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Smiling Cloud

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Everything posted by Smiling Cloud

  1. Smiling Cloud

    Spicey herbal extract blend

    Daylight, if someone was allergic to cannabis why would they choose to indulge in a cannabis substitute? Someone who is allergic to cannbis would probably not be affectionate to the cannabis effects and if was put in a position that prohibitited them indulging in this drug (ie drug testing at work) would probably not go hunting for a substitute, as they don't like it in the first place. So whats the problem? Sometimes secrets are good to keep.
  2. Smiling Cloud

    Cops fabricating evidence

    The other day i went to the video store, got some vids, jumped in my car and proceded to drive home. I looked across the road and saw some coppers. I was driving happily home when i saw the lights flashing, wasn't really worried, i hadn't done anything wrong. The cop came over and i opened my door (my window doesn't work) so i could talk to him. He started yelling at me "STAY IN THE VEHICLE SIR, DO NOT GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE!". I told him that my window was broken and started to open the door, he started yelling at me to open the window??? Anyway after i had worked out with him that my window is broken and that i had to open the door to talk to him he started questioning me. PIG "I want to ask you a few questions sir. I want to know why when you saw us that you did a u-turn, pulled over to the side of the road and when you thought we were gone you burned off?" Innocent civilian. "What are you talking about?, I just got some videos and got in my car and started driving home" PIG "Don't lie to me sir. I saw you do a u-turn, pull over to the side of the road and then burn off when we were gone. I'm trying to find out why you are acting so suspiciously. Why are you acting so suspiciously sir?" Innocent civilian "I don't know what you are talking about, i just got some videos and started driving home" PIG "Please answer the question sir. Why are you acting so suspiciously?" Innocent civilian "Man i don't know what you are talking about. I've done nothing wrong" PIG "please answer the question sir" Innocent Civilian "I am acting suspiciously because i got a video and started driving home? What are you talking about?" PIG "So you admit that you were acting suspiciously" Innocent civilian "NO. What the fuck is going on man? I just went to the fucking store, got some fucking videos and started driving home. Here are the fucking videos so what the fuck is going on?" PIG "Do you realise it is an offence to swear at a police officer sir?" Innocent civilian "No, man i just wat to know what is going on. I've done nothing wrong, you keep saying things that i haven't even done i just want to know what i've done" PIG "have you been drinking this evening sir?" Innocent civilian "I had a beer about half an hour ago" PIG "so you admit that you are driving under the influence?" Innocent civilian "No, i didn't say that, i just had a beer half an hour ago. Breath test me if you want" He breath tested me and it was sweet PIG "This your car sir?" Innocent civilian "Sort of mine" PIG " Are you saying you are driving a car that doesn't belong to you sir?" Innocent civilian "Sort of man" PIG "so this is a stolen vehicle sir?" Innocent civilian "I didn't say that, i just bought it but i haven't been to the registry cause i haven't had the money" PIG "How do i know that sir? You could be lying to me, are you sure you have not stolen this car sir. It would explain why you are acting so suspiciously sir" Innocent civilian "here are the fucking rego papers, i just haven't taken them in yet, there's his signature, its my car" PIG "this bottom slip needs to be taken to the registry by the owner, why do you have it sir" Innocent civilian "Cause they were going to peru after i bought it, they didn't have time, i said i'll take it in" PIG "That is not the correct procedure sir" then he went back to his car, turns out that the car ISN"T registered because of the person that had it didn't pay their fines. (as soon as i take it in it will be sweet tho) He kept asking where i was living, now i know this is not right but i told him a previous address. I did this because i felt genuinely imtimidated by this deadshit, i actually thought he was going to bash me when he was talking to me. The wanker came back and told me i couldn't drive anywhere unless it was to register my car. I asked if i should drive to a friends place so that they could take me places thhis long weekend and he told me that because he was wearing a microphone if he suggested i dp anything it would be his arse on the line. He left me on a blind corner on the highway, then the bastard drove off but i saw him pull off the highway about 200m behind me, the bastard was waiting for me to drive off!!! Anyway when i went home, had to wait ages before the cops pissed off, i thought about what was going on. Because gthe whole conversation was being recorded he could faricate any evidence he wanted to. Thats why he was saying that i had done a u-turn and burned off!!! Man day by day i feel like our police force is becoming way too powerful. I mean the offence he fabricated for me was quite small but imagine what they can do. I have no idea why this cop woud do this to me but my heart jumps now when i see a cop car, and that did not happen before this incident. I'm still pretty shaken by this. Here are 2 examples of what they can do now. #1 PIG "What information is contained on this cd sir? Person "what cd?" PIG "This cd marked child pornography sir" person "i've never seen that before you put that there" PIG "I highly doubt that sir, i saw you take it out of your computer when we entered here" #2 PIG "Please put your clothes back on sir, it is an offence to be naked in public sir" Person "what the fuck are you talking about"
  3. Smiling Cloud

