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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by SunChaser

  1. SunChaser

    The Great Global Warming/Cooling Thread Part 2

    Double post!
  2. SunChaser

    The Great Global Warming/Cooling Thread Part 2

    ^^^Ok, but what about the natural galacial & intergalactial cycles of the earth? Humans have survived many extreme climate changes in the past with nothing but wooden spears and the use of fire, not like its going to wipe us out now, even if we are artificially speeding up the current climate cycle. Dont get me wrong, Im all for using the climate change issue to tax the shit out of corporations that pollute our air (since if nothing else, its unhealthy to us) and erode our environment (no point throwing the baby out with the bath water), but seriously, I think people just get themselves to worked up about all this. Exploiting the environment in order to thrive is just what life does; its a completely natural part of evolution. Yeah, admittedly there maybe better ways to do it, but that can only be from the perspective of hindsight cant it? For example, it might have been far more beneficial to all life if humans had of learnt more effective methods of agriculture to sustain ourselves, before we completely wiped out all the mega fauna, but we didnt and yet life still thrives. It was probably just one of our many pinnacle live and learn moments maybe? On the upside though, we can now go about our days not worrying about being bowled over by giant wombats or being eaten by massive carnivore macropods. Human beings are just simply doing what we have naturally evolved to do, theres no set path, no right or wrong way, its just a constant process of trial and error. Time dictates change and personally Im glad it does and to be honest, I dont think homo sapiens are doing so bad, if you look at the picture as a whole. What we have built for ourselves today has got to be better than constantly chasing impala around the hot grasslands just to survive. You cant stop progress, it goes against the grain of evolution and if humans were to attempt to do so, it would be at the expense of our own downfall. Exploiting our natural resources as quickly as possible in order to further thrive as quickly as possible, is the only chance we have of preserving the human consciousness past the natural life span of the earth itself, imo.
  3. SunChaser

    Breaking bad last season

    EDIT: Oops might of been a spoiler!
  4. SunChaser

    Breaking bad last season

    Yeah bitch!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1ffJtn9gjU
  5. SunChaser

    Youtube vids

  6. Oh, so what your saying is, just because it doesn’t involve blind faith, supernatural entities or have some petty title (which would be used to define who I am and my status within society), then it couldn’t possibly be a spiritual belief? I actually find that quite offensive and to be honest rather narrow minded. Although I’m sure quoting the OP in a manner that implies I have missed the point and gone completely off subject, may make you feel really clever. In fact, in reality it is anything but clever and merely gives a perfect example of why humans are still just a useless blob of energy who worship mystical creatures to give there empty meaningless existence a sense of purpose and then condemns or kills any other form of life that has a different title to itself. Imo, my spiritual beliefs are very relevant thank you very much! They are as described in my previses post, which is that we are meaningless forms of energy who are currently in the process of evolving (via the scientific method) into something that will have significance within the universe and one day be in full control of our own destinies. Though on another note, I am starting to gain a mutual respect for the mainstream religions, I must admit. I mean, no matter what you believe, I doubt most people would argue against the idea that the most important thing in life is to be happy and content. So if I’m walking around constantly miserable in a reality that has no real purpose, secretly always in fear of my mortality and how short my existence will last. Then you have some Christian living out there life though a bliss of ignorance who is happy and comfortable in there own perception of reality because they truly believe they are going to live forever, really who’s the stupid one? The one who wastes there short little existence constantly being angry & miserable about the reality of what is, or the one who just excepts a clear myth as reality and lives out there life happy and with a constant sense of safety and security? As much as no one ever likes to talk about it, having a conscious and having no control of your destiny is a very scary thing that we all must deal with at some time. So if having a religion helps people get though there days with a genuine sense of happiness, then I think that’s cool. Soon all the religious people will die off and disappear as free energy within the universe never to feel existence ever again anyway. Then we will finally be able to start advancing ourselves and create technology that we can download our consciousness into. But for now we are just scaffolding to a giant building, vital to building the structure, yet completely insignificant to the finished product. Our egos have grown far larger than any actual purpose we may have.
  7. I think existence is just a meaningless random occurrence, we are just energy that has evolved into a controlled & structured form. But though technology and the scientific method we have the power to create destiny & purpose for ourselves. We have the opportunity to evolve our consciousness into an infinite reality and exist forever as one with the universe. The purpose is insignificant, but the possibilities are endless.
  8. SunChaser

