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Found 7 results

  1. Don't miss this screening of the award-winning Dosed Movie presented by Dendy Cinemas Newtown on November 24th, Sunday, 4:30pm, Dendy Newtown, 261-263 King St, Newtown, NSW. Tickets on sale now: https://www.dendy.com.au/movies/dosed An evening dedicated to psychedelics, mental health, addiction, compassion, education, and solutions. The DOSED screening will be followed by a Q&A led by Jef Baker from the Australian Psychedelic Society - APS and special guests (TBA) Check out the Trailer for DOSED: https://www.facebook.com/DosedMovie/videos/363976790993813/ After many years of prescription medications failed her a suicidal woman turns to underground healers to try and overcome her depression, anxiety, and opioid addiction with illegal psychedelic medicine like magic mushrooms and iboga. www.DOSEDMOVIE.com
  2. Just in case people in and around Melbourne have missed this going around on facebook, the newly(ish) formed Australian Psychedelic Society is looking to host integration circles: The fb event is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/166531263997722/ , or you can contact them via the email above.
  3. Hey Folks, Just a reminder that the Australian Psychedelic Society-Sydney is hosting Julian Palmer's talk 'The Involvements of Psychedelic Tools' followed by a Q&A this Sunday 25th in Redfern./ Tickets selling fast but plenty left at the moment. Tickets can be purchased here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/julian-palmer-on-the-involvements-of-psychedelic-tools-tickets-42862625266 cheers, Flux
  4. not sure if any one watches Joe Rogan's podcast but Dennis McKenna was on today so thought id share! Hes got some other pretty decent podcast with other cool people aswell
  5. Support the Conversation Around Psychedelics in Australia Please have a look at the campaign we are running for next years psychedelic symposium www.chuffed.org/project/psychedelics This Spring EGA is looking for your support to sow the seeds for the next iteration of Australia's premier psychedelic symposium, EGA 2017. We are hoping to bring together experts from Australia and around the world, with a diverse range of backgrounds and experience, to discuss psychedelics and entheogenic plants. The events are particularly expensive to run, and rely heavily on community support. So, in order to start the ball rolling for EGA 2017, we are aiming to raise funds to go towards covering some preliminary organisational costs, ensuring the conference can take place in a format that is both professional and sustainable. The success of this fundraising campaign will enable a more affordable ticketed event for both academics and enthusiasts alike. Your generosity will help ensure that this important discussion surrounding psychedelics and related compounds goes ahead. We encourage you to peruse the array of incredible donor rewards our community have brought together for this campaign, including original paintings and fine art prints from Australian artists, festival tickets, and much more. We hope you find something that suits you, or please feel free to donate any amount you can afford to support our campaign. You can view some of the amazing donor perks available for this campaign, and get a sample of the talented artists active in Australia's strong and vibrant ethnobotanical community. Spread the word and share the campaign amongst your friends and community, and please help support the important conversation around psychedelics. With much respect, the EGA team www.entheogenesis.org www.facebook.com/EGA.plant.org www.youtube.com/entheotv
  6. kava kava powder snake root neem oil sesame seeds catha eudilis Cactus grandiflorus cola nitilda Mimosa hostilis voucanga africana seeds voucanga leaves voucanga tree bark Moringa seeds strophantus gratus tincture strophantus seeds Iboga root back powder yohimbe powder Kratom Lophophora williamsii we offer extracts like ***,*********,ibogaine.....we also have seeds and cuttings. All prucedures have their tutorials for better clearifications https://www.facebook.com/aly.taylor.127?ref=hl bamerlab(at)gmail(dot)com ***moderator edit, this member is not in Australia and importataion of some of these items may not be legal where you are in the world. Check before placing any orders****
  7. ITT we try to give stone-cold descriptions of geometry in motion, which i call living geometry. i envision that unless you have a clear memory, you don't describe something you witnessed years ago. therefore, i will make contributions periodically. expect this thread to be revived on occasion for quite some time.
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