    Orgasms 'at the touch of a button'

    Putting electricity through your balls would make you ejaculate instantly, that's how they milk stud bulls/horses. They used to have dummy cows/horses but there's a chance of the stud hurting himself so now they put electricty through there nuts, doesn't sound that nice. Don't know if you'd orgasm though.
  4. Smiling Cloud

    Cops fabricating evidence

    MindExpansion, I'm pretty sure this is why a lot of these people JOIN the force, they need the power. At splendour last weekend the place was crawling with them. Anyway, on the way inot town this young cop ran out in front of this car, nearly getting hit in the process. Then the lady driving sad what are you doing? He then walked BEHIND her car and started motioning for us all to back up. As it was bumper to bumper i was only able to go about 1m backwards. The lady that he had run out in front of then thinking that the situation did not require her to be there (as the cop hadnn't actually said anything to her yet) decides to drive off. The youbng copper chased her down the road and was slapping the back of the car very hard. She stopped and said what the fuck are you doing, the cop had a REAL go at her then told her to be on her way. Came back to my car and motioned (very aggressively) that i was to go forward, he had a look on his face that i shouldn't have stopped. Then he motioned the traffic behind me to keep going. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to stop any of us because he just let us go in the end anyway, he just wanted to touch himself. Sorry if this isn''t typed well, i'm too sick right now to sheck it over.
  5. Smiling Cloud

    Cactus Porn - Literally :|

    I hate it when i'm too slow. When i got around to it it was the fonz And then i couldn't work out why that would be offensive. So slow on 2 counts...
  6. Smiling Cloud

    Method to detect contaminated MJ

    Are there any reports of this happening in australia? I can't see why anyone would go to the trouble of doing this. A deal is going to look pretty small if it has lead in it. And how does the lead get in there? Do they put it on the buds after it is grown, or is it something that the grower has to do? If someone wanted to rip you off wouldn't it be better to calibrate their scales a bit shittilly rather than poisoning someone? I mean, a dealer would have to want their customer to come back.
  7. Smiling Cloud

    What strain of kratom?

    I have been reading a bit on kratom of late and was wondering what was the name of the strain that was really common in aus before it was banned and everyone ripped up their plants, burned them and then salted the earth where they once stood? Was it the rifat or craigs clone? Also what is the difference between various strain. Like bali and indo strains? I didn't think it was a selectively bred plant as i seem to remember that seeds do not germinate. So is all the hype of different strains bogus and does it just come down to different trees as it says in the web-store. Also when it was legal did anyone actually report any decent effects? If so, at what time of the year was it? A long time ago i know but if anyone could remember that would be good. thanks all
  8. Smiling Cloud

    Echidnas and paralysis ticks

    Hey there, Yesterday while chilling at home this echnida stumbled on passed me. I thought it looked a bit weird so i went up to it and had a look. I have never seen something so disgusting, this poor creature had so many fully engorged paralysis ticks on it that i nearly vomited. There was so many that there was other ticks crawling all over him trying to get a spot, just thinking about it makes me sick. Anyway i took it to the vet after catching it. Man those things dig in hard, had to get a shovel under him and pretty much dig him up, after i got him on the shovel he rolled into a ball and rolled down the hill a little bit!! Like 2m! Anyway i got him to the vet and they pulled 147 ticks off him!!! On closer inspection there were still hundred of little ones on him, but they said it won't kill him so there's no reason for him being in there. Because they are territorial i had to take him back home, i wanted to take him to a friends property because there are no ticks there but they said if i did that he would get lost and die. Anyway so i had him in the car in a box in 2 garbage bags (i have a real problem with parasites) but he got out (prolly spreading paralysis ticks everywhere............ YUCK). I still haven't got him out but i'm going to have to pull the rest of the ticks off first but my question is after i get the rest off him is there anything natural that i can spray on him so he's free of tick, even for a little while? I feel so bad for the little fella and i really have reservations about letting him go again. I was thinking about building a really big run for him and then giving him a once over every month. There was only ticks on his back so they must be itchy otherwise they would be where he can scratch. But i don't know if there is enough space for him in a run to get food. Any ideas as to what to do would be good. Also, paralysis ticks don't kill echnidas!! If a person got 1 on them they could die!!!! pretty amazing really.
  9. Smiling Cloud