    coober pedy shale oil - around 200 billion barrels

    ^^^lol, I don’t think I was necessarily generalising old mate, rather I was referring to the people who have the influence within the media and (usually) spare time to be able to create a fuss of any significance. I should also point out that my post wasn’t meant to be political, nor was I defending any side of the debate. Just pointing out the sad reality of the situation, which is that our reliance on fossil fuels isn’t going to be ending any time soon and the Australian mining boom has allowed us to live very privileged lifestyles that I’m sure every member here has been more than happy to indulge in.
  9. SunChaser

    coober pedy shale oil - around 200 billion barrels

    It does completely blow my mind how we humans put all our energy into war and domination and spend trillions of dollars, purely just to protect ourselves from each other, rather than joining together as one species to work on solutions for a cheap, abundant and clean energy source. But on the other side of the coin, this is the reality of the current situation and to be completely honest, I can’t help but feel a little privileged to have been so lucky that I was born in Australia in this current golden age, where I have a higher quality of life than the majority of humans to have ever lived have had. I mean let’s face it, it is a little hypercritical to sit around banging on about how evil the mining industry is, well at the same time we all happily soak up the benefits of it. Whether its by living in our luxurious homes that are powered by coal, driving our combustion engine vehicles everywhere we go or even by consuming the many food products we have access to purely because of these same energy sources we deem so evil and wrong. So from the perspective of my cushy little quality of life (to which I am quite fond of), I am actually a little excited by this oil discovery in Coober Pedy. Think about it, as the economies of the US, UK & the majority of Europe continue to decline, the Australian economy has continued to prosper because of the mining boom and just when they’re starting to talk about the mining boom coming to an end, 300 billion barrels of oil are found in coober pedy, which not only indicates that we might not actually be at the end of the mining boom, but that we probably haven’t even peaked yet. Seriously! How lucky are we? No matter what your personal opinions are about mining, you would have to be living in your own little fairyland and have your head completely stuck in the sand not to feel a little privileged to be an Australian in this current era of human evolution. Though, it is very surprising to me that this is not being talked about more in the news. But I assume that has something to do with not wanting to bring attention to it, to prevent the yuppi green activists who ironically only have the time on there hands to be able to create a big drama about mining, because of the life style the mining boom provides. Btw, coober pedy is an absolute shit hole and I couldn’t think of a better place in Australia to dig up anyway. Nothing but rocks, sand, salt lakes and fuck wit police who like harassing innocent people for their weed. Screw that place!
  10. SunChaser

    Youtube vids

  11. SunChaser

    $160 for a scop! :0

    I haven’t actually had a proper garden for quite a few years, due to unstable living arrangements. To be honest, a discoordinated lifestyle and general lazyiness probably has more to do with it, but that’s whole other story. Gonna get serious about starting a nice garden this year though, finally start to fullfill the dream I’ve had ever since I first found this site to have my own awesome ethno garden. I want to really get into producing my own cooking herbs mostly, it’ll probably motivate me to start cooking more sophisticated meals or whatever. Plus, I think it would make a really positive & relaxing atmosphere to have all those pleasant aromas emanating from my garden on a nice summers afternoon. I’m just gonnna hook up a few herb & vegetable seed from diggers and probably get a few acuminata seed and a few other interesting plants from the SAB shop, just for novelty purposes. But if anyone has some good Trichocereus seed (or any interesting plant genetics for that matter) they can spare, I would be very greatful. Not asking for any freebies obviously, just don’t have much in the way of trades (which I know a lot of you guys don’t like to hear), though I’m sure I will come next summer and will definitely contribute back to the old SAB community. Anyway, no harm in asking I guess. Peace
  12. SunChaser

    Problems at work, advice wanted

    OMG, you people seem to have some really substandard work ethics. Dont get me wrong, Im all for workers rights, but companies do have to make a profit of some kind, why should they be obligated to hire people that have only worked for them for two weeks and refuse to put in any kind of effort, when they would have 30 other people prepared to get in there and have a go at it without all the dramas? The whole reason they pay another company to hire you rather than hiring you directly is to weed out the people that are more trouble than there worth and dont really want to be there. Man, I gotta bust my balls doing repetitive tasks all day long for $22 an hour in a dark cold factory, even just going for a piss out of smoko time has the supervisors looking at you like ya let them down. Theres 50 year old ladies there that are lifting 15 kg boxes all day long without creating any issues, because they got bills to pay and realise there just another shit in the can and can be easily be replaced. Anyway, maybe you might be able to go to the ombudsman and go though a long drawn out process to have the company screwed over for not inducting you. But personally I think you dont have a leg to stand on and should probably leave these resources to people that have actually been terminated unfairly and maybe just put in some kind of effort next time. Not having a go at you Joxs, you seem like a really good bloke. Just giving my opinion about work ethics in general lol, but WTF do I know, Ive recently spent 4 years just wondering around Australia smoking weed and shit doing everything in my power to avoid any kind of obligation what so ever. Peace
  13. SunChaser

    Trippin Ancestors.

