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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by toby

  1. A friend from Byron land recently mentioned this plant as being a stimulant.. Mesembrine is mentioned as possible in some other Carp' species in Trout's notes.. Is this common knowledge? or crazy talk? If it is Mesembrine what kind of activity could one expect..

  2. i have had them go dormant here in sydney the past few years, except this year some i had on the roof of a pergola (for lack of space ) just kept on going, they were peru', pach, and brigesii monstrose, a couple of metres in altitude made a big difference, i live pretty coastal though.

  3. in Sydney atleast if the roots hit the ground and it's fairly shady, you barely need to worry about them, except for prolonged dry weather, meaning occasional water is required.

  4. And what dosage in weight? I have a couple bridgesiis but it will be years before I harvest any. I also have a bunch of seedlings but ditto for them.

    even a small amount improves pachanoi when used as an ad-mixture like 50-100g fresh, don't wait long!

  5. it may be due to some other factors but,

    the only time i have ever heard of someone being sick was from a scop', used fresh a kind of disorientation began before it was even all ingested, continued, never got psychedelic at all, felt like poisoning, no visuals, just imaginings of soon being in an emergency room, the niceness of brigesii would be about the exact reverse of the above

    [ 05. January 2004, 07:08: Message edited by: Ramon ]
