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Monstrose Lemon!! Check It out!!

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Checkout this awesome pic of a mega monstrose lemon I found for sale in a grocer in Cinque Terra, Italy last year. I couldn't believe they had this horrific looking thing for sale to eat hahaha. :lol:


Edited by SaBReT00tH

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Awesome! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I have some weird Orange pics from my folks time in New Zealand picking fruit when they were young(er). Will see if they can be dug out to add to the citrusy flavour of your post.

So did you eat it, extra zesty??

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It's what's on the inside that counts :rolleyes:

I was looking up citrus varieties the other day, because someone gave me a lemon, that can be peeled and comes apart in sections like a mandarin. I thought that was kool, then I found this ...


I want one :P It's apparently Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis - 'Buddha's Hand' Citron.

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Haha, nah I didn't eat it. But that's probably their secret ingredient in their delicious Limoncello (Lemon liqeur and Lemon Sorbet icecream); monstrose lemons!! Hahaha. I'd love a monstrose lime tree for my Mezcal slammers and Coronas!

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It's what's on the inside that counts :rolleyes:

I was looking up citrus varieties the other day, because someone gave me a lemon, that can be peeled and comes apart in sections like a mandarin. I thought that was kool,n.

Sounds like sum1 gave u an original citron tree, It's normally used as a rootstock. Old unattended/abandoned trees revert back to this and r great for tequilla shooters. sumtimes tart but sweet.

Not a commercial citrus tree thats for sure

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Schweet, I'll keep that in mind for next time I whip out the tequila. They'd be good for cooking too. I love eating lemons raw but this just makes it so much easier B) Do they normally have a fairly orange skin with a flavour of mostly lemon but with quite detectable mandarin? I was having a look and thought it could be something like a citrus medica x reticulata or a citrus limonia maybe, but i couldn't find a picture of the inside of that to see if it was in segments and the fruit I have seems to be a fair bit smaller than the limonia in pictures I could find :S

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A lemon grapefuit hybrid.. all starch but impossible for squeezing juice out of.

There two.

The starfish, which is shown

and another , not a pomelo.

Larger than a football .

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I Know of a local lemon tree that produces

extremely large fruit (Softball Size)

that are covered in sharp spikes!

Upon enquiring about this weird feature

I was told the tree was grown from seed & that

any lemon tree not grown from stock reverted back 2 this trait!

Pray tell me Is this true?

Anyone know?

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lisbon and eureka lemons can both be thorny when young

villa franca is the only other common true lemon in australia

sweet lemons are part orange - like the meyer lemon and are sweeter

ive never seen the etrog citron

i have that buddhas hand one

the roostock i see most commonly gone wild is the rough lemon

also in the dry rainforest thickets round here are bush lemons which are seedlinsg and similar to the rough lemon but sometimes theres othere genetics in them and they can be sweeter

The 'lemonade' is a natural hybrid originating in australia

that you can eat out of hand. they must have similar origins

the old grapefruit fround here are sweeter too and tatse liek rough lemon/lemonade - grapefruit hybrids

theres also a whole new subset of citrus becoming available in oz

incl fingerlime hybrids


my favourite atm though are the local Blood oranges and Tangelos that get sold at the local organics co-op

for $3 a kilo loose or $20 for 10kg box

they look like the left hand ones...


the blood oranges i think are maltese and taste like sweet sour orange with a black currant aftertaste

fucking great. i bought a boxful and were all eating 2-3 each a day

some accustomed to sweet low acid citrus may think they are a little too sour

but i prefer them that way

i have 'arnold' blood orange in the backyard but shes too young to fruit

anyway i digress. but if you havent tried blood oranges yet then track them down

for your palate and for your health :D

Edited by Rev

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the thorns of seedgrown individuals are a sign of inmaturety, once the tree starts to flower the wood produced will be thorn free.

growing from seed is not done often but can be very rewarding...

i got some seedgrown kumqats in my garden, which produce an abundance of fruits (citrus produce more flowers after dry spells).

one time i spat some grapefruit seeds into some pot's and one of the seedlings PRODUCED A FLOWER when the plant was only about 7cm tall!!!

growing fruit trees by seed is the way to go, because seedling versetilety comes handy once a pest aproaches, whilst selected cultivars are not better as they whole plantation will be suceptible against the same pest/disease.

in my youth and in another country i grew a lot of canna_bis, different strains showed very different defence against various pathological factors!! for example, some plants are very sensitive to mildew, whilst there neighbour, has no such problems. whilst others have a amphid/sucker weakness and so on,

in a nutshell a big genetic poll will keep the doctor away.

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$3 a kilo for blood oranges!!!!!!!!! u lucky bastard!

I knew I was getting ripped through the ass when I am paying $8 a kilo(~3 oranges)

They are "Blood Navel Oranges" and are not that red inside, infact they arn't really red at all, but inbetween red and orange. They are Superlative though!

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