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Guest Warrioe-Sage

911 Eyewitness

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Guest Warrioe-Sage


This is a documentary about 9/11 based around footage filmed by Richard A. Seigel. Using this rare video footage and scientific analysis, this film exposes the lies of 9/11 and shatters the government's official story.

Please visit the movie's official website at http://www.911eyewitness.com where you can send evidence clips to their friends and/or buy the DVD.

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I didn't watch the video because it was taking too long to load for me, but those interested in this, some other good related links are

http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html A popular mechanics article on 911 theories.

http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm National Institute of Standards and Technology: Fact Sheet

www.911myths.com a very level headed approach to the conspiracy theories.


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I didn't watch the video because it was taking too long to load for me, but those interested in this, some other good related links are

http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html A popular mechanics article on 911 theories.

http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm National Institute of Standards and Technology: Fact Sheet

www.911myths.com a very level headed approach to the conspiracy theories.


Level headed is good. I hate the crackpot theories that taint any legitimate stuy. I mean some 'theories' are too wak to be taken seriously and really, could only serve the purpose of invalidating the whole field of study.

Obviously can't conclude what really happened. But I can see how the govt. with their friends the sensationalistic news media are continuing a dodgy attempt to cover something up...

That fucking pentagon crash, we got like 3 frames of footage to work with. Yet they won't release taped security footage from nearby gas stations and such, which were immediately seized funnily enough... mm I dunno bout Pentagon. In any case... what the fuck happened to a military response? erm.. that being the initial self defence response.. not the 2ndary 'self defense' response of invading a much weaker country.

Ok.. so these planes are 'hijacked' then radio communication is switched off.. hmm something a bit suss.. hey lets go check out what these planes are doing? they seem off target and aren't responding. yep switched off comunication but i can still ee em in my radar right here.. good good, lets fly over and do some air policing figure out what the fuck is going on...

...hmm did any of that happen? really that is the 1st question to ask...

Then there's the laws of physics that need to be taken into account. such as burning temp of aeroplane fuel, and melting temperature of steel....really one should think of the whole reinforced structure built with withsytaining a plane crashes in mind.. i mean its a tall building, accidents happen yeah.

The controlled implosion stylee of the tower collapse is... too obvious.... Assuming that yes the crash site was actually hot enough to completely melt thru the upper structure of the tower, who woulda thunk that would force the whole fucker down, i expect some kinda bend in the middle at the point of impact, some kinda fucked up sideways collapse - that would fuck up other buildings for sure.

When terrible things happen, we need to ask why?

when the answer is "They're jealous of our democracy" and people fucking buy it? No wonder we're at the pathetic state we're in now. There is another reasoning though. It should be the first questioned asked: Who is going to, or has benefited from this... A neverending war against an intangible enemy. A war against a concept, a label we can slap onto any enemy we need, and we need enemies to keep the war machine rolling. hmm yeh simple shit why am i preaching to the choir.

It is sometimes hard to comprehend the vast scale of human ignorance... and to be honest I cannot believe it IS ignorance. This is a choice being made... Pople cannopt accept that the leaders they trust to protect and serve them, only protect and serve themselves and are quite happy to kill us. This is terrible stuff, but hey, history anyone? Has humanity changed ANY?

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This is terrible stuff, but hey, history anyone? Has humanity changed ANY?

yes humanity is always changing.

i think 911 was a setup but what does it matter.

the real tragedy is that no-one is accountable

and they know it

but i do think bush and all these really self destructive types are fantastic for humanity in the longer term

'good' presidents like clinton brought slow death,the world as it was mightve dragged on for decades

while bush is bringing it all forward

his and his contemporaries self destructiveness is our salvation

dont know about you but i welcome global catastrophe. i welcome its novelty and the reemergence of an unchartered future.

More of the same would be Hell on earth

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As true as that is... that's assuming a reversal is impossible. I mean i wont find the novelty of ww3 too entertaining when a bomb drops on my head or the planet is sent out of orbit from all the fucking nukes we have.

However... Ima thinking maybe a simple reboot is key. Destruction is another part of this natural cycle.. i mean humans destroying nature is in essence.. natural, as we are part of nature.. shiiit.

this sorta outlook just blows though. I rather people wake up to this shit instead of closing their eyes. "ignorance by choice, or just plain fucking dumb?" - propagandhi.

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Globalism is here now. We cant change the inertia but we can control how we navigate.

Its like we're all on a raft floating downstream. Most of us are busy fishing or admiring the scenery as it passes by. Some people are trying their best to steer the raft away from rocks, others are lazily asleep in the sun. Some people philosphise 'what is a raft' and develop complex theories or laws. Various people from different cultures have all sorts of ideas of how the raft should look, float, how fast it should be moving and the best directions to go. A few people have a map of the stream indicating a waterfall ahead. They tell the other people on the raft about the waterfall. Some people dont believe it, some are too busy navigating the water right in front of them, some people would rather wait until they see the waterfall before deciding what to do. The media ignores it and reports about the football.

