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hitting the reset button

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Hey all, long time no speak.

I have been thinkn about this one for a while now, mainly because I have been in a situation where entheogen use finds little precious time. Its like abstaining from something much desired, but I just havent had that perfect time and place situation arise.

Back a little bit, where entheogen use was verging on abuse it was like my soul and mind were constantly being refreshed, but also my body/ vessel were deprived of health. So it was like my mind and spirit was always refreshed and healthy but my body was way out of tune with them.

Now for a long time (years) of almost complete abstinesnce from spritual indulgences my mind and spirit feel a little neglected and thrashed out, while my body is healthy. So there is the opposite in imbalances occuring now.

I feel like its time to push the reset button, with the use of carefully selected entheogens/ entheogen. To start everything a fresh and give my mind and spirit some time together. Just like where a powerfull mushroom trip takes you back to infancy, it takes you to hell, and it shows you a heaven and it scares the fuck out of you so much that you wish you had never had them, and you wish you could just end the trip.

And then, when its all winding down, you crawl out of your hole that you have been hiding in and laugh like a baby as you experiece things as if for the first time. Like the sound of a metal spoon opening a coffee tin in the silence, or the sound of hot water being poured into a mug.

And whist you experience this near death feeling, (Intensely negative side of trip). You plan your future from this point on, which usually includes never touching entheogens again. It is as if their use paves the future for you, or they are the tool with which to pave your future.

'I will get a new job' or a new partner or do this or do that; things that maybe you couldnt change before or didnt even see why they should be changed. Like a revelation,,,''Oh fuck, i understand now why so and so are always upset, because they dont get any attention from so and so,, ect' A big bright light comes on you can formulate a plan to correct these things.

These are just some thoughts rolling off my tongue, i have some questions

what are the implications of hitting that reset button?

How often do you think is a balance between spiritual health and physical health?

What if you never hit that reset button again? Does your mind/ spirit age faster?

that was a mouthfull,,, cheers dudes

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What if you never hit that reset button again? Does your mind/ spirit age faster?

It's a bit like the series 'Lost' isn't it? What happens if you dont hit the countdown button? :P

If spirituality is the currency of god then its ageless and timeless. If its not, its just an evolved adaptive advantage emotion, like love and fear, that will fade from you one day along with everything else.

The idea of a reset button implies being able to quickly switch on or off a process in your life or to 'start again'. Ethneogens can certainly be a good trigger and I can personally say that a mushroom dream I had after a 10 year gap sparked me to re-question and re-admire more things about life in a way earlier trips never did. The maturity gained in this long gap provided new layers or touchstones to explore new thoughts upon an existing foundation. I found stronger confidence and respect in using these sacraments. For me they have also been a great way of navigating and learning more about the phases of my life which are moved through rather than being switched on or off instantly.

Jump in the water my friend...the waters warm...

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