    Echidnas and paralysis ticks

    I got home yesterday and gus had escaped, for such a small stumbly-looking creature they are surprisingly agile. I had him in a storage box with carboard, planks and bricks on top, more to keep the nieghbours cat out then him in, but he somehow managed to escape. A bit bummed out because i didn't manage to get all the ticks off but i spose it wouldn't have mattered anyway, he will be covered in about 2 weeks. He must have every single paralysis tick on the property on him!!! I have had paralysis ticks on me but the grass ticks are far more common here Torsten, how do you make a property 'tick free'. Is there a poison that you can spray around the place, i am sick of pulling the buggers off me and it would be good to be free of them. Ahh well good-bye gus the echnidna.
  10. Smiling Cloud

    Cops "seize" 500 mill worth of pot in QLD

    I saw a picture of it in the newspaper, it looked like spindly shit, or maybe they just left that bit till last. If you were going to grow that much dope, you'd reckon you'd start with a decent strain to cut down numbers. They said they only got 6 guys. Don't worry about how they'd sell it all in a year T, the question is how they could MANICURE that much in a year! Thats a lot of dope, far out, glad i'm not a smoker or i think i'd cry!!
  11. Smiling Cloud

    Echidnas and paralysis ticks

    So because they are immune to the poison does this mean that they won't make him itch? I filled up another specimum jar, thats 2 jars now, after counting the second jar i realised that there was way more than 147 ticks on him like the vet said, covering the bottom of the jar was 63, after that i gave up counting but to fill it up you would need like 15 'layers' so ther would be literally thousands on the poor bugger. There are still sooo many. I'll let him go this arvo, it makes me sad that he has to put up with this. When i lived on a farm and we'd shoot roos me and my brother would see thousands of ticks on their neck, its the only place that they can't scratch. That would do my head in. About 2-3month ago the landladies cat came into my house and droped ticks EVERYWHERE. I had ticks from my head to my toes. The worst ones were up my arse (you'd think it would be on your dick but no), it is pretty impossible to scratch and when you are in public people give you funny looks when you are trying to scratch right up your bum. That was a horrible month and a half, i'd pull them all of and then get more. I really react badly to them and was laid up in bed for about 2 weeks. I couldn't sleep because the itching was everpresent, especially at night as i wasn't pulling them off whilst 'asleep'. A horrible horrible time, thats why i felt so bad for this echidna. I think i'll get some tea tree and treat the rest, and maybe spray him with rid so he at least gets a few days relief. thanks for the input everybody.
  12. Smiling Cloud

    Tamper-proof prescription drugs may halt abuse

    Doesn't vinegar break down gelatin? I remember someone telling me that, not in this context at all, but i'm pretty sure it does. I really don't think people should be banging up pills, it is SO bad for your veins. And if you are going to have a habit, you going to want those veins for as long as possible. I still don't understand why they don't just give people what they want. A few weeks after they release these pills peole will have worked out what to do with them so why don't they stop playing games and hand out vials of whatever. I spose they make medicines for fucked veins as well though, so maybe thats it.
  13. Smiling Cloud

    I got me a e-cigarette

    The cartride isn't a sealed unit. It looks like a rolly filter that has been soaked in nicotine inside a plastic cover. The cover is open at one end so that when you click it in the nicotine sponge comes in direct contact with the vapouriser bit. You could prolly get a pair of tweezers and pull the inside out, soak it in whatever, click it in and off you go.
  14. Smiling Cloud

