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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by incognito

  1. what the..........
  2. incognito

    whole heapa cereus

    sure ur sorry about being 'anal' planthelper!ive heard theres some discomfort. :cool:
  3. incognito

    whole heapa cereus

    i dont think here in aus we can ship plants o.s??? i dunno to be honest,,but for any unusual,different sort of plnt or cacti!or i guess u could have some if u pay postage!!!! :cool:
  4. incognito

    whole heapa cereus

    sorry,,,its the 'cereus' which is in the pic i posted in the cacti forum,,i know its 'boring' but i thought some1 may want some,,,its all sitting in my backyard.
  5. incognito


    eh,,,ill give u the same advice i got....its illegal dude,,u gots to erase the message or u will get sab in z shite!
  6. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    farked that up, big one at the back, cereus spp,big one at the front scop,,lil spiky ones in foreground t.spachianus,,,, take it easy,jono
  7. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    this old guru at tafe reckons the big boy is t.spachianus,,,heaps of the lil spiky ones around?? i reckon the big ones a scop and the lil spiky ones are c.peruvians
  8. incognito

    i need music ideas

    i dunno, maynard seems like an arrogant prick at apc concert last year he turned his back to the crowd for the whole concert ,because someone took a photo of him singing,,75 bucks is a lotta money for some people, and alotta people travelled along way,made plans etc,,,pretty well just to see him and his band in concert...dont get me wrong ive been to EVERY tool and apc concert in n.s.w , and a few in canberra and have witnessed maynards head go further up his own asshole-my opinion only
  9. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    heres a big pic of wot ive come to believe is a giant scop
  10. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    not what id hoped sorry...ill try again
  11. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    some decent pics for yall, hope u like em! i think this guy is a cereus-its freakin hooooge! this should give u an idea how big it is
  12. incognito

    The most potent plant

    standing corrected!
  13. incognito

    The most potent plant

    ayahuasca aint a plant is it? its a mixture of plant ingredients that make the "drink"ayahuasca??? correct me if im wrong!!!! nice to meet u imortal!!! jono
  14. incognito

    id on this cacti please??

    hey people!! was wondering if i could get an i.d. nurseyman was adamant that this cacti is a cereus.When i posted a pic of this cacti and the shrooms which grow in his pot occasionally in the mycology forum a few said it looks like a pedro.what does every 1 reckon?? thanks again-jono :cool: http://www.shaman-australis.com.au/gallery...10050/pedro.bmp
  15. incognito

    i need music ideas

    TOOL--of course!!!!
  16. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    shite they r small! sorry!
  17. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    got some more pics scanned on my pox carrying scanner for yas :cool:
  18. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    taking em off their hands this week!
  19. dont be a pussy, take the dog he needs a friend!
  20. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    strong eh????some dude i met has never had much of an effect from sculling 750grams of putrid slime!!!if i ever run into him again ill tell him to give her a go!!!!
  21. incognito

    psychedelics and mental health

    hmmmm, friend of mine had a child with a cleft pallet,,,she went to sydney to have it corrected and for genetic counselling???(for her future children,think thats wot its called) and guess wot ,5 of 6 of the oither mothers of the other children getting corrective surgery all smoked dope while pregnant....coincidence??? p.s not spreading propaganda,thought this was a forem where u could share ur views???did i ever say i was right???
  22. incognito

    psychedelics and mental health

    i personally think hydro sucks hairy goats asses.. taking in all that hydroponic fertiliser just aint good for u...recently my partner and i had a baby, and at the antenatal classes the teacher spoke of the high rate of deformiities arising from women smoking hydroponic dope during pregnancies.with my town here being a big hydro smokin' town ,babies are being born left right and centre with extra didgets, cleft pallets etc etc,,and u wouldnt believe the statistics of those children being born to mothers who are chronic hyge smokers,,,personally the experience with this has sworn me of hydge for life..elnatrale for me only!!!!
  23. this pretty well goes for any1 after a good dog,,hate to see him go to the pound,,all he needs is some tlc and a firm hand!!!pm me for details! :cool:
  24. seriously though,my partners lil sister,brought home a dog last year that has grown to big and boistrous for her to handle,,she has no idea...it is a pitty cross ridgeback,,,a damn good dog to have around given the right training,discipline and some attention.She doesnt give it any attention and they wanna get rid of it(pretty sad really)and im sure that if u wanted it u could have it!!!and i GUARENTEE u wouldnt be losing any valuable plants to theft!!!!
  25. incognito

    any idea on wot these cacti are??

    getting a new scanner this week , this one is f*cked.ill post the rest then.only reason i thought these cacti aernt trichs is coz i thought trichs only pup from the base??