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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Sola

  1. Sola

    Loph seeds for sale

    Yep, I'd like a hundred as well thanks mate. Can I get them posted with the loph I'm after? PM'd details
  2. I'd like the first $40 one if I can please. Might be able to get more later. Cheers
  3. Sola

    caapi in SA

    That's awesome, I'd keep it in the hottest microclimate you have with plenty of light. Most of my plants are in the ground but if you might move at some stage I'd just put it in the biggest pot you have. I'm not sure if watering with luke warm water helps but I'm thinking it does. Mine have seemingly stalled on growth with the weather but hopefully they'll get a bit more growth before winter.
  4. Sola

    Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

    Yeah I collected the seed and could get some more. Shouldn't be a problem, there are heaps of seed heads. PM me your details and we'll go from there. Thanks for the info again, I'll put them in as soon as possible. Don't know how many more warm days I'm going to get. It'll be a rush to plant all the different seed I've currently got before the weather gets too cold for germination.
  5. Sola

    Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I think the seed should be viable, it is very fresh. It was growing only a couple of weeks/ days ago. Also the dam where I'm planning on putting them once they've germinated as well as most of the surrounding soil is clay, so no problems there. I don't have any fish but there could be a few Yabbies that might munch them. I'm pretty sure the dam water is nutrient rich, it receives runoff from neighbouring farmland and natural vegetation. Cheers guys Sola
  6. Sola

    caapi in SA

    Thanks for the cutting information, I'm not at a stage yet where I can do that but am hoping to ITF. The colder weather has meant the growth has almost completely halted. I was wondering if caapi would get the required amount of light for good growth if I had it near a large window inside? At least then it would be warmer, I'm not transplanting the one in the ground I've been lucky enough to get another one and was thinking of a slightly different approach. I will of course want it in the ground eventually but to get it through winter it might be better to have it inside, I'm really not sure. This year we barely had a summer so there wasn't the growth I expected unfortunately. I'm thinking of setting up a more substantial hot house as well.
  7. Sola

    P. semilanceata 2011

    Great to see they're around in Tassie for all the lucky people who live there, I'm not too hopeful of finding them in SA but I keep my eyes open all the same.
  8. Has the location changed? I was there between 12:30 and 2:00 but didn't see anyone I recognised. Or has the time changed?
  9. If people are still going to the botanic I'll come down in the rain. Not sure where people will be if the usual place is soaked.
  10. I've heard bugger all in the media about this proposed legislation, similarly conservation groups involved in preserving our native flora and fauna have been very quiet, at least in my area. Indigenous groups must be furious about this as well, where are their voices. Public discussion my arse. Are there any countries that aren't ruled by short-sighted greed mongers with even worse legislation to legitimise their agenda. If there's anywhere left on this planet where people can truly be free, please tell me because I'm emigrating there.
  11. Sola

    Council removing Acacia sp.

    I think the more letters to the editor the better, most people would not be in favour of destroying native habitat. Also many gardeners wouldn't like the idea of their gardens being destroyed, increase public awareness and allow discontent to grow amongst all facets of the community. If the council knew about the proposed legislation and destroyed A. longifolia it is likely they are linked, regardless or their said reasons. Their response of: "acting appropriately" sounds over zealous, if you live in that council area don't expect to find any Acacia's, people with little botanical knowledge spraying and physically removing plants tend to get 'off target' species frequently. If this proposed legislation does go through the already seriously degraded environment will be further decimated by ignorant people.
  12. I like the look of it, and it should be relatively easy to build. Perpsex or glass would be the expensive part I guess. Don't think I'd need under soil heat pipes in SA, would be good to have a tank nearby and collect rainfall.
  13. Awesome work, you've inspired me to have a go with some bamboo from a patch growing near here. It's classed as a weed so no one will mind me getting some more. I already got some for stakes in the vegie patch, such a versatile plant.
  14. Sola

    Pine forest beauties (lots of pics!)

    Awesome photos mate! Did you take any spore prints? Thanks for sharing.
  15. Sola

    Brugmansia questions

    Cuttings are definitely the way to go, keep them reasonably moist and they'll take readily. Not sure about alkaloids, I think I remember reading somewhere that you don't dry in direct sunlight but can't remember where to verify. And yeah obtuse is right, even experienced shaman introduce Brug leaves into ayahuasca with caution.
  16. Sola

    the coolest pipe in the world

    Awesome pipe, if they aren't too expensive I'd love to get something made up. Whoever carved that has a lot of skill. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Sola

    Just to make sure

    I wanted to make sure these weren't worth keeping before I put them back outside. Recently got the field guide from this site and think I've identified them as: Omphallina sp. Hebeloma sp. Hygrophorus/ Hygrocybe sp. or Mycena sp. Taking spore prints to further examine but atm the spores look white and light brown. Oops didn't mean to have the second post
  18. Sola

