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The Corroboree


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    Space and time are not overcome by space and time, but by spacelessness and timelessness

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  1. G'day Torsten re: Pete, I think you could have done much better than this pitiful thread. It's a very improtant discussion, but your simplistic approach basically makes it impossible for any proper discussion to develop. a simplistic response got a simplistic answer, on forums people are disrespectful or pester on hot topics and it can be catching eh eh ok will apologise and edit re: By dismissing every opinion that does not match your own you have pretty much killed this thread. It's on page 4 and there is no substance from you and very little interaction from you to content provided by others. You wonder why this topic is so difficult? It's because of people like you. there wasnt much substance either way and Torsten It's because of people like me it will be discussed, on forums people are disrespectful or pester on hot topics and it can be catching eh eh, i am trying to tell them some things without causing a panic but i will stop now and stick to plant topics here, i have said my 2 bobs worth re: to turn them back to? indonesia, malaysia or wherever they started, its the prev location, its the only place they can be sent, you think its impossible but it isnt i can understand your angle i will respond to the rest of your post asap
  2. lol Jox you make a post then minutes later pester and repeat a framed question and now play dumb eh eh so yes get lost mate, unless you have a logical solution if you pester, people will tell ya that and i you know that man sheesh ethos same goes for you mam i bet a silver dollar both of you watch the news and actually believe it
  3. G'day Evil genius good post mate i knew it would get you thinking and you would have a logical contribution
  4. ok so i found 2 answers that had logic and need discusion, i did see a couple more i will find botanica Immigration is a much broader topic than illegal immigrants. Not much you can do about it now, it's highly political, the MSM will not address it and most people don't even care or understand about the long term implications of preserving or mixing cultures and race. 'We're all one big happy family' 'we're all the same' blah blah blah, politically correct but niave rhetoric. Illegal immigrants are ultimately small fish in relation to the broader trend of whats happening as overindustrialized 1st world countries slowly dillute into overpopulated 3rd world countries, except for places like China or Israel which have a priority towards being racially homogenous. One thing to consider is that no person (like no plant species) should ever be labelled 'illegal'. nothink Doing A or B here wont solve the core of the problem. And if we have to label them something Im going to go with People...they are not boat people, white or black people, fat or thin people. They are just people like all of us. The real question is WHY ARE THEY FLEEING? Not where to put them. I dont believe they are coming here to rob me or blow up buildings, so I cant help but wonder why they risk their lifes to get here. Then the next question is Do they need help? And How can we help? Im not a fan of war or agree how Australia intervenes with other Countries at Americas beck n call, but maybe our troops are in the wrong place.
  5. jox my reply is there it says: sorry this post is illogical but with further consideration your logic is we dont have a right to protect our borders, wake up mate, if you cant use logic get lost wake up
  6. illegals will be sent home guaranteed jox and like your question was ever my priority lol it was posted not long ago lol emotions high,logic 0 = get lost your logic is we dont have a right to protect our borders
  7. you hope people are smart enough? did you read your post? its fantacy sorry this post is illogical wake up mate lay off the peyote, think of solutions if you think they shouldn't be sent home, your logic is we dont have a right to protect our borders, wake up mate, if you cant use logic i wont reply from now on wake up
  8. dont be shy Stillman immigration can send the illegals home asap what do you say about that idea? and why shouldnt they its what we pay them for
  9. what and thats logic for you!? so landmass is how you are looking at it? in a country thats mostly desert??? pass the peyote over here youv had enough
  10. 1. how is that an insult? 2. non logic 3. irrelevance 4. your posts havnt been worth responding too
  11. logic not present its about overpopulation, its not about im more aussie than anyone its about population, i am sorry but from what i can tell so far you quote landmass but the people will mostly goto one of the cities i dont see any logic in your responses either, Australia is desert
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