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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by qualia

  1. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    i was watching the interview on lateline last night and the professor of <something related> basically dismissed any and all fuck ups by the fbi saying something along the lines of "well thats something the internal review will look at and they will". like when police launch internal review when one of their members murders someone while wearing the uniform: "we've determined that there was some procedural breakdown and will advise our officers accordingly" ffs,
  2. qualia

    Sold to me 5-6yrs ago as Peyote???

    haha that left over munted stump would probably sell for $600 on ebay
  3. qualia

    fav cacti

    all of them, but i do like hb01 as it's glaucus with red spines and the contrast is beautiful; psycho0 is beautiful too glaucus with fluoro yellow spines, and of course red spines on mg red spine bring special joy (although they turn grey a little quickly)
  4. are you meant to say that all in one breath?
  5. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    http://beforeitsnews.com/terrorism/2013/04/fbi-boston-bombing-video-altered-to-hide-fact-bomber-was-black-ops-mercenary-2445796.html http://youtu.be/WJsUB7SaBXA
  6. qualia

    Youtube vids

  7. qualia

    Happy birthday Bigred

    you will feel goood vibes, goooooood vviiiibessss
  8. qualia

    Post your track of the day

  9. qualia

    Post your track of the day

  10. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    fuck damn.....
  11. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    emphasis mine - i was wondering if that connection would be made.... http://www.globalresearch.ca/boston-truth-the-chechen-connection-al-qaeda-and-the-boston-marathon-bombings/5332337 hhhmmmmmm......
  12. qualia

    Please help me learn!

    maths class at jox's school jox: "2+2 doesn't equal 7" teech: "yes we know but we're just teaching that this week to show that 2+2 doesn't equal seven, next week we'll teach that 2+2 actually equals 4"
  13. qualia

    Please help me learn!

    gtfjk6ushj3nchjfchjsukli look at all those silent letters and numbers! crazzy inglesh wut? but seriously thats fucking retarded.
  14. qualia

    The Great Global Warming/Cooling Thread Part 2

  15. 5 could be scop hybrid? 7 looks peruvianoid as well.
  16. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    i find the prescience of the mayor quite astounding, proclaiming but a mere few hours after suspect 2 was captured that yes, indeed, they acted alone. "We got the guys folks nothing to see here go back to your sports and fashion, nothing to see here folks"
  17. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    http://www.newser.com/story/166569/throat-injury-may-prevent-tsarnaev-from-talking.html huh ....
  18. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    http://apple.copydesk.org/2013/04/16/i-hate-to-make-an-accusation-here-but/ oops
  19. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    by blackwater do you mean the guys who are speculated to be from "Craft International"? are you implying the two groups are related? what searching? i guess i'm out of the loop all i've seen is the photos above.
  20. qualia

    Boston Marathon Bombings

    at least there wasn't quotes from people saying "it was like a war zone", although someone did say the texas explosion was "like a nuclear bomb went off".... er, no......
  21. qualia

    Few For Sale In Pots, Need ID's!

    a general price for trichos i think is around $1/cm, but i think generally you'll see it cheaper than that on these forums, nice plants btw
  22. they don't look neglected at all, rather healthy i'd say.
  23. qualia

    Youtube vids