    I got me a e-cigarette

    You only have to buy the smoking bit once and then you get the cartridges afterwards, otherwise it would be prohibitively expensive. Here's the link http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Cartridges-Mini-Ele...1QQcmdZViewItem I don't know where to put where the mg amount you want is but you may as well get the strong one because even though it says that each cartridge is eqiv to 15-20 cigs there is no way of knowing when you have finished one ciggy and started another. I felt iwas best to just a few draws every 20mins or so, nicotine levels stay constant. Inside the cartridge it looks like a filter that is soaked into a bit of sponge which when held downwards must drip it onto the vapouriser part. I think it would be VERY easy to soak that sponge with anything else. I have to order another one because i was smoking it on the bus and this german girl wanted to get one because she was getting on a 25hour flight the next day so i sold it to her. If you're a smoker than you should really sheck this out as it is def a viable alternative to smoking and if you're not a smoker you should check it out cause nicotine is sweet.
  15. Smiling Cloud

    I got me a e-cigarette

    $50 for the vapouriser bit and then $2 for 20 cigs, or maybe 15... Prolly cheaper to smoke normal cigs, you won't live as long so you won't be spending money all those extra years. ;b
  16. Smiling Cloud

    Autumn Crocus

    Hey there, I'm pretty sure i have stumbled upon a wild patch of autumn crocus!! It sort of looks like chives and when it flowers it has a pink flower. THe bulb isn't really a bulb at all, looks like an onion, a really dirty onion. Is that the right one, for mutating? I've been trying to get my hands on one for a while now, I saw a mates mutations that he has been doing and it is pretty cool. Some weird shaped tomatoes, snow peas with only one pea in it, but the size of marbles!! I don't really have anything in mind that i want to mutate, i can't really see the point other than making some funky looking plants for shits and giggles. Does anyone know if you can only treat the seeds to introduce polyploidism? I was thinking of taking acutting and letting the 'wound' suck up crocus tea overnight and then root it. Also, will the mutant plants pollinate non-mutant plants? I don't really want my freaks escaping. Also, besides plants looking funky, does polyploidism have any positive atributes? Like increasing hardiness? Anyway, i'm going to have some fun with this.
  17. Smiling Cloud

    Growing Dagga

    Maybe you could use a light to supplement the light that the plants are getting, this means that you could use a lower wattage bulb like a 250W to conserve yourself some electricity. Also if you are going to put them under lights you should use a metal halide because you are more after the vegetation rather than flowers. So you don't need to get a new ballast, if you already have the hps system, you can get yourself a metal halide retrofit globe. These will work with your hps ballast and provide a better spectrum of light. So you could set the whole thing up in your back yard, just make sure the ballast and globe never get wet. So if your dagga plants get shade at some times of the day adjust your timer so that the light turns on at this time. This will probably attract attention, but if you got nothing to worry about then go for it. I have known people who have these types of lights set up in their back yard to supplement light/heat to cold intolerant plants, it works and the rate of growth is better than if you were using the sun/artificial light separately.
  18. Smiling Cloud

    Nymphaea caerulea pollen

    I remember when me and a mate were collecting LOTS of water lilies and then had to cut them into 4 quarters that we got pretty dizzy. We actually concluded that it was the pollen becaause we were wearing gloves to chop them up so there was no other way that the actives were getting into us. It was a spacey lighlty narcotic high, like sleepy but not feeling like sleep. We removed the pollen bits from some of the flowers and took them home and ate it that night. I reckon that the entire activity of the lotus is to do with the pollen or that the actives are more concentrated in that part. Thats from my experience anyway.
  19. Smiling Cloud

    Cops fabricating evidence

    I don't think i'm going to anything about this, nothing will come of it but trouble. I WAS driving an unregistered car, even if i didn't know i was, and i did swear at this wanker quite a bit so i'd prolly get a fine for both and then be victimised forever after. One thing that i have thought of is if that chick that i revesred into decides to do anything about the incident (in carpark scammer post) then i will be screwed cause the car wasn't registered!!! I haven't heard anything from her and i'm praying i won't.
  20. Smiling Cloud

