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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by incognito

  1. He imports them. Previous owner now teaches blind people to massage in third world country's so would be his lack of response. This young lad does uni so he should have plenty of time to sort peeps out hopefully.

  2. Phleb, obtus, accuminata, confusa, courtii and any other EXCiTiNG acacia seed. Happy to trade plants or cash :) these are to be planted out and seed put back into our community.

    Any chilli seed that will have a hope in hell growing in a temperate climate. I like it HOT!

    Also seeking any interesting and DELIcIOUS veggie seed or seeds for anything at all yummy to eats?

  3. Yeah man I ordered and got seed fine no worries I really think we need to support this guy, I've had FAIRLY good germ rates, he is working on getting new batches of fresh seed, a lot of what he has is fresh at the moment, the selection is out of this world, hopefully he can grow the business will be beneficial for all aus cactophiles we gotta throw our cash local if we can. Zed the business is in a young bloke from melbournes hands now he's keen and enthusiastic, hope he makes a go of it.

  4. Lol don't be sorry! I dig Irwin but hey it's a meme or words on a picture and I couldnt hold a straight face and say I wasn't angry at myself for smirking ;)

    Steve woulda laughed at it- i think u have to be a real hardline bastard to have not liked Steve Irwin.

    He was a great 'strayan.

  5. I've been laying dormant but it's time to explode all over yall. It's not really a "contest" per say if I am in it. More a trail of mass destruction of broken egos, I'm unsure if I could do it to my sab brethren.

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  6. Thanks guys :) had a awesome SAB birthday cutting down dead conifers on my block and setting them on fire!!

    Then I borrowed my bro in laws rotary hoe and started working up a killer veggie patch. Then I went up my hill to check on the fire, and somehow grabbed a still burning log with my left hand to throw into the middle of the fire, spent 20 mins cooling with running cold water now walkin around with a burns pack bandaged to my hand- thank the sab birthday gods it was not my fapping hand !

    But had a good day nay fortnight on holidays doin stuff and hangin out with my besty so alllll is good in my camp tonight :) fire blazin in the fireplace, spag Bol about to be prepared and a coppers sparkly in the fridge waiting.

    Tomorrow I get my first very own chainsaw and a chain sawing lesson and I'm a lay waste to all the big dead native conifers and prolly the live ones they shit me to tears!

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