George Bush is one of the yellowbeard pirates of this raft using his fathers big stick to poke people and steer the raft. He is concerned with the 'assasins' that have swum to the back of the raft trying to loosen the ropes tying it together. He's spending so much time at the back of the raft he's ended up undoing a lot of rope himself and the raft could quite possibly tip over with all that unbalanced texas weight.

The map clearly has a waterfall marked ahead but how do we get everyone off the raft? How do we go over the waterfall without perishing? Are we even supposed to be on a raft? Maybe the pirate politicians need to let the real extreme experts jump the raft over the waterfall, pulling off a 360 indie as we go. Maybe the raft needs to be tipped over so we can climb down the waterfall together, re-use the raft and enjoy the emerald pools at the bottom.. Many people will fear terror and death. Some will unfortunately epxerience it. But most of us will just get a little wet.

Re: 911. On the small scale, the buildings were old, considered ugly, costly to maintain and many people wanted them demolished. Can you imagine the political nightmares and length of time a legitimate demolition would have incurred? Their demolition doubled as a catalyst the globalists needed quickly to usher in their larger plans for foreign resource plundering. Kill two birds with one stone. Destroy 3 buildings with 1 plane. Destroy the old world for one world. Its still a raft though and there's still that waterfall downstream.

We're living in interesting times. Today is a great place to be in history.

Edited by botanika

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I pretty much agree Botanika, cept two planes were used on the trade centre B)

I never heard it put that way before, but it makes sense. :)

I have my own personal plan, and it works with living a little way out of Sydney. If (or when) something bad happens I'm going to get my family, and drive... not stopping until Bathurst, for supplies, then continue out west.

The worst that can really happen is a nuke going off in Sydney, and Baulkham Hills is well out of the "instant death" range of the blast, but still inside the "slow death from fall-out" range. It affords me the time to get what I NEED from home (ie mum, dad, brothers - I can pick up the girlfriend on the way as she lives in the blue mountains) and get going!

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

If you still have doubts about the WTC tower's collapse, watch this movie. One and a half hours of proof... it's worth watching, there's no way those building collapsed due to the airplanes:


it shows many different witnesses and experts all trying to investigate the

events of 911, this is something the Governement to this day has still not done to the

publics satisfaction, this is obvious because people from all walks of life are not satisfied

and are asking for another inquiry but this time, an independent investigation. The very

people that are constantly slandered and harassed are the ones doing the real investigation

that is genuinely independent, we don't need to get the Government to investigate because

people are, thank god, doing a good job of investigationg the reality of 911, because many

are experts, all from different universities, who are not connected to the Government. This

is what makes it an independent and trustworthy inquiry.

If theres "one" point of view (and an amazing lack of investigation) being shown

anywhere, then it is certainly the mainstream media (including Popular Mechanics)

and the Government. This is where we continually see a LACK of investigation.

Answer this - why did the Government spend $40,000,000 (forty million)

investigating Bill Clintons sex life and yet only spent $600,000 (six hundred

thousand) investigating 911? You'd think they would spend not tens of millions

but billions to get to the bottom of such a catastrophic event, agreed? Or not


Can you also make ANY excuse for what Larry Silverstein says here...


Please explain this because, I would love it not to be true myself,

I don't want a corrupt Government or media/publications.

Popular Mechanics treats people like they are children, that will

not even look into what they say, like for instance on Democracy

Now where the head guy just lies and says the hole in the Pentagon

was 60 feet across. Well, it just wasn't. Eyewitnesses and footage

shows it to be no bigger than 18 feet across.

you might find the 911 Omission Commission has millions of

dollars at its disposal for investigating 911, but I was talking about

what they have spent investigating, not the size of their budget.

Even if they spent all of it on investigating, it is still less than half of what

was spent investigating Bill Clinton. Theres simply no amount of explaining

away you can do with regards to this. They are NOT investigating it properly,

because to do so would be to investigate themselves.

The Manhattan project was to make the atom bomb. If dropped (and it was, twice)

that would kill not 3000 humans, but tens of thousands of humans. None of the 130,000

scientists working on it ever gave the secret away. Look at how devastating such a bomb

is whether dropped on the enemy or not, not one of the scientists gave a shit about this

and it stayed covered up, I guess they were on good money or more to the point would

make good money once the bomb was developed. Pretty much the same as 9/11, the

people who made it happen STOOD TO GAIN and look at how they have - Halliburton

(Cheney's old company which he still has a massive stake in) with its no bid contracts

to help "rebuild" Iraq along with Bin Laden Construction. You couldn't make this shit up!

There are enough people with the means to carry out 911 who yearn for even more

power that live in the USA, but are about as patriotic to the USA as a friggin fish is

in a desert, like for instance the actual President George 'I-leave-the border-wide-


but-Mexico-loves-us-all Bush.

His grandfather funded Hitler.

His father funded and helped to arm Saddam Hussein.

Now we are supposed to expect something different from Boy George?

Oh my.

