer access It..I only get what they give me...oblivion.

Yesterday I noticed some very strange things. Especially what looked to be a set up accross the street from where I now live. There were two men on the side walk. There was also what appeared to be a very big strobe light. One man was on his side on the sidewalk, and another was holding a musical instrument. As I started to approach my house the strobe light went off and the man on the sidewalk starting taking pictures. I thought it to be very strange especially since I did not see a vehicle that could belong to them parked near by. That same day I also noticed some other very odd strange things.

The parasites lie so much, that what I am about to write is most probably false, so I am being up fron about that. The parasites said that the CIA came down here because of my posts about the bio-lab. They also said that CIA agents were sent to U.T.M.B. to check out the lab and personel. Agents were also sent to observe me. The parasites said that they abducted the agents that were watching me and used mind control on them to make them believe "There is nothing here to warrant further investigation." While the parasites were interrogating (mispelled that) one of the agents that were under mind control asked the parasites "What are you doing at that Bio-Lab?" The reply form the parasites was "We are creating a new world." When all was said and done the agents all left with their memory wiped clean and this thought placed in their minds "There is nothing here to warrant futher investigation." I think they were also told by someone to stop monitoring this site since they were sent on "A wild goose chase."

I don't believe a thing that the parasites say, so this is most probably false, but I wanted to report it anyway.

Another strange thing happened today. I was informed by my bank that my account was wiped out ($0.00). Later when I started to check into the matter my funds suddendly appeared. I also telephoned the bank and was later told that their system was down for some reason. Anyway the little money I had in my account was missing this morning as well as a electronic deposit that was supposed to be made very early this morning. I said to myself after I found out that my account was wiped clean. "If it is true that the CIA was here and all of a sudden my bank account was wiped out, well then would't you think that would draw attention." After that the funds in my account returned. I don't know what to make of it as it is probably just a mistake on the bank's part but the timing is funny.

There are so many that are being preyed on by the parasites. The parasites will lie, decieve, cheat, steal, influence, manipulate, mind control, butcher, and murder in order to get what they want. Although there are many of us being preyed on, there are still many others who were preyed on in the past that in the end died (murdered) either from a direct parasite attack, or form enduring years of attacks by the parasites. I am one such person (Although I am not even considered a being by the parasites but only a "resource" an "it") as I have suffered in so many ways that it is probably impossible for anyone who has not experienced such torture, butchering, and abuse to understand where I am coming from. Why is this allowed to happen to so many? Because the parasites claim it is their "Right." All I want is for it all to stop. I want a corrupt system ended. I want the balance restored.

I was attacked because the parasites seen in me a way to gain power, infulence, wealth, and to make great strides in totally taking possession of this world. I can say the same for so many others. When the parasites see an chance to futher their aganda and to profit at the same time they will take it. They are doing it right now.

How do we put an end to the parasites? I am refering to the exploiters, profiters, the robber barons, the ones who have no regard for life but to see it as a resource, to be used and abused until there is nothing left? Is war the answer? In the end it will take a war. Even the bible predicts that. I don't want a blood bath but I personally am willing to die if it mean furthering the cause to rid this world of the ones who attack me as well as the Earth itself. How will they be driven off this world? I wish I had the answer, but I know that the answer is out of my hands.

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but I know that the answer is out of my hands.


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However you want to describe what's going on is up to you. I'm picking up what your putting down but my sanity is important to me so I try to balance my beliefs with equal parts doubt.

"There is no magic, just physics"....Chuck Palahniuk

How you see physics and I see physics, the terms we use for different aspects and what we do with what we see is where subjectivity comes into it.

The story you gave about old-mate and the "interdimensionals" fits in with Jungs theory of overcoming Nihilsm if you are to become the Ubermensch. I subscribe to that theory. The Ubermensch doesn't sit on his arse justifying sloth whereas "parasites" do.

Have you read about Zarathustra?

By the way, you're not coming across as loose as you were previously, good job!


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Guest Warrioe-Sage

I never had Tinnitus until after I was abducted. I never had Sleep Paralysis until after I was abducted and I never saw Paranormal Beings in my bedroom until after I was abducted.

It is estimated millions of people have been abducted and it estimates millions of people suffer from symptons of Tinnitus and Sleep Paralysis.