    Unusual mushroom

    I found this mushroom on a walk, it was on the flat just near a river course. Sort of looked like a short stubby black tongue poking out of the ground. Not particularly large, 50c piece size. Also an interesting small mushroom found on cow dung. Thanks Sola
  19. I can't say I was surprised, but I couldn't find one non-biased news story anywhere. This in my opinion shows the dark blanket of propaganda that's been thrown over the population. I know of many people myself included that believe information should be in the public domain all the time, especially when elected leaders are spending tax payers money. Julian Assange and his people are allowing the public to access information that would be hidden for many years if it surfaced at all. Every television channel, including SBS & ABC, portrayed the public access to information as though lives would be lost, leakers were unpatriotic and the government spin doctors were openly saying that they were trying to minimise harm by speaking to the media. Which in my way of thinking means avert the public attention and keep them pacified. As far as losing lives I presume they're talking about soldiers that they sent to war and are now at risk as a result of public access to documents they created. And it was a US spokeswoman who called the leakers unpatriotic but I think we all have to remember these people are obviously in positions in the defence force and have made what politicians call a 'conscience vote' and yes I think it's fair to call it unpatriotic but when your government starts behaving in an embarrassing/ illegal/ inhumane manner then I think it's the individuals obligation not to follow blindly. Anyway, I thought a few others may have some opinions on the topic. I was outraged at the obvious lack of awareness in the general populace of just how penetrating and all pervasive the current propaganda program is. Sola
  20. Sola

    Wikileaks media coverage

    Great link, thanks WD. Just goes to show journalists aren't interested in delving too deep into why Julian and others developed Wikileaks. I think most people around the world making up the powerless majority would agree with the goals of Wikileaks: to expose anything and everything impartially so that governments, TNC's are forced into being accountable and behaving in a more socially acceptable manner toward all members of society regardless of their bank balance or social ranking. The responses seen worldwide show just how much of a threat Wikileaks and similar forums can be, governments and organisations that engage in suspect activity should be afraid. Hopefully the greatest gift the internet can give us is a more equitable society where movements such as those in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are no longer necessary because people have not only freedom but freedom from a system that maintains a small number of very wealthy people while others have little or nothing. Long Live the Cypher Punks!
  21. Sola

    Wikileaks media coverage

    Bank of America using Private Intel Firms to Attack Wikileaks 2011-02-09 In a document titled "The WikiLeaks Threat" three data intelligence companies, Plantir Technologies, HBGary Federal and Berico Technologies, outline a plan to attack Wikileaks. They are acting upon request from Hunton and Williams, a law firm working for Bank of America. The Department of Justice recommended the law firm to Bank of America according to an article in The Tech Herald. The prosed attacks on WikiLeaks according to the slides include these actions: Feed the fuel between the feuding groups. Disinformation. Create messages around actions of sabotage or discredit the opposing organizations. Submit fake documents and then call out the error. Create concern over the security of the infrastructure. Create exposure stories. If the process is believed not to be secure they are done. Cyber attacks against the infrastructure to get data on document submitters. This would kill the project. Since the servers are now in Sweden and France putting a team together to get access is more straightforward. Media campaign to push the radial and reckless nature of WikiLeaks activities. Sustain pressure. Does nothing for the fanatics, but creates concern and doubt among moderates. Search for leaks. Use social media to profile and identify risky behavior of employees. As Air America was wholly CIA owned and probably still is so too are many other corporations/ banks etc. Bank of America it seems is also one of these money earning fronts and apparently a staging point for cyber attacks etc.
  22. Sola

    aussie ethnobotany

    Some good books there micromegas, I'll have to get some of them myself. I have the Clarke book as well as "Bushfires & Bushtucker: Aboriginal plant use in Central Australia" by Peter Latz. It's quite informative and has both the Latin names as well as Aboriginal terms. Also Mountford's "Nomads of the Australian Desert" is a really interesting read but I suggest you borrow it from the library as a copy can go for as much as $1200. Another interesting book is simply called Ngadjuri it's written by surviving descendants of the Ngadjuri culture. Goes into plant use somewhat but has a lot of cultural stories of land formations and animals. There is also a lot of unpublished material at the state library as well as the Barr Smith, some of it is restricted access but others you can read.
  23. I think it is unusual that two people that refused to change their description on ebay used the same excuse. Is it possible that this is a concerted effort by some to get the new legislation through? If it turns out this is true I think they should be exposed for the ignorant and selfish people they are.
  24. Sola

    Germinating Ephedra seeds.

    Excellent information, thanks for taking the time to write it up.
  25. Sola

    Blue Trich

    Just wanted to see if people are interested in some of these cacti, I'm interested in trading for Loph seeds/ plants, clumping cactus. Also interested in Saffron. I'm always interested in different plants though so if you have a suggestion I'm all ears. PM me with details if you're interested. I'm sorry I can't give you the name, I'm not sure myself. I'm regularly broke so if all you have is cash thats all cool. Cheers Sola