Bush didn't orchestrate 9/11, I am not saying that, but he helped cover

it up. Bush Senior was even having breakfast in the Ritz Carlton Hotel

with Bin Ladens brother in a "business" meeting (Carlyle Group)

as 9/11 was actually happening. You really could not make something like

that up. Why would I want to make that up? Theres a few things you

could Google to verify this, Ritz Carlton, Bin Ladens brother, Carlyle Group,

I mean I would need a vivid imagination to just say oh it was such-a-hotel

and it was a Carlyle Group meeting.

the fbi openly admit that there is no proof to associate osama bin laden with 9/11, they also openly admit that they believe every last one of the 'osama tapes' where he admits to it are falsified

so no - osama doesnt call this jihad

george w bush calls it jihad

george w bush blames osama

george w bush is a proven liar

when will america wake up to the fact that they have a president who is in effect a traitor to his country and who is doing everything he can to destroy the constitution he swore to uphold and protect?

a president who is on record on television saying "i wish theyd stop waving the constitution in my face - its only a piece of damned paper" and "it would be so much easier if this was a dictatorship - just so long as im the dictator"

america was once the best example of a democratic republic, the people need to wake up and remove this idiot before he gets the fascist state hes aiming for

wake up, return america to the way it is supposed to be, a beacon of freedom for the world, not an oppressor.

only person I know of who was saying it is all staged on the

day of 9/11 was Alex Jones. Half his sponsors left him

because of it, half the people who rang in to his radio

show disagreed with him, now, NO ONE ever rings in or

disagrees. The lamestream media handles callers with

facts by playing the Twilight Zone music to them, like

it is even fooling people anymore, people can see right

through it now, they know it is an inside job.

If you're gonna pull a stunt like 9/11 then you gotta get away with it.

Half the time I think, these guys know what they are doing, they

want the American public to inevitibly find out 9/11 was staged

to cause a civil war in the USA or, some sort of revolution, to then

do what they are yearning to do - impose martial law and make use

of those camps they keep building, that are manned, complete with

watchtowers and barbed wire.

If you look back to German papers in the mid 1930's, people were

saying the same things, that they have a dictator in power, those

people were ridiculed the same back then as anyone saying this

is now in the USA. Alex Jones 8 years ago told of how they will have

transponder chips and RFID chips in car licence plates, he got laughed

at... but its been done already. So funny when someone rings

Alex Jones to say sorry, I laughed at you 5 years ago but, you were

right. Yes, 99.99% of the time he IS right and the 0.01% he gets wrong

is a minor indiscrepancy like getting a figure slightly wrong or something.

Talking of 9/11, this is a good vid...


BTW these guys are actually intelligent with the paperwork to back it up.

Heres a clue - only 10% of the people started the American revolution

when the British were ruling over them - the other 90% were probably

like "most people" are now - just asleep to it, thinking "what can you do"

People are such fricken JERKOFFS it makes me mad! I used to be like that myself

but honestly, the MINUTE I found a David Icke video and looked more and more

into "all this stuff" there was no way I could possibly go back to being a dummy

again, its just not possible to, whether I wanted to or not.

The problem I think is, we live in a society now where "everybody must be bull****ting"

like the scam emails we all get, like the dodgy car salesman, people throw the average

"conspiracy theorist" in with all these types - it is almost an instinct for people to just do

that and never look into anything these researchers say.

This is why Alex Jones, David Icke and anyone worth listening to says: don't listen

to me, check it out for yourself. You don't get that from George f**king Bush or

Penis f**king Cheney do you?! NOPE! All you get is a load of bull**** about how

one aspect of humble humanity is threatening another, hmmmm, BULL****.

Like one researcher says...

"once you become a gherkin you can't go back to being a cucumber"

Funny yeah but TRUE though. Or as Alex Jones says "you can't un-ring the bell"

Trust me, my own father is the same, he says "oh its aaaaaaaall a big conspiracy

isn't it" and I think "well, yeah, it is, whats the big deal, its not like it isn't totally and

utterly provable with video documentary after video documentary after video

documentary and news article after news article after news article"

So I say "wanna watch ths new 9/11 vid" and he NEVER WILL WATCH IT!

How hypocritical can you be? It isn't even hypocritical it is an actual

mental problem these people have. Yes, my own father

Then I say "what about building seven" and he says "I don't know anything

about building seven" and I think, erm... what? You dunno anything about it

but you do know im talking trash about it? How do you work THAT out? You'd

think the sensible thing to do would be to get a conscience and just watch one

of these innumerable 9/11 videos, even if he was to say afterwards "that doesn't

prove anything" I could accept that! What I can't accept is the total deliberate

willful ignorance because its "not nice" to think anything other than whats beamed

to us through our TV sets. The ****ing TV... I have not watched the TV for over

six months! There is nothing whatsoever on TV that is of any interest to me now

I can see the stuff that is NOT on TV.

Whats promising is the fact that maybe at long last we will get a new generation

of people that WILL NOT be bull****ted to the way I have along with everyone

else. People now will have kids and teach them right away not to trust ANYTHING

ok ANYTHING the Government tells them because lets face it, why would you?