    Cops fabricating evidence

    I would LOVE to bring this guy to justice. I don't think it would be that hard, just get the tape of him lying and then compare it with the time that i rented the dvds, he's obviously lying, surely that would be illegal, i mean everything else is. I just went out to go take a piss (i'm in town on a public computer) and i saw THE SAME GUY booking a lady for failing to indicate whilst turning. She was in the car park, I saw the whole thing and watched him give her a ticket for that and failing to have her license. They must be pretty short of their bad guy quota this month, or maybe he wants some time off. This guy needs to be stopped.
  21. Smiling Cloud

    Cops fabricating evidence

    After talking to a few people about this incident i have found out that the 'littleman with power' cop is known as an absolute fucking bastard around town. For those in byron it is the guy who drives the orange patrol car usually. One friend of mine who's mother is very ill and has to work at the iga packing shelves to help with the groceries and go still to school (I'm not making this up hey, even though it is so cliche) was finishing a shift and was riding home on his bike without a helmet or a light on his bike. The lowlife copper booked him for both and asked his address whilst questioning the poor kid. The kid walked his bike a little while and then decided to ride home when he deemed it 'safe'. The copper was waiting for him near his house and then booked him again! It was $90 each time. And this is even after the kid explained that he didn't have enough money for a helmet because he had to support his mum and brother!!! Another friend of mine was getting pulled over by him every time he saw her car and then would let her off and started hitting on her! After it happened a handful of times she felt she was being harrassed so she made a complaint but nothing happened. The next time the copper saw her he put on his lights and then whizzed passed her nearly hitting her car and causing her to drive off the HIGHWAY, her kid was in the back as well. Then he turned around, pulled her over again and started to tell her that he was going to book her for reckless driving!!! This dickhead is really something else hey. He does nothing but damage police public relations. Does anyone know if it possible to get tapes when they have recorded you? I want to get a copy of the recording of me talking to this deadshit. Then i'm going to go to the video store and get the reciept for me hiring some dvds which will show the time of hiring. i was actually in there for about 30 minutes because the guy at the shop is a mate, there is NO way that this cop did not see me get out of that shop. And he certainly didn't see me do a u-turn, pull over to the side of the road and burn off. Getting the time that i hired the tapes and comparing them with the time that he pulled me over will prove that this guy has made up a whole heap of bullshit and will hopefully be suspended for a while or something, people like this should not be given free range to do whatever the fuck they like. he is nothing but a pathetic little man.
  22. Smiling Cloud

    The NEWEST Terrorists

    WS i thought the government had kidnapped you for exposing the truth to all us naive SAB people, hot damn you must've escaped. Good for you WS, good for you. Keep moving WS, they can track your ip address. YOU GOTTA KEEP MOVING!!!!
  23. Smiling Cloud

    Lost Tribe Of The Amazon

    I always thought that people who live in native tribes would be really skinny, like when you see old photos of aborigines, but those guys look pretty healthy, one even looks a little chubby. Must be heaps to eat in the amazon. I really think this is really amazing to see. Man they must be pretty freaked out by the planes, i think i'd shit myself. Actually that happens in our society too, i know people in the mountains who shit themselves when a helicopter flies over as well ;)
  24. Smiling Cloud

    The NEWEST Terrorists

    What is the speaking in tongues thing about? I've seen it on 3am jesus tv a few times. Do the people get whipped into a frenzy by the preachers or do they just do it cause they have to? I watched another related vid on youtube and there was this girl having trouble speaking in tongues, she just ended up going lala la ji bu la la la.I spose it would be difficult to think of a heap of different syllables, kinda like freestyling but more jesussy and nonsensical. Or is it meant to be god speaking thru them? Strange way to spread a message if it is...
  25. Smiling Cloud

    Carpark neck injury scammer

    My car is registered but its not in my name yet cause i have't had the money. I got it a few weeks ago. my friend was going to peru and she wanted a laptop so she was going to sell her car and buy one. She was running out of time so i said i would swap her the car for the laptop, and she did!!!! The car is worth about 4-5 K. So i'm pretty stoked, the lappy cost me 800 about year and a half ago. Anyway so am i covered if the car isn't registered in my name yet? Thats pretty sweet if i am, makes me hope that she does have a crack at it. Those insurance companies would screw her into the ground!!! Already talked to a lawyer, he said not to worry cause there is no way that a judge would grant damages for that, other than her slightly bent number plate... But i am more than happy to pay that.