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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by teonanacatl

  1. So the fear at Mt Gox is that the coins will go down with the ship? If thats not the case then wow that is low and one only need be patient for them to sort out their problem!
  2. teonanacatl

    breeds and types animals for smallholdings a review

    Pigs! Convert carbs and protein into meat. The ferals are the hardiest but will have a low food conversion ratio and will find food anywhere, they are also very smart and not docile. Large whites and durocs Ive found do well on commercial feed and are easy to tame with great food conversion and meat distribution. Durocs are better in the sun then the whites which get sunburnt. Large english blacks are my latest trial and have an excellent FCR, are really tame and docile and dont dig too much as long as they are fed. I let mine roam free sometimes and they love eating grass and plant material. They also seem easier to train to not challenge fences, dig etc then the others. Also do well in the heat and the sun being black.
  3. Also Ill repeat, I think you are taking too much stuff. I also think you are over-thinking it. The best way to start is to go out with very little and work up from there getting what you want. Likewise by thinking about where you are probably over-thinking it. At the rate you are going you will need a van
  4. A compass is pretty useless without a map, unless you just want crude directions. Most of the land in Australia is actually owned by someone so you are going to be walking along roads lots. What are you going to do for money? I ask because its important. Im a hermit, in a shack in Cape York, its very much romanticised but its the life for me. There are a few other people around here doing the same thing except most live off dole money or dodgy disability pension money. As someone who does work so I have enough $$ to survive I disapprove of making tax payers support your lifestyle choice, I also believe the only reason I can function as a hermit without to much interaction with others is because I dont drink, smoke, have habits and I do work to keep myself busy. If you have savings or plan on working then disregard my comments. A quote that is very much applicable " All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone will be something you'll be quite a lot!" Dr Suess
  5. I cant do a deposit at a bank and coinjar has to manually verify me and its taking ages. I just want to buy some BTC now !!!
  6. Can anyone recommend places to buy/sell BTC other than Mt Gox and Coinjar. I cannot get verified with moneypolo. Whats with all the odd ways to buy BTC, no paypal, no creditcard!
  7. Id say fowl, goats and pigs have you covered as far as animals you raise. Youll need a horse or cow if you want to use it to plough fields properly but Id settle for pigs doing that. Low impact is just as much to do with stocking rates as animal type. Goats are ruminants they convert cellulose to energy, fat etc so all they need is a source of protein and cellulose. Pigs on the other hand cannot convert cellulose so need carbs and protein. Hardier breeds are your feral goats and pigs, these animals are better adapted to find food and better at using poor food sources. However there is a serious trade off in their ability to put on meat/produce milk. You probably want something in the middle, Anglo-nubian goats and large english black pigs etc. Another thing is are you going to breed them or buy them as babies and raise them. Breeding is somewhat of a pain to do it properly and means you need a larger herd plus males. I keep my pigs in a resting garden bed when I can, let them eat the scraps and fertilise the soil (you could consider pig pellets an alternative to buying fertiliser though its more exxy). When I have the room I would build a central pen/run for the goats and pigs and then as many 1/2 acre fenced gardens around them as I could. You grow enough food for yourself, the pigs and the goats. Grow legume pastures, tubers etc on the resting beds and cycle the pigs through first then the goats after them. Then Id let the pigs strip the pasture bare and turn it over, plant it with your veg patch and cycle your old patch- or any variation there abouts.
  8. Do you have a job? Source of $? You will need something to do with your time besides facebook, twitter etc. If you want this to work I think you need to embrace being alone and you need things to do. Also you have to much stuff, you will have to move around more then you think unless you are buying groceries from a shop and even then you will want to see new things. Id aim for 30-40kg max for everything. Also give up cigs, alcohol, weed, coffee, sugar or any food habits you have before you go. Here is another suggestion for you, put an ad on gumtree saying you are looking for a house/shack/shed etc to live in, do some care taking in exchange for the accommodation. Im not talking about staying with someone, but rather staying on someones land where they dont go, you look after it for them. Im sure you'll find someone. Also you may have to try more then one place before you find one you like. You are going to be accessing private or state land and national park and you will need to be respectful of that.
  9. teonanacatl