Anything that requires you to put your blind trust in like that is a non starter for me.

I trust everyday people with everyday lives who have nothing to gain and no agenda.

Jeremy Glick who went on Bill O Reilly did lose his father in the 9/11

tragedy and was blaming Bush for it. Despite that - Bill O Reilly STILL

said "how do you think the families feel when you say things like that?"

Penn and Teller also say the same "we don't like showing these images again"

and "the families will be hurt by all this conspiracy talk" and so on.


So is that why THE FAMILIES THEMSELVES marched in front of the White

House demanding a new investigation? Damn right the families are pissed

off and its because of the Governments obvious lack of care in the issue,

not because some professor or doctor or engineer says it was an inside

job, you know, engineers like the guys who helped to build the WTC saying

it could not have collapsed like that just from a plane hitting it, or people

like the firefighters themselves saying there were bombs going off in the

towers just before they collapsed. Does Bill O Reilly and Penn and Teller

with their stupid inane "no bull****" program ever tell you that the firefighters

(actual eyewitnesses to the event) are ALL conspiracy theorists? Yes of course,

on 9/11 the tower got hit... then instead of helping people, I guess all the

firefighters must have got together and said "I know, lets BS to the whole

world and make up some story about bombs going off in the buildings" I

mean, its just so ridiculous isn't it?

Penn and Teller (OK Penn - Teller never even says anything) are magicians,

thats the big give away if not anything else, they are playing a trick on people

with that "no bull****" thing about 9/11. Has anyone ever seen it - I hope not,

its TOTAL BULL**** where 9/11 is concerned, because they did not interview

any eyewitnesses like firefighters, or anything, it was actually more slanted

than Fox News! Never thought I would say that, but it was.

William Rodriguez, the janitor of WTC North tower for 19 years, was also there

and he was the last non emergency person to come out of the tower alive.

He was the one with the master key to all doors on the stairwells who went up

unlocking them all. He said he heard an explosion in the basement about ten

seconds before the plane hit the tower, yes BEFORE the plane hit the tower,

also, a man came from the basement with his skin hanging off, just as William

Rodriguez was asking him what the hell happened down there, the plane hit.

Of course he is not one

of the "popular" survivors so you're not likely to have heard of him, you see,

as long as you are a survivor that does not report the inconsistencies then

thats fine, you will be on the BBC and a hero... William Rodriguez is the biggest

hero of 9/11 I think because he indirectly saved hundreds of lives by going around

opening all the doors he could open.... he still has that master key now, so then we

know the guy is genuine, his story is too accurate and vivid to be made up in any

case. It is his view that the buildings had to have been brought down in a controlled


F**KING MAD that certain survivors are treated as "heroes" as long as you don't

start TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11. Some of the posts sicken you here, fine,

maybe about as sick as I am about the BULL**** we get fed and how the reality

is covered up all the time.

William Rodriguez - quite simply the biggest hero of 9/11, gets totally ignored now

he has started telling the reality of the events that day...........


Just look at the video..there is no way you can convince me otherwise that those single window puffs 10-15 floors below the wad of falling tower ARE NOT squibs....I have seen way to many of the controlled demolition movies to think otherwise

It just doenst ****ing add up...and the documented PROOF they pulled the "explosive sniffing dogs" a few days before 9/11

Goddamn just like the name of the movies...the **** dont add up..there is way too much LOOSE CHANGE to just blindly sit back and go "uh yup...them buildings fell down on thier own" when live recorded broadcasts say they ****ing HEARD secondary explosions

And the survivors saying they heard the booms of the floors collapsing above them...they could also have been squibs detonating in order to weaken the bulding

whilst people will not look into one single inconsistency of 911,

then they will always say "those silly UFO people think 911 was an inside

job" and they just choose to be ignorant.

Some people, for whatever reason, choose to look into it and thats it, you

cannot "un-ring the bell". A lot of "truth seekers" say, people shouldn't

preach to the choir, but once you have given Loose Change 2 to one

person, thats it, don't keep on and on at them, move onto someone

else and tell them to give 2 people a copy of Loose Change 2 as well.

None of these 911 films have any sort of copyright on them, they are so

important, all the makers say copy them, its OK, just get the word out.

Alex Jones spent $80,000 making his latest film "Terror Storm" and even

he still says make copies and hand them out to anyone and everyone.

Most regard it as his best film. AwPhuch you got to watch "Terror Storm" man!

Watch Terror Storm, it goes into the bigger picture...


(1 Hour 52 minutes)

For me there is one absolutely cast iron bit of evidence that building seven was

brought down in a controlled demolition - Larry Silverstein's accidental slip up

on a PBS documentary saying these exact words...

