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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Bretloth

  1. Let's remember it's Kalgoorlie. Slow news week year round most likely, unless jimbo gets caught shagging his camel again or something. Anything that pulls the moral crisis strings gets air time now a days, would be even more so in redneckville I would think. Dude probably went around big noting himself as the only source in town for this new cool drug blah blah, most bring it on themselves one way or another. Or are just damned unlucky.

  2. thanks 2deep and GoT, what do you think i should do if i already stuck them straight in, and now it has been a couple of weeks? a couple of the ones that were one ended (ie only the soil end was cut, whilst the other end was the normal growing tip) have shown new growth.

    however as i said some of the two ended ones have developed mould on the top end at least, and all of them have these little spots that rub off easily, mites?? i have a problem with them because of my datura and brugs.

    i should also note that this is all indoors as i dont have a yard, i used yates brand cactus mix, and some of the cacti share pots because i ran out of them and mix :blush: . man i thought this would be easy...the only other cacti i have were pups which i just rammed into ordinary garden soil and they love life..false confidence.


    I think your problem is that they are inside, likely with poor light and air flow. Add moisture and it's rot heaven. Atleast try to give them good air flow and light if you can, will help keep the rot at bay. :wink:

  3. Just went out to have a look, little fucker has started on the tricho seedlings now. Big chunks taken out again. Fuckers got a taste for them now I think. Off to the hardware store, going to try a white oil, chilli and whatever else I can find spray, hopefully discourages the bastard.

  4. I don't think so bro. Been pretty good up here this year, lots of rain. Heaps of stuff about for them too eat, my yard has three fruit trees all with fruit, an apricot tree full of ripe fruit. Nieghbors have tons too, the bush is at the end of the block. Heaps about. Pretty sure it's more a curiosity thing. Don't seem to actually eat whole peyotes or anything, more tasting them. Lots of damage though. Also gets into my mammilarias i've noticed. Nothing on the trichos yet thankfully. Pretty sure it's just curiosity. :)

  5. This may or may not be applicable ~

    “Man possesses, for a small moment in his

    history, the most powerful combination of knowledge,

    tools, and resources the world has ever known. He has

    all that is physically necessary to create a totally new form

    of human society - one that would be built to last for

    generations. The two missing ingredients are a realistic,

    long-term goal that can guide mankind to the equilibrium

    society and the Human Will to achieve that goal.”

    - Club of Rome,

    Limits to Growth (1972)

    “The common enemy of humanity is man.

    In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up

    with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,

    water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these

    dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through

    changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.

    The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

    - Club of Rome,

    The First Global Revolution (1992)

    • Like 1

  6. Cheers man, going to make a spray deterent up to put on the pots of my trichos just incase the little bastard has gotten a taste for cacti, can't cage them in. Chilli is a good idea, would work on most animals i'd imagine. And before anyone gets on their moral high horse, I actually volunteer for land care, have for years, creating nature pathways to protect native fauna, I find that more effective than bitching on the internet, so don't give me any shit. My cacti in my yard will be protected, and that's the fucking end of it. :)

    • Like 2

  7. Been doing a bit more looking into it, bloody slick. The characters involved make me suspicious, David Icke, Deepak Chopra and Barabara Marx Hubbard inparticular. Wouldn't trust any of them one bit. I'm not sure if there is an illuminati or not, but big business is conspiritorial by nature, it makes business sense to bribe politicians and coerce media. And the globalist agenda isn't going away. I have the suspicion all these movements of late if they aren't just money spinners, the maybe apart of this ~ http://www.green-agenda.com/unitedfaith.html and this ~ http://green-agenda.com/globalgovernance.html

    • Like 1

  8. I dont buy into the whole satanism thing. Not sure if there even is an illuminati. I just find it all interesting. Seems to be a few of these things getting about, wayseers manifesto, eden project, zietgiest etc etc. Not quite sure what to make of them exept they all just seem off, not quite right. Probably just money spinners.

  9. Cheers for the tips guys, much appreciatted. Got em in a wire cage now, should keep them out, will see if I can get some white oil. Killing the little fucker probably wouldn't help, too close to the bush. Got an apricot tree full of ripe fruit, and it goes my fucking peyote..