I get heavy bouts of it when heavy Chemtrails have been laid over my home. Chemtrails hide huge vehicles that are used for expermintation on human abductees. The Aliens need our blood our DNA and our body parts for use in their world. They want the humans they abduct to be docile and commented to them. If you are not the perfect little nice consenting Human in their world they punish you in your world.

The Medical Community are in the business of making money, all the money they can get. When your symptons don't fit in with their descriptions they diagnosis you as mentally ill and the Aliens love the fact the Medical Community keeps their secrets and covers up for them like the Air Force does.

I didn't even suspect Tinnitus was not what the Doctors told me it was. When I read the phony symptons of Tinnitus being caused by Coffee I wondered why I get Tinnitus and people I know who drinks gallons of Coffeee everyday don't get Tinnitus. If everyone who goes to loud concerts gets Tinnitus from the loud noise I am sure there would be no more concerts. See the Medical Community does not know what is causing the symptons of Tinnitus. To justify taking your money they call the symptons unknown and if you attempt to tell them what you think the real reason is they have the power to determine you are mentally ill.

I was not positive about what causes Tinnitus until a few days ago. I went to sleep with no signs of Tinnitus. When I woke up two hours later things were ontop of my head, attached to it. I felt intense pain when I woke up that diminished later. I heard things flying out of my room off of me and next I heard the horrible, horrilbe high intense ringing in my ears.

The Air Force lies, The Medical Community lies.

The parasites are into heavy torture, sexual assults, and much more in order to break someone down.

I feel so sick and yet when I have tried to get help at the hospital, I am turned away. After my last brain scan my doctor called and recomended that I go to a mental health specialist. I have read accounts coming from other abductees who describe how they get sick and basically the same thing happens to them.

I believe the account about taming abductees. I have even heard the parasites refer to it before and used that exact same word (tame). I have heard them say several times "We will tame it." It means me. I think that some people have died because they would not give in to the parasites. For some abductees the attacks will progressively get worse until it reaches a point where the abductee finally dies from all the abuse they experienced over many years. The abductees death will in most instances look like death from natural causes. They are good at hiding what they do. There are also supicious accidents in which people die.

They take great delight in torturing, raping, and feeding on people up to the point where they finally kill someone.

Don't mean to sound so negative. I know I have a tendency to do that.

Much of the time I have ringing in my ears. Some times it is worse than other times.

I have noticed when I go to sleep (that is when they like to attack the most) and they feed on me to the point of where my heart is racing so fast that when I wake if feels as if it was going to burst. I experience severe ringing in the ears. They feed on me constantly, one after another. I think that when they feed on us they are also drawing some of the electricity (electrical charged ions) out of the nerve cells in our body, including the brain that helps to account for the ringing.

And this thing that they put inside of me. It is always attaching itself to energy centers in my body and sucking energy. When that happens a strong vibration can be felt at the site this thing is attached and sometimes a pumping sensation can be felt.

I will be honest. A couple of days ago I did go see a mental health specialist. I told him what was happening to me, and tried to explain to him about how each of us has an energy field. He said he knew about the energy field. I told him about the thing inside of me. At that time it was active. I asked him to put his hand over the area it was active (the solar plexus). When he did that he said "I can feel it." I asked him do you feel the vibrations. He asid Yes. He then started shaking his head and said to himself "This is too weird." He then asked me if I felt safe. And later told me that there was not much he could do for me but maybe perscribe some antipsychotic medication for me. As I was leaving I heard the intake person at the clinic walk up to the doctor and said to him "He (me) said he has something inside of him." The doctor said "I know, I felt it." The intake person then said something like "I don't want to hear it." The doctor said "It might be nerves."

It appears even when doctors in the mental health field find something very strange that backs up a patient's claim of paranormal activity, they do not want to deal with it. They perfer to ingore it because it goes against everything they believe, and they know if they were to try to take the patient's claim seriously and investigate, then the doctors peers would ridicule him. He might even be brought up on charges in front of a medical examining board.