Well why do I have to type them eh, we have the wonder of Google Video to show us

these things - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay...532340306101329

Now, some very naive people have tried to defend Silverstein and say "aaaah but

he meant pull the firefighters" but you see that doesn't work out because in the

latter part of his statement there he says "they made that decision to pull and

then we watched the building collapse" so what the hell has this got to do with

firefighters being evacuated? The firefighters were evacuated from building seven

more than FIVE HOURS BEFORE the building came down so to say he meant that is

just plain crazy. I mean, even I can deny some things for the sake of an easy life

but when you look at what Silverstein actually says there, I am afraid that no matter

how much you try to defend the statement, it is absolutely impossible to twist or spin

his words, it is just too definitive! He really slipped up. Guys like him can make mistakes

like that and stay alive. I think that says a lot about people like him... some say he is

a Zionist and they run the show when you go up high enough. Think about it, this makes

sense because the mistake he made was THE biggest smoking gun of 911 for me and yet

the guy has not even been bumped off?! WHAT?! How is that possible? It is possible only

if the guy belongs to the same group of people who are bumping people off! They arn't

exactly gonna bump off one of their gang now are they. Larry Silverstein is far far higher

up the ladder of power than people like Bill Clinton or George Bush and has a lot more

money too. Especially since he got his insurance payout for the WTC.

Also the firefighters said they saw each floor "popping out" as the tower collapsed.

Not to mention the janitor William Rodriguez and his testimony to the 911 Commission

that was ignored by the commission, as was building seven. They did a 500+ page report on 911 and managed to omit pretty much all possibilities of why building seven collapsed. That alone should get the alarm bells ringing, why NOT investigate? Think

about that simple question - why the hell is it, the Government is NOT even investigating this tragedy?

What I am saying is, watch the clip of Larry Silverstein. Have you

seen that clip yet? Heres the link again...


Now, what Larry Silverstein is "slipping up" and admitting there, albeit by

accident, is that they CHOSE to pull building seven and they made it collapse

in a controlled demolition - five hours after the firefighters were evacuated.

I say "five hours after the firefighters were evacuated" because Larry Silverstein,

his paid off minions in the media and blindly "patriotic" people who are in fact being

the complete opposite of "patriotic" will tell you he meant "pull the firefighters"

when he said this:

"they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse"

That, by no stretch of anyones imagination, could ever mean "pull the firefighters"

out of the building, but that is the incredible lie these people try to tell us!

The be all and end all of this is that you cannot possibly plant explosive charges

into a 47 storey building in the five hours they had to do this, particularly when

the building is on fire and no one can even enter the building.

So we (or I at least) can deduce from all of this that building seven was

undoubtedly brought down in a controlled manner. With this in mind, it

then makes sense to say the towers were probably also brought down in

that same way. Why would they bring down building seven in a controlled

demolition and then leave it down to chance that the planes hitting the towers

would be enough to bring down the towers? They didnt! I believe all three

building were "pulled" in the same way. Look at how the mess was instantly

cleaned up by a company called Controlled Demolition Inc. THEY ARE


The ONLY actual proof of a controlled demolition (and only on building seven) is

the Larry Silverstein clip. There are other things like the huge explosion in the

basement of the North tower 10 seconds before collapse as reported by William

Rodriguez, the red hot molten steel still under the WTC six weeks later which is

consistent with Thermite/Thermate being used to cut the columns on the towers,

there are dozens of facts like that, which all go against the "official" story and yet

are backed up by what eyewitnesses and professionals (like Stephen E Jones) are

saying. That is all I am saying, not that the firefighters account of each floor popping

out is any evidence on its own but it just adds to what we are already saying, like any

REAL account or fact does. Read the 911 Commission Report and you notice that even

though that report is over 500 pages long, it does not even go into why building seven

collapsed. So then it is an "open case" yes? Well, it is. If it is not clear why building seven

collapsed to the writers of the 911 Commission Report then why the hell did they call it the

"final report"? WHY? You can't do that! Its like saying "oh we can't find out who murdered

this guy 3 years ago, so we are giving up". They are trying to get away with closing a case

that hundreds of millions of people want answered. Because of our corrupt politicians and

paid off investigators we are now, unfortunately, having to investigate 911 ourselves. That

IS the real independent investigation. People look up to the Government too much, asking

them to investigate 911 all the time - FORGET THAT! Why ask a criminal to investigate

himself?! Thats what it amounts to. People don't realise their OWN POWER and that we

the people already have carried out and are still carrying out an "independent" investigation.

Thousands of people all over the world continually finding new facts out, professors, firefighters, engineers.... this IS the real investigation, its about time people realised that.

Watch that video..I too know about the physics of compression and stuff like this..but what is odd..its only popping out from single windows, not the entire floor, if it was it would have blown most of the windows out, not single ones...I truly wanted to believe that the video footage was bogus and bull****.but the fact is its single windows rhythmically "popping" 10-15 floors below the main collapse

Its just too freeking coincidental to not ask a question..and unfortunately I dont have the awnser for...

Oh and after further research




Look at the last site..then look how the building fell...it had no burning from jet fuel, no thousand tons of floors above it, yet it fell PERFECTLY, just like every other freeking controlled demolition movie I have ever seen?!

