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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by SayN

  1. boys weekend away - fishing, drinking, smoking, golfing, drinking, canoeing, cards, stripper(s) (although the regional variety might be a bit on the rough side), did I mention drinking? With a liberal quantity of herbal remedies thrown in to boot.

  2. use a trace! :rolleyes:

    theyre not only fun they are yum!!!

    i used to catch them by the doz with my grandpa from the warf at wagstaff (near woy-woy). We would take them home and crumb them and fry them up in the pan with a bit of lemon. delish.

    most humane way to kill a fish i have found is to just cut their throat (beneath their gills) with a sharp blade. always good to bleed a fish for consumption, some sp more than other..tailor and salmon for instance.

    leaving them to suffocate ive always found rather barbaric.

    a trace would not have helped even if id wanted to catch the little bastards. they were biting the line six feet from the end. id also be embarrassed tracing up for leatherjacket...

    i'm not sure about cutting them below the gills - it's not like they have lungs or carotid arteries. most humane way i've found (although you can't exactly get feedback from a fish) is with a good firm club over the head or a knife straight in the brain. Flounder, however, seem really hard to kill with any method (i think there brains are so tiny and mislocated its hard to find).

  3. nice shots lsdreamz - beats the ones I took so I won't bother. lol - thats me in the background of shot #7. (no, not the girl). (perhaps at one stage I held a sign for you whilst you took a photo?)

    I was really amazed at the variety of cacti available - inspirational show. And I also managed to pick up a few souvenirs - one of the baby lophs (god help it), a cute monstrose T.bridgesii, and a couple of other smaller cacti.

    I didn't see the $50 lophs (which is probably just as well), and I also didn't see any pedros or peruvians for sale which I thought odd, unless those are some in shot #19. (are they?)

  4. I never really gave it too much thought (story of my life), but I saw having children as something I would be more likely to regret not doing than doing. At times my little angels drive me up the wall but the experience as a whole has been hugely rewarding. Enormously.

    If I have any regrets at all, it's the change in dynamics having children has had on my marriage as my wife and I have adapted to our new roles. Oh, and worrying about your kids when they get sick is a real killer.

  5. you don't say whether your friend mixes with tobacco. if so, therein lies the biggest problem imho. ime taking the tobacco out solves 95% of addiction/fiending issues - particularly if you don't smoke cigarettes normally. nicotine gum helps with the withdrawals but beware it's pretty horrible.

    getting a vaporizer is also a must. i can vouch for vapolution brands... cheap, portable and efficient although the glassware may be a little fragile. the fact that it's not quite as convenient as ripping a bong and mulling up isn't necessarily required are good points that help break old habits.
