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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by theuserformallyknownasd00d

  1. It's hard to gauge how big its actually getting over there!
  2. I will be attending sydney on the 16th, they have a fb page, http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=284324328246853 this is the latest on NY, pretty bad! source heres the vid
  3. added two acacias to the above post if anybody is interested. d00d
  4. welcome mate! your seeds are also sealed and ready to go! d00d
  5. these guys are a banned breed, or at least were up until recently...
  6. ok so everyone who has pm'd me thus far your seeds are sealed and ready to go. a few of yas still havent sent me your address though so I'll wait till everyones done that to save multiple PO trips. I found some more chilli seeds if anybody is keen. I personally havent grown these but they were recieved recently from a trade. ** red habanero ~15 seeds x 5 packets ** Julie birds eye 20 seeds x 5 packets i forget who it was but whoever requested purple chilli by the time i had ran out, i replaced it with 5 black dragon seeds. I havent grown these out but they sound interesting <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png D00d
  7. If it gains an organic grass roots style gathering of people i cant see why it cant role into an ongoing protest found this on fb https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=284324328246853
  8. it seems to have gotten a nice organic foothold down there, be very intersting what happens next i think
  9. no recommendations or did i just post a silly question :-P D00D
  10. sure dude ill wait for your pm but atm your sweet! if your keen and get in by tommorrow pm I will have your seeds posted off by midweek. Id like to think im a reliable trader, the only thing i may lack is a swift spring in my step with postage occasionally <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_bong.gif<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png if you'd like to let me know of any trade issues please feel free to do so through this thread! d00d
  11. everythings a giveaway bro but i would love some interesting salvias, anti anxiety herbs or anything else interesting and useful that fares well under artificial light <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png d00d
  12. the list is shrinking super fast so get in asap guys! Available for trade **c. validus ~30seeds X 1 packets (awesome non active columnar cactus, super fast growth/germ rates) **swamp hibiscus 5seeds X 3 packets (do not drink the tea if pregnant, contains very interesting "abortionant" alkaloids, produces a sweet tea/honey) **purple chilli 10seeds X 1 packets (good growers) **N. Tobaccum ~100seeds X 2 packets (unknown trade, good germ so far) **Wild Dagga ~15seeds X 1 packets (good germ rates) **Acacia mixed 10seeds x 2 packets (known trade) **wild lettuce dry herb 10g X 3 packets (freshly harvested, no chemicals whatsoever from my yard) **withiana somniferum root x 1 small/medium packets (i enjoy this when smoked and made with tea, good anti-anxiety effects) **lettuce leaf basil 10 seeds x 1 packet **thai basil 10 seeds x 1 packets **romanesco 10 seeds x 3 packets **sweet basil 10 seeds x 1 packets d00d edit - all people who sorted your address with me prior to Tuesday 4/10, then your seeds have been mailed <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  13. who really knows I guess! lets just hope the right causes prevail :-)
  14. not much seems to be happening around aus except for in brisbane. they have a fb page if anyone cares to look. i found this video, thought id share http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meT8CJgEBQw d00d
  15. Yeah no doubt its what it is, still could be of interest though possibly.. anyone tried it?
  16. It's a healthylife, maybe they are just selling through stock. I will check again for anybody interested.
  17. not sure if its a legal transaction but yeh, i can go buy some at my health food store tommorrow aswell if I wanted. d00d
  18. heya guys, Im moving soon to wollongong and the property im renting will only have a balcony exposed to morning sun. besides the usual herbs etc I can grow, how will other ethno species fair? I have some Sceletium cuttings on the way, and my salvia splendens should do well. My cactus' will love it out there too, I just hope that the afternoon ambient light will be enough to keep em going! im always keen on expanding my collection so feel free to suggest plants that youve had success with in similar situations! i did a search and read the first page of posts but apart from the edible herbs, savlias and cactus didnt see much else d00d
  19. I personally dont think its the same guy, the DOW video guy looks wired lol either way, im getting fricking excited! whats this about an aussie chapter. a google search revealed nothing <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wave-finger.gif im moving very close to syd in the next week, may have to go into the cbd and check it out d00d
  20. yeh i only bought it before hand due to lack of knowledge... the stuff i have now is hand picked and grown by myself. d00d
  21. to save posting another thread, anybody who missed out pm me, i have a heap of mixed acacia seeds to give out d00d
  22. WOW thanks dale. good bit of insider info, aslong as he doesnt have a 1800 hotline already setup with a subscription fee to rip off the already broke and desperate US citizens... hmmmm either way I can feel everything rising and heading toward something significant. D00d
  23. Yeh this is what I'm smelling. The stuff I bought had a much lighter tone, as we know tho fresh is best! D00d
  24. anybody else seen this? did a search but nothing came back from here... www.occupywallst.org
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