The Oklahoma city building had its entire face blown off, all that happened was the floors collapsed like an accordian..it didnt fall straight down, pefectly

**** just aint adding up evan... now that I am looking, truly looking, the facts and figures and events...what I'm looking at DONT add up

I purposefully look for the smallest little messup where I can stick in the conspiracy theorsist faces and go see...see you are a ****ing snot slinging moron..but the more I dig the less I find I am able to just swallow what I have been told by my Government...my gut is telling me someing aint right, and normally my gut feelings keep me out of trouble..its when I start second guessing myself do I get into trouble

Just look for yourself...you too will see the **** dont add up

if you believe osama bin laden did those attacks...you wont after watchin this video:


I think quite a lot of people have already seen loose change

This link however is a collection of very intresting stuff that was not put into the final cut


I now am wanting these questions awnsered...there are way to many unawnsered questions...to much from that video that makes gut wrenching truth...too much left unawnsered and hidden by these "coverups"

Why was that gold moved, why did the towers fall perfectly (they even showed the odd puffs 10-15 floors below the wad of collapse), the recovered data showing hundreds of millions of dollars transfered out seconds/minutes before the collapse, why there was no GODDAMN debris from flight 92 (that was ****ing wierd...it did look like a hole blown in the ground with debris just dumped (no aircraft debris, just bits of metal(and a C-130 can drop **** like that on a dime))

The thing is they didnt really point the finger at Bush..but he along with others might be involved...hell Clinton let the country and the huge businesses run amock (enron, worldcom, global crossing ring a bell)

Maybe this was a creshendo, maybe it was multiple presedencies building up to this...all for the sake of "stealing" a ****ton of money and blaming it on someone or a group of someones that once the "Sleeping Giant" can o whupass got open could no longer speak out, could no longer yell the truth, only to be silenced by our big bad kick ass war machine

That video is ****ing insane crazy frightening, how in the hell can you not question, and the horrible fact is there are not enough awnsers being given to fill those questions

Damn could I be wrong...is there something more ominous hidden in the background, could there be a plot to do something of that magnitute actually be an "inside job"

Questions that I never fathomed have now been awakened in my mind..and I am truly afraid to search for them because what awnsers will they lead to (if any) and what truths might actually be lurking in the shadows out there...and would I be willing to actually accept them if I found them


How much of the puzzle do we actually have, how much of the puzzle does the govt control and wont let it out...how much or will we ever know before its too late?

What awnsers out there are to be found...and truthfully what is the right questions that need to be asked

There is evidence of them pulling bomb sniffing dogs from the WTC, the freeking live video footage of reporters saying they hear secondary explosions coming from the towers, the odd looking puffs (from single windows, not the entire floor) 10-15 floors below the wad of falling tower) I mean either these guys are masters of creating doubt or there are truly questions that havent or WONT be awnsered

Isnt it funny from the video initial "gut" reactions the pros said it seemed like it was a controlled explosive, only a few days later it thier stories jived almost verbatim..and the phone calls where the guy was talking to his mother and gave him 1st and last name and kept repeating "you believe me right"

All other video clips and stuff just reek of "conspiracy thoerist" and Bush bashing bull****..but this one actually makes sence..they have documentation, realtime video footage, and really dont point the finger at bush..but what they do is open the door to "what if"

What if both parties and/or a group of elite stood to make a ****ton of money, and used this as a coverup for moving debt or profit, hell they are pulling data stating that hundreds of millions of dollars worth of transactins happened right before and during the incident, the gold in the basement (it was being moved) and other oddities, what if we are being duped by our government both parties and it seeps deeply, deeper than we could imagine

Who really profits from a war, and would those that profit be willing to create this for thier gain at the cost of so many others, would someone or a group of someones be willing to sacrafice not only thier own but a group they could "blame" it on be willing to turn a profit from it?

Are we all so naive that we believe we live in a nice cushy world where those that are capable of such huge evil and are we even mentally prepared for the truth if it out there

Myself..I want to know why Bush continued reading to a class of children instead of jumping up and responding to the news that we were under attack

kinda like how he continued on with his fishing trip while new orleans drowned - he just doesnt give a ****.

I mean they went into Iraq cuz they said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were connections between saddam and bin laden

there weren't any

some europeans saw little black airplanes with illegal prisoners landing here and there

first they denied it and recently bush admitted it

and the people of new orleans who are living in trailers cuz of katrina are not really being helped to get their lives back (I saw recently in a documentary)

now is the USA broke or something?

that would explain allot to me (the war-engine, not taking care of your own citizens)

I mean back in like 1935 my neighbor country Germany was in a huge depression ,so their government created jobs in war factories and the army ,could this be happening again?

