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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Paradoxical

  1. It's time that we got together again?
  2. Hi infinity, Thats cool! Dichroic mirrors are underrated. Are you still making art with them? I'd love to see some more!
  3. Hi Alchemia, I'd love to give growing this a try! Will PM Thanks, P
  4. I'm keen, be good to gather in the park
  5. Lucky number 7 Here is my Acacia phlebophylla also from communication.
  6. I'm running late, but on my way
  7. I'm keen. My vote is for the Saturday
  8. Was great to re-connect and meet some new faces! already looking forward to the next one!
  9. I haven't been in ages, and the 27th works for me too
  10. Anyone got any info on foolsbreath, apart from being a cv from moonunit?
  11. Great idea for a quick reference. Not sure if it would work, but having it as a google sheet would allow it to be updated without having to continually make a new document?
  12. My life would succ without having a garden full of plants that I get to see grow and thrive right before my eyes, to remind me how special and different all life is! especially seeing as I got most of them from members of this forum
  13. Not sure if anyone has posted this before, but this is an amazing story of Dick Proenneke who hand build his his cabin and lived in it in isolation for over 30 years in Alaska
  14. Looking to expand the variety of my garden, by adding Eileen and Bruce. PM me if you can help, and we can work something out.
  15. And where did you get yours from?
  16. I have managed to get some of my list from two lovely members, but am still after the following: Enoki Victorian Blue Oyster (Feral Blue) Suburban Monster Oyster Wine Cap (Stropharia rugosoannulata) Pioppino and also added a few more to the list : Cyclocybe aegerita (Swordbelt) Ganoderma Steyaertanum (Reishi) Lepista sordida (lilac blewit) Lepista nuda (Wood Blewit) Anything else interesting... If anyone has them available, it would be great to work something out. Thanks in advance
  17. I mate of mine has a beautiful cacti that was a gift from an old friend years ago, and wants to know what it is. Story goes that she was told it was originally grown for a purpose by a house mate, and he left it behind when he went overseas. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, P
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