    Well I think there are probably many different reasons. But most notably would be how the introduction of agriculture gave man an ego and caused us to think of ourselves as a separate entity to our environment. Just imagine being an aboriginal before they made contact with Europeans, sitting by a campfire at night staring at the stars listening to dreamtime stories without any knowledge of anything except for the land they were born to. They must have been trippin big time. Imo, true spiritually is frowned upon and probably contradictory to modern day religions & civilization in general, hence the current legal status of most psychedelic plants in modern society. I think the use of psychedelic plants are simply just a novelty short cut to obtaining a perspective to how our ancestors saw the world. Well at least I know I can personally obtain a very similar effect from simply just going bush and isolating myself for a few weeks.
  14. SunChaser

    Trippin Ancestors.

    ^^^Well, someone's obviously never watched stargate, lol. The origins of the modern day Christmas tree is attributed to early protestant Germans, but was almost certainly influenced by their old pagan beliefs and the significance they gave to the evergreen tree, which was a sign of eternal life. Anyway, haven't the authors of these news articles gone on there own little trip and completely misrepresented what the paper is even proposing? To be honest I've only skimmed though the paper, but I'm pretty sure they're not trying to claim homo sapiens gained our artistic creativeness though munching large amounts of mushrooms. From what I can see the paper is simply proposing our early artistic representations seem to be influenced by an altered state of consciousness, which was probably achieved though shamanic practices and is a universally similar action within human brain chemistry. We have to remember the reason hallucinogenic plants have such a profound influence on human consciousness is simply because we have a common ancestor with them which possessed a similar chemical makeup. So obviously the human brain is more than capable of obtaining similar states of consciousness as we can from consuming these plants, simply by interacting within our environment in a particular way. Like by chanting and singing, meditating, or by the use of musical instruments. Personally, I think before the agriculture era all our ancestors were probably in a constant state of consciousness, with a profound sense of meaning and connection to the world around them, which we would probably associate with psychedelic plants today.
  15. SunChaser

    What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?

    I gotta say, I think these “bush terrors” are simply an evolved fight or flight instinct, which humans have inherited and is triggered by being isolated in a strange place. I say that because when I was living outbush I’d occasionally rock up to a potential camp spot and get this overwhelming sensation that people speak of, but then I’d set up camp and it then became ‘my’ zone and it was all good. You can never be safer than when you are by yourself out in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Only thing out there is what we create within our own heads. Or maybe the evil plant spirits just have a mutual respect for me and just let me be, lol.
  16. SunChaser

    What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?