I so much hope I'm wrong

I hate conspiracies but I hate lies way worse

and the bush administration has done some major lying in the past few years

they shouldn't get away with it

The ***** is that he is giving himself more and more power.. recently, he put into effect a bill that will hide more of what he is doing from the public's eyes. Do I agree with anything he has done? No. Do I think that he made himself look good after 9-11, like he was gonna give payback where payback needed.. and anyone that spoke out against him was unpatriotic...yes. Do I think that most elected officials in Washington are corrupt, taking money from lobbyists and ruining this country...yes. Do i think it's a conspracy... no.

There is a Tom Clancy book where a suicidal pilot in a 747 plane takes out most of Congress as well as the president. In the story, it's like the dawn of a new day has arrived, and corruption in the goverment ceases. While I don't condone violence...and I don't condone an action like this... the story makes a great point... Untill we replace all these "lifers" who are running the goverment... We are f*cked.

George W.Bush claims to have seen THE FIRST attack on TV:

"you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works.I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower,the TV was obviously on.I said,it must have been a horrible accident."


An interesting day :


Why are they just feeding you lie after lie after lie ???

Does anyone believe its because they are ALL just " incompetent"?


is the one damning piece of evidence for me that WTC 7 was a

controlled demolition. So have you seen that short clip?


There it is dude, just watch it, I promise you won't get "bored" because

its only 15 seconds long, if that. It doesn't matter what "911 Eyewitness"

says or, with all due respect, what bfdl or even I say about 9/11, with

proof like this pullit3.wmv clip we HAVE the evidence!

There is no evidence (this is admitted by the FBI since 9/11 does

not appear in Osama Bin Ladens list of crimes on their website) that

Osama Bin Laden is even connected with 9/11.

There is infact no evidence that he is even alive anymore. There

have been tapes of him spewed by the warmongering media machine,

but these are widely regarded as fakes, since he is far too fat (also with

a vastly different nose) to be Bin Laden.

2 - It was Osama Bin Ladens older brother, Salem bin Laden, who was

an investor in Arbusto Energy - the Texas oil company started by, you're

going to love this - George W. Bush

You can't blame Americans themselves when the voting machines are hacked...

-Watch the Clint Curtis testimony-

They actually don't have a choice who gets to be President.

How can they kick these people out when the worlds top bankers fund these

peopleinto Presidency, along with most of the controlling members of the

Government, media, education, banks of course and just about every other

form of influence including the Supreme Court? Thats a laugh, "supreme"

court, it is about as "supreme" as the Nolan Sisters!

One day America will get fed up with being shot at from above by their own people, and when they aren't firing rockets or flying planes into buildings, they are trying to poison everyone via the contrails, not to mention being milked day and night by the powers-that-be for half or more of all the money workers earn.

One day, America will wake from it's trance and they will turn and eat the families of the Federal Reserve and their demonic New World Order, but right now people don't get they are being hoodwinked.

Here is an article from the Evening Standard in London that seems to be fairly interesting…

Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job' - 05.09.06

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics.

Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.

The claims have caused outrage and anger in the US which marks the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Monday.

But leading scientists say the facts of their investigations cannot be ignored and say they have evidence that points to one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated.

Professor Steven Jones, who lectures in physics at the Brigham Young University in Utah, says the official version of events is the biggest and most evil cover up in history.

He has joined the 9/11 Scholars for Truth whose membership includes up to 75 leading scientists and experts from universities across the US.

Prof Jones said: "We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone. "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this."

In essays and journals, the scientists are giving credence to many of the conspiracy theories that have circulated on the internet in the past five years.

They believe a group of US neo-conservatives called the Project for a New American Century, set on US world dominance, orchestrated the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to hit Iraq, Afghanistan and later Iran.

The group says scientific evidence over the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon is conclusive proof.

Professor Jones said it was impossible for the twin towers to have collapsed in the way they did from the collision of two aeroplanes.

He maintains jet fuel does not burn at temperatures high enough to melt steel beams and claims horizontal puffs of smoke seen during the collapse of the towers are indicative of controlled explosions used to bring down the towers.

The group also maintains World Trade Centre 7 - a neighbouring building which caught fire and collapsed later in the day - was only partially damaged but had to be destroyed because it housed a clandestine CIA station.

Professor James Fetzer, 65, a retired philosopher of science at the University of Minnesota, said: "The evidence is so overwhelming, but most Americans don't have time to take a look at this.";

The 9/11 Commission dismissed the numerous conspiracy theories after its exhaustive investigation into the terror attacks.

Subsequent examinations of the towers' structure have sought to prove they were significantly weakened by the impact which tore off fire retardant materials and led the steel beams bending under heat and then collapsing.

Christopher Pyle, professor of constitutional law at Mt Holyoake College in Massachusetts, has dismissed the academic group.

He said: "To plant bombs in three buildings with enough bomb materials and wiring? It's too huge a project and would require far too many people to keep it a secret afterwards.

"After every major crisis, like the assassinations of JFK or Martin Luther King, we've had conspiracy theorists who come up with plausible scenarios for gullible people. It's a waste of time."

But University of Wisconsin assistant professor, Kevin Barrett, said experts are unwilling to believe theories which don't fit into their belief systems.