I know that they (the ones who feed on us, and attack us so very viciously) started attacking me when I was a child. There was a dream that I would have as a child (about 5 years of age) of a group of young women. We were in an apartment like setting. They would try to get me to see how pretty they were. I think, although I am not sure that one of the women even engaged in sexual intercourse with me. You must understand that I was only a very young child and knew nothing of sex. Last night a group of young women forced me (I was under mind control, like an programed robot, they also use sexual stimulation devices) and forced me to have very perverted sex with them. They fed on me all the while. I even seen one of the devices they use to mind control someone. It has a round handle with a guard at the end of the handle and protrusion with a bulbus tip. It when activated it emits a sort of funny tone. I have a recording of the actual tone, although I never knew how the actual device looked like.

Anyway I later heard the women talking to a man. I only heard bits and peices of the conversation. The women said that they knew of me as a child and they would come to me with the purpose of corrupting me. They said they knew of a possible future where I would be in the position I am presently in. I think one of the women's name is DarnEl. It is strange because many of the others that have attacked me had a name that ended with EL. In 2004 when my attacks got very severe the one in charge of the attacks was called JorEl. I almost reminds me of superman's family name, but it also reminds me of a race of interdimensional that are mentioned in bibical accounts the Elohim.

I also heard them saying that what is happening to me was planned long ago, almost as if they knew of me even before my birth.

I am at the local library. I was trying to locate someone who I thought might be of help through a people locator service. I found the person but as I tried to pay for the service by using my debit card the service would not accept my card because it said that my address was incorrect. I have used the same address on that card for about 5 years. Something is wrong. Also as I was trying to process the locator service order I heard a woman's voice in back of me. She was seated at a computer in a row behind me. She said out loud "It a trip." Then she left.

I am really falling for their intimidation. I need to realize that is their intent, which is to unerve me.

See: http://www.sunshine-project.org/publicatio...r/pr260203.html

Scroll down to the paragraph about the level 4 bio-research lab in Galveston (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston). Are they really above board?

See: http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-IMPACT/200...ay-11/i7249.htm

Why would they build such a facility on Glaveston island with its history of hurricanes?

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By the way, you're not coming across as loose as you were previously, good job!
Maybe I spoke too soon :unsure:
Tinnitus is not itself a disease but an unwelcome symptom resulting from a range of underlying causes, including ear infections, foreign objects or wax in the ear, and injury from loud noises. Tinnitus is also a side-effect of some oral medications, and may also result from an abnormally low level of serotonin.

I'd say something has happened to you that has fucked with your serotonin levels, you're suffering from a sort of shell shock and creating external problems yourself to justify the way you feel inside - get on to some SSRI's for a while and then re-evaluate your concept of reality.

The macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm. Something's not harmonious in your microcosm at the moment and as a result, the play between your mind and your body (i.e. consciousness and biology) is causing you some grief.

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This is not a flame but with quote likes

"I am the lost prophet of the fifth dimension." and "I never had Tinnitus until after I was abducted. I never had Sleep Paralysis until after I was abducted and I never saw Paranormal Beings in my bedroom until after I was abducted"

i find it my duty to follow shivas lead and go fix yourself up.iv felt a small psycosis awhile back but from things iv read in your posts,while some wise things others seem distorted and completely all over the place so ild suddjest if you take things to stop n seek some help. i dont want to sound like i think your bongos but i donno if some of the things u say u actually believe or just say for the sake of it.

PS jesus was a stoner, a pioneer, one of the first psyconughts in recorded history. But he was not the son of god,n if he was then god was busy getting down n funking with the ladies coz their where around 30 people supposedly claiming also to be the messiah.i think the jews killed them too. anyways,alls well that ends well

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Ohk I just want to add my 2 cents,

I agree with the other guys slow down WS and gain sum prospective, I like to think I am a abstract thinker I believe alot of stuff others don't and i find myself to be quite spiritual but if I dont slow down from time to time i get cuaght up on alot of stuff and find i no longer have my feet on the ground.

Just a little bit about myself i used to be caught up in my idealism and putting all my effort in to my spiritual pursuits and they left me drained, and after taking a little time to find my own inner peace I felt revitalized, I discovered that spirituality has to be gently touched and approached to gain the most out of it, to me my pursuit is a gradual process thats gaining perpetual momentum under the guise of inner peace towards the world.

With inner peace you keep what you need and throw away everything else no matter how compelling it appears.

This stuff may not make sense but it's just how I view it.

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