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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by PsillyBean

  1. Hey Halif,

    Some seriously nice words. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks! :D

    I have heard of Andy Partridge and XTC but have never listened to that album. Checking it out now. Maybe draw some sneaky inspiration.

    Honestly I don't think my music is up to scratch for an album yet. i feel its still missing something . Its still nice to hear that you would drop cash for it though.

    Are you referring to a Soundcloud set? Im sure I could organise that.

  2. got that exact feeling ^^ when working with mugwort tincture, scared me off using it much for a while.

    came to the conclusion i was catching myself slip into a dream state. the more i experimented with mugwort the more i noticed the dreamy effects before sleep also


    That sounds interesting, will have to give it a go. Was your dream state any more vivid/different?

    I sincerely wish we could reframe the self incrimination,

    mongering of fear.

    Plants and their message share a sort productive freedom, and interconnected harmony.

    Yet we can't speak openly of our dialogue.

    There's nothing more important.

    And so many ways to share the profundity.. without appearing illegal.


    Agreed mud, maybe all that is important is the experience and setting. Completely omit the use of substance. ?

  3. i guess i'll put this here, couldn't call it "magnificent" but,

    when you're attempting to sleep, does anyone else get those "rushes", like a zooming rush of energy almost as if your taking off in a plane or something.


    I get that sometimes too. Have managed to hold onto it only a few times. Its a great feeling. I would relate it to the feeling you get when driving fast over a ridge, similar to falling even. Never had the geometric patterns fydesvindico mentioned though. that sound cool.

  4. I wonder if this kind of scare campaign works? Maybe on people pre-internet.

    Supt Bingham! Insidious? Wha the! LSD ("if that's what it is" what kind of a statement is that?) would have to be one of the most upfront honest drugs around.

    This was a perfect time for media to push the need for testing, but no. They went for the dollar instead, of course.

    • Like 1

  5. Thanks for listening guys. Its really appreciated getting some feedback. No plans for an album, I am still searching and trying to get my head round the whole composition thing. I replied to your soundcloud message Halif. Cheers!

    Another attempt, i am not convinced on this one though. I think i may have jumped the shark..



  6. \o/ 28 days is pretty full on. goodluck! Have you had any media contact to help force the discussion. I can only recall an interview you had on JJJ a while ago. One thing that does puzzle me is your taking of acid to make your point. I was under the impression your point was of using drugs as a means for some sort of spiritual enlightenment purpose? Apologies if this has already been covered.