He said: "People will disregard evidence it if causes their faith to be shattered. I think we were all shocked. And then, when the voice of authority told us what happened, we just believed it."

As the fifth anniversary approached, the 9/11 Scholars for Truth is urging Congress to reopen the investigation claiming they have amassed a wealth of scientific evidence to prove their version of the terror attacks.

They are afraid that I am going to

say the things that are not

supposed to be said. They are

afraid that I am going to say the


The truth is that there is

something terribly wrong with this

world, isn't there? If you look

about, you witness cruelty,

injustice and despotism. But what

do you do about it? What can you


You are but a single individual.

How can you possible make any

difference? Individuals have no

power in this modern world.

That is what you've been taught

because that is what they need you

to believe. But it is not true.

This is why they are afraid and the

reason that I am here; to remind

you that it is individuals who

always hold the power. The real

power. Individuals like me. And

individuals like you.

I have come to offer you a deal.

If you accept, I will give you a

different world. A world without

curfews, without soldiers and

surveillance systems. A world that

is not run by other men but that is

run by you. I am offering you a

second chance.

All I

ask is that you join me at the

gates to watch as the past is

erased, the pathway cleared so that

together we can start toward a new


But, you ask, who am I to make such

promises? A fair question but

hardly necessary as you know me

already. To know me any more you

need only look to a mirror.

Good evening citizens of the world.

This is the voice of Fate. Your


I have done that which I came to

do. Now, it is time for me to rest

and with me the past will, at last,

find peace.

But the world, the world is not

saved... Do not think that, when

the fires die and the smoke clears,

there is no miracle... there is

only a path... upon which they must

learn to rule themselves.

Since mankind's dawn a handful of

oppressors have accepted the

responsibility over our lives,

responsibility that we should have

accepted ourselves. By doing so,

they took our power. By doing

nothing, we gave it away.

Soon, our world will change.

Our leaders will be gone and we

must choose what comes next. A

return to the chains of others or

lives of our own. A world of the

past or one of the future.

The choice I give to you



lets all wear the mask


what happens to the innocent children left behind after the voice is silenced ?are they to be swallowed up by the emerging ghouls left to feast upon the innocent and weak?


Remember remember ... never forget


surveillance is such a one way street . The government can tap our phones yet its illegal to tape the gov over the phone and incriminate them with it.

Maybe I wouldnt have such a problem with paying taxes if I could decide where the money goes EXACTLY and oversee that it gets there and that money wasnt put into too tools to enslave me.

The government should do as their told by the people not the other way around. Their job should be to carry out services for the people. NOT be controllers of the people.

"People should not be afraid of their Governments, Governments Should Be Afraid Of Their People"


This could be the eventual end ... For ALL organized

religions and Governments in their intent and agenda to hold the mases to do their evil bid-

ding and exploit them for wealth and power!


911 Vendetta






John Farnham Lyrics

From the day that we were born we've been heading down a track

Sometimes it's made for good sometimes for bad

But if we look behind us there's a wave coming down

Carrying us forward to a new age

What about the world around us

How can we fail to see

And now that our fathers have gone

And we've been left to carry on

What about the age of reason

So why can't we be still why can't we love each other

Is kindness an ancient skill buried by our blindness

And if we look behind us there's a wind blowing in

To create the age of reason

If we consider carefully the options put before us

So much wisdom so much love so much waiting for us

And if we look ahead there's the sun and the seasons

Another day another age of reason

We have the chance to turn the pages over

We can write what we want to write

We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older

We're all someone's daughter

We're all someone's son

How long can we look at each other

Down the barrel of a gun?

You're the voice, try and understand it

Make it noise and make it clear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo

We're not gonna sit in silence

We're not gonna live with fear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo

This time, we know we all can stand together

With the power to be powerful

Believing we can make it better

We're all someone's daughter

We're all someone's son

How long can we look at each other

Down the barrel of a gun?

You're the voice, try and understand it

Make it noise and make it clear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo

We're not gonna sit in silence

We're not gonna live with fear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo

ooooh We're all someone's daughter

We're all someone's son

How long can we look at each other

Down the barrel of a gun?

You're the voice, try and understand it

Make it noise and make it clear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo

We're not gonna sit in silence

We're not gonna live with fear

Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo (X3)

We're not gonna sit in silence

We're not gonna live with fear

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Guest Warrioe-Sage


Edited by Warrioe-Sage

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I know it's hard to believe but there are people willing to kill themselves for their cause.

Is USA responsible for 9/11? yes, but then so is every 1st world country. Part of what forces these poor kids to kill themselves is seeing their crops, cattle, livlihood die and see western countries prosper. It's just unfortunate that there are men with lots of money and influence that like to push these kids.

The world governments set-up the situation, the real world owners push them.I don't think the USA set-up 9/11 but they created the terror by getting the arab states to fight each other.

EDIT: there are also lots of posts in this forum about opium and marajuana production in the mid-east. Theres a hell of a lot of money in drugs. Ask about who owns the land and the drugs.

Edited by CaptAmazing

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