    ^^^Yeah and the longer we hang onto these primative supernatural beliefs, the longer the aliens will take to appear to us, lol. Few years ago I was outbush just walking around the camp fire in the middle of the night pondering life and just having a great old time. All of a sudden the whole sky completely lite up, out of pure instinct I dived into my car head first without thinking twice. Once I gained some composer I peaked out the window and saw this giant green fire ball coming straight for me with a long green tail dragging behind it, until it just disappeared. At the time I completely shat myself, lost my logical frame of mind and was thinking aliens, sprits, god(s) whatever. Anyway, did some reasearch on the internet and worked out it was just a meteorite. The moral is there is always a logical explanation to everything. Peace
  17. Yeah, maybe as long as they don’t refer to their product as ‘Herbal Incense’. Maybe if they called there product ‘dream herbs’ or something, with instructions on the back that state the product is not for human consumption but instead should be placed under your pillow at night to induce vivid dreams. Lol, maybe a little creative thinking is all that is needed here. Anyway, it’s actually kind of ironic, this whole ban started over an incident that involved a synthetic hallucinogen and had absolutely nothing to do with synthetic noids, yet they seem to have specifically targeted noids, WTF. To be honest, (imo) I think the only arbitrary aspect of this is how they blamed the synthetics for the dudes death in the first place. I mean lets face it, anyone who gets mega high and decides jumping out of a window sounds like a good idea, clearly has some serious issues and were on there way out anyway.
  18. No! In a perfect world they’d legalise it, although I have no problems obtaining herb but still enjoy synthetic noids as a psychedelic by it’s own right. I do love activating my cannabinoid receptors. Anyway, it’s just a waiting game in Australia at this time. We just have to wait for the US federal government to legalise cannabis, which will be years, rather than decade’s imo. I should say, rereading that post I posted and it seems to now come across as way to strong. Honestly I couldn’t care less how people choose to make a dollar, I am just of the strong belief that making synthetic noids easily available to kids is seriously not cool. One of the positive things I have found with noids is the self-revelations it produces, which some people might mistake for dread. I haven’t even smoked noids for months, but have been in the last 2 weeks, so every time I get home from work and have a cone, I am just overwhelmed with the thought that I’m going to be dead at 40 of lung cancer if I keep smoking cigarettes the way I do. So now I have brought nicotine patches and haven’t smoked a cigarette in 2 days, which is incredibly good for me. Still going strong and am confident I’ll be quitting for good now, but I’ll see. Who would have thought synthetic noids can scare you into looking after your health better, lol.
  19. In a perfect world synthetic noids would only be available from tobacconists and other adult stores, with safety warnings and all ingredients clearly listed.
  20. Yeah, sorry braz I didn’t read it that way. I read it more like (paraphrasing) all drugs should be freely available to everyone and if someone happens to come undone as a result, then it’s simply because they are weak. But if you say that wasn’t what you meant, then I guess it wasn’t what you meant. That’s actually completely untrue. Just look at what happened when England flooded china with cheap opium, or the detrimental effect of having an unregulated pharmaceutical industry in the US at the beginning of the 20th century. Sure mothers probably used to sleep a lot better back then, but only at the expense of turning their children into heroin addicts. In fact, 2 decades of research in Holland, Switzerland and Portugal has ‘in no way’ shown conclusively that increased availability of drugs does not increase consumption, personally I doubt there even has been a significant increase of availability of drugs in those countries. What the research has conclusively shown, is that regulating drug use is a far more effective solution than prohibition. Prohibition just creates a ‘free for all’ and can actually end up causing more problems than the drugs themselves. Couldn’t agree more. I should point out, I am generalising here and not necessarily referring to this article. In fact bills story sounds incredibly benign to me, $250 a fortnight is not exactly a life-destroying amount of money imo. Most young people probably spend more than that just partying on the weekend. Also I don’t know, but ending up on the living room floor in the foetal position, just kind of seems like money well spent to me. Personally I love synthetic noids, they really are an interesting psychedelic, especially now I’m doing my 8 hours a day and just feeling positive about life in general and can hold my shit together. ‘But goddamn’, they are incredibly potent and far more additive in nature than cannabis and can really screw with your head if your not in a good head space. Bottom line is, anyone who openly sells (or defends the people who do) unknown chemicals that have the potential to be more potent than DMT on plant matter as “not for human consumption” over the internet where even kids can freely buy it, purely to make a profit, is quite simply out right greedy!
  21. I gotta say, you do write some awesome posts quailla and do also seem to be the king of one liners, but brother that is probably the second most ignorant post in this thread. Of course drugs can destroy people! Imagine freebase cocaine being sold on every street corner at 20 cents a rock. But I suppose that’s the conundrum of drugs in the modern world. On the one hand you have people claiming any recreational drug they don’t personally like as being pure evil and demanding that anyone who uses them needs to be saved from themselves and classed as a criminal, then you have the people on the other side claiming recreational drugs are in no way the cause of significant suffering and broken lives within society and are the savoir of mankind. Imo, both opinions have a detrimental effect on society in there own ways When will the extremist on both sides wake up to themselves and realise that recreational drugs can ruin lives and are a major health concern within society, but can also be very beneficial for the body and mind (and also fun, which I am under the impression that is what life is meant to be about, having fun!) when regulated appropriately and used responsibly. Imo, the true solution to this issue is somewhere between the middle of both extreme views.
  22. SunChaser

    Post a random picture thread

  23. SunChaser

    Enneagram personality typology

    It is an interesting tool and does seem to have a genuine method of psychology behind it. I mean, you can obviously get a different answer from it depending on mood, it could also very easily put a person onto a wild goose chase seeing aspects of themself in all the different categories, if they remained unsatisfied with original results. But then again, the same thing could probably be said about psychology itself. It’s actually quite clever imo and could probably (humorously) be referred to as a sort of ‘do it yourself psychology session’.