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Everything posted by gtarman

  1. gtarman

    Experiences growing New Guinea Bean..??

    Hey coolname what were your germination rates like? Out of the 12 seeds I planted (some scarified) only 1 has germinated after about a month. I'm thinking I might also just have dodgy seed or it might just be one of those plants where seed doesn't stay good for long. What do you reckon? Hopefully the one I planted makes it to fruiting stage and I'll have a tonne of fresh seed to try with.
  2. gtarman

    Best way to poison Madeira vine...

    Also Tarenna, how long would you leave the freshly cut stems in the roundup jar for? How long is long enough for sufficient uptake?
  3. gtarman

    Best way to poison Madeira vine...

    LOL I didn't bring it home TI, I'm not that daft. I actually first encountered it upon moving into my current place, it was always very well established here so the ground is full of tubers all over the yard. I try pull up small plants when I see them and hve the energy but the bigger patches are just too much for me to control manually. I'd heard of the wetting agent thing...might have to do some more looking into it. I had a feeling my glyph already had some wetting agent but I might be wrong.
  4. gtarman

    fruit and nuts

    That doesn't strike me as a particularly helpful or supportive thing to say subbo. I don't mean to invalidate or discount your experience or to have a dig or start an argument, just saying that it might not really be what somebody in Olive's position needs to hear is all. Time, healthy habits and sobriety can work wonders, and human brains are pretty resilient and good at bouncing back to equilibrium when given the chance and the right conditions. Hope you're okay Olive, keep up the work you need to get better, seeing doctors, eating right, getting sunlight, socialising and exercising. A couple of books that I've personally found helpful in terms of supporting my brain's health through lifestyle factors (which can be used in addition to - not as a replacement for - proper medical care) are: The Brain Diet (by Alan Logan), The Depression Cure (by Stephen Illardi, written about depression but I suspect would be beneficial for overall mental health) and Spark (by John Ratey). You might find those useful - if you don't want to read the whole books and would like my limited notes on them instead shoot me a PM. Be well mate
  5. gtarman

    don't cha love it when...

    DCLIW you buy a really, REALLY good pineapple. And for cheap. Holy wow...just the smell alone was bliss
  6. gtarman

    Rehab is making me crazy (crazier....)

    Wow, I'm stoked to see Apios americana doing the rounds, and especially surviving the Tassie cold. Do you reckon it would do okay up in the subtropics wb?
  7. gtarman

    Calling the police on a suicidal friend.

    It sounds like you did the right thing mate. Your friend might not be happy about it but you were acting to keep them safe, so don't feel bad. You should always call for help in these situations. Some people have problems with police, but they might have powers and resources that ambulances may not ie to search for a person when they can't be found so it sounds to me like you did exactly the right thing. I've known a lot of people who have had close brushes with suicide and invariably they've gotten through the dark times and been so glad to still be alive. It's really hard to see hope from the darkness when you're knee-deep in it, but things can and will get better with time and proper care. I suspect/hope that someday your friend will even be grateful for your actions for keeping them safe.
  8. So I'm really interested in reading the exact methods used in this paper to increase Solanum torvum seed germination for use as an eggplant rootstock, but I don't have access to the journal and I'm not exactly keen enough to fork out $35 for the full text, so I thought I'd see if any of the plantheads around these parts might have access through academia or other sources and would be willing to message me the details? The paper in question is here: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/282288933_Improving_seed_germination_of_the_eggplant_rootstock_Solanum_torvum_by_testing_multiple_factors_using_an_orthogonal_array_design
  9. As per the title, looking to add both of these to my bitchin' veggie patch if anyone has spare :]
  10. gtarman

    Tubers wanted: Jerusalem artichoke & QLD Arrowroot

    Cheers mate. I think the one growing in most gardens is Canna indica/Canna lily, which is also edible, but the one I'm after is Canna edulis, which have bigger tubers and are bred for eating more than ornamental purposes AFAIK
  11. According to some foraging teacher dude from North America dandelion has no poisonous lookalikes. Not sure if that holds true to Australia as well though. But I haven't died yet. And thanks para, I must just be eating old catsear leaves then
  12. gtarman

    don't cha love it when...

    DCLIW you're walking at night, and as you walk past a street light, it goes out exactly at that moment as you pass it, and you feel like some kind of badass antichrist Or am I the only one that happens to regularly? Maybe I am the antichrist. Would explain a lot.
  13. gtarman

    Experiences growing New Guinea Bean..??

    I've heard that lol. As long as they're productive my veg patch is all about survival of the fittest haha
  14. gtarman

    don't cha hate it when..

    "Put a raw egg in your hair" said the internet. "What could possibly go wrong?" said the internet.
  15. gtarman

    Experiences growing New Guinea Bean..??

    Cheers coolname
  16. gtarman

    Experiences growing New Guinea Bean..??

    Ah nevermind. I just checked now and one of them is sprouting, they were just a little slower than everything else. It sounds like they need a min. soil temp of 22c to germ as well so the last batch might have been perfectly viable for all I know...planted them at the end of Autumn lol
  17. Interested to hear what chillies folks like to get some ideas for new ones to grow. I'm mostly interested in terms of flavour. I haven't tried too many different kinds so I'd say to date my favourite is the habanero, I love the fruity taste it adds and the punch it packs.
  18. gtarman

    What's your favourite chilli and why?

    Interesting! That sounds really cool. And would you cover the container they're in while they're fermenting or leave it open? Does fermenting them affect the heat at all?
  19. gtarman

    Rescued Bridgesii

    Defs doesn't look like a hybrid to me. Standard bridgey. Cool story to it though, always nice to save a cactus :]
  20. gtarman

    don't cha hate it when..

    DCHIW you have a bad dream that influences your mood on waking. Not a nightmare as such, but dreams that reopen old wounds and rub salt in them, as though somebody designed the dream specifically to push your emotional buttons and make you feel lousy. Thanks sleep, you jerk.
  21. Who the hell hacks Trout?? Douche move.
  22. gtarman

    What's your favourite chilli and why?

    ^ How would you use the fermented chilli Leaves? Any links to recipes or what have you? Never thought of doing that before