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Found 3 results

  1. Gday everyone. While I'm still only new to the corroboree, i can see that it's a great little community to hang onto and grow... Much like our beloved plants. So I'd like to contribute. Would you like some nice signs for your plants? Something more attractive on the eyes than a piece of plastic? Well here's your chance. Im selling wooden signs for anyone who wants to add them to their garden. For the remainder of June, 10% of all profits from the sale of these signs will be donated to SAB to assist with the server cost. All signs are individually made, sanded and oiled with raw linseed oil. Signs can either have wooden sticks attached or just the sign itself. Signs are 200x65x12mm with 140mm sticks *Signs can be made different sizes* please ask and I'll try fit your request. Larger signs may attract additional cost - please ask. For 1-5 signs = $5 each for 6+ signs = $4 each postage within Australia is $8 (any recommendations for cheaper postage please let me know) international buyers please advise of your location so I can work out a postage cost. (I am also always looking for plants and cacti of interest. If you have something you'd like to offer as a swap please ask) How to get your signs: 1. Comment on here to keep the thread going for others to see. 2. PM me with the followings - # of signs you want. - specify with correct spelling what you want each sign to say (see pictures for examples) -specify after each sign whether you want it with a stick attached or not. example: - 3 signs - (1) Banisteriopsis Caapi 'Cielo' (stick) - (2) Pachypodium Lamerei (stick) - (3) Zedo's Garden (no stick) I will give you a reference number, total price, and PayPal address to pay into. (Bank transfer also possible please ask) when you make payment please give the reference number and postage address for your order. Signs will ill be made upon payment and posted 7-10 days after. It takes time to make, sand, oil and dry the signs. At the end of the month I'll donate 10% of the profits to SAB. Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.
  2. I am starting this thread to make others aware of how they can support this wonderful community. I've recently messaged Evil Genius and Torsten about my desire to donate to SAB. Torsten had this to say... I would like to encourage others who have the means/desire to make a donation in the name of "SAB Community". If you make a donation, please post about it here so that we can get funds to the appropriate organizations. However, please do not post the donation amount, this is not a competition! If your favorite organization isn't listed, feel free to suggest it. http://erowid.org - We are a small nonprofit that runs the #1 drug information website in the world. We have only 4 staff but serve 12 million users, and have costs like any other big website: servers, power, office space, programs, and staff. To protect our independence, we don't run ads or take government funds. If Erowid is useful to you, take a minute to keep it online and ad-free another year.http://prism.org.au - PRISM is a non-profit organization that relies on community support to fund our research. Become a PRISM subscriber and help us establish psychedelic compounds as legally available medicines. All donations to PRISM Inc (ABN 96 575 647 082) over $2 AUD are tax-deductible in Australia. http://www.entheo.net/ - For close to a decade the EGA conference has provided a major meeting place for ethnobotanical enthusiasts and specialists in Australia to share information and celebrate community. The EGA conference consists of lectures, workshops, discussion panels, cinema, performance, music and art. The event hosts an array of speakers from across Australia and abroad, and aims to address the issues relating to drug use from social, cultural and traditional perspectives. The EGA conference program draws on therapy, biology, pharmacology, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, botany, visionary art, culture, politics, law and more, to provide a realistic context of the role drugs and altered states play in the modern world. http://www.treesforlife.org - Most gifts go to just one person. But give someone a Trees for Life Gift from the Heart, and you make the whole world a better place. Your friend or loved one will receive an acknowledgment of your gift. Gifts from the Heart are perfect for holidays, birthdays, weddings, baby announcements, anniversaries, memorials, and other occasions. These are gifts of empowerment and hope. http://www.kiva.org/team/ethnobotanists - We are a loosely affiliated group of people who come from a diverse range of backgrounds. Our common passion is the recognition that humans, as a species, have evolved alongside plants to get where we are today, and that we could not have done so without them (whether it be for food, medicine, spiritual or cultural development, shelter, or even just aesthetics). We cherish the ongoing roles these plants play in our lives, and defend our right to continue and nurture this relationship. Lenders from this team make loans with the goal of improving the lives of people less fortunate than themselves. A significant portion of the funds raised for these loans come from selling, trading, and sharing plants, with the vision of further extending the growth these plants have brought to human existence. http://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/ - Help break the cycle of disadvantage. More than 638,000 Australian children are living in jobless families today1. These young Australians need your support to participate fully in their education and break the cycle of disadvantage. You don’t have to live in one of the 96 communities we work in to show you care. From volunteering in one of our retail stores to holding your own fundraising event or running the famous City2Surf to raise money for us, there are lots of ways to get involved. Join the thousands of caring Australians who are passionate about helping disadvantaged children create a better future for themselves through education.Today, I donated to both Erowid and Trees for life. One last thing...
  3. This was just posted on Sasha Shulgins facebook account: I really hope theres enough people out there who feel their lives have been touched in a positive way to help contribute and make his final years financially stress free. - PayPal: Non-tax deductible: http://goo.gl/M5VEF - Erowid: Tax deductible supporting Shulgin publishing projects: http://goo.gl/r00j6 - Mail: Sasha Shulgin c/o Transform Press, PO Box 13675, Berkeley, CA 94712 I encourage you all to give a bit!
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