    So two days ago I transferred the wild hive to a top bar hive I built. This was my first time doing anything with bees! I was wearing a bunch of flannos jumpers and jeans and I used mozzie net to keep them off my face, my protective equipment was completed with a pair of diving gloves and a pair of diving booties. Basically I got stung 100's of times which was more so annoying than painful. I initially forgot my smoker but my bro went back for it and it made a big difference. My chainsaw was playing up so after cutting down the tree I just put my arm down the hollow and pulled/cut out all the comb. I managed to get three medium sized pieces of mostly full brood and one full of honey into my topbar hive along with the queen. The topbar is situated right next to the old hive and so Im hoping the bees that are around there will smell the queen and honey and head inside. Wearing all the gear I had on in 30+ degrees with 95% humidity took its toll on my so I didnt do a very good job. I only transferred about 30% of the brood and about 15% of the honey to the new hive. I managed to harvest 3.5-4kg of honey and Im making a wax extractor to separate the wax out. The honey is very strong in flavour and is about the same colour as coca cola and you cannot see through it, some of it is a little runnier then normal stuff but it all tastes great. Ill check on the hive again today, when I checked yesterday there were bees flying in and out of it but still a lot hanging around the old hive.
  10. Im kinda gutted, last time I dropped I had all the paperwork to mt gox, took them till yesterday to validate it all! I missed that bus!
  11. teonanacatl

    First attempts at scrimshaw

    You're on a roll!! Looking forward to see what else you come up with. Re how to scrim: You can also do the scrims with just stippling as well- thats what I do. Or you can use both as per the effects you need. I use Laskins engraving crayon to make mine black, havent tried the paint bogfrog posted. I use a print out or a trace of the image I want to scrim, stick it to the piece with sticky tape then do the outlines with stipples. This allows me to draw the image larger, scan it and manipulate it to size- I do this a lot with my carvings also. This also helps when you cannot draw. As for magnification I use a 6.7-45x microscope, the bigger the magnification the more precise you can be with your dots and the better the piece will look to the eye at no magnification. I polish right up to .5 micron (~60,000 grit). The key to a good scrim to me is the shading, my advise is to shade more and more to develop the tones. The difference between a good scrim piece and an average scrim piece would be to double the time shading (all other things held equal). Scrimming is great because of the minimal tools you need! And as for materials to scrim on, there are endless possibilities.
  12. teonanacatl

    Carvings of mine

    Ill start a carve along thread soon, will start with an easy toki style design complete with how to do the bindings, braids etc.
  13. teonanacatl

    For sale- Oryzalin (Used to induce polyploidy)

    Bump- Still got some available.
  14. teonanacatl

    Carvings of mine

    My latest carving! Im very happy with this piece!
  15. teonanacatl

    What do you eat?

    Thats and awesome database! Thanks for sharing! Plants are great ;)
  16. teonanacatl

    Insect farming thread

    The green ants we get in tropical australia are big in asian countries, so much so that they farm them. They eat the larvae and eggs. I raided a nest and tried them fried but cant say they were anything special. If we had a better waste system all the food scraps could be used to produce black soldier fly larvae which could be fed to fish or animals. Or the waste could just go to pigs From memory there are already a few places in Oz growing bugs for food.
  17. teonanacatl

    What do you eat?

    Re essential amino acids- I may have fallen for a pet hate of mine, that being never believe what you hear and question everything! I did a quick search and cannot find anything more then popular media to support either claim that vegetables are complete or incomplete. Sorry for providing potentially misleading information. There are other ways, it just takes balls to leave it/some of it behind. There are plenty of stations and areas around Australia where there are spare shacks or where people can build shacks and live with less dependance on society, however the more one becomes free from society the more one is bound by nature- so its not all greener on the other side. My view is that being born into the country we dont have a right to any land- this is not the case in a lot of subsistence and third world countries. If we want security then we do need to work 40hr weeks our whole life to buy that security, in other countries just being born there grants you land and you dont have to worry about where you will live.
  18. Food, sleep and EXERCISE! Cant forget that one! Science relies on statistics and normal distributions (for the most part) so there are always exceptions to everything. The problem is not with the science or with the papers its with the interpretation of them. News articles and popular media dont care about the stats or problems with the experiments, just the number of likes they get for it. I think this quote adequately sums it up though it is perhaps a little harsh: "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand" Bertrand Russell.
  19. teonanacatl

    What do you eat?

    Cool! It would be interesting to know if its still bacterially derived as its only known to be produced by bacteria. Thought the only website I could find rated japanese ashitaba at 0.04ug/100g and DRI is 2.4ug/day so thats 6kg of dried leaf! Apparently the american ashitaba is 17.18ug/100g, so approx 15g/day of dried leaf which is much more manageable. Though at ~$80/100g two glasses of milk/day doesnt sound that bad?
  20. teonanacatl

    What do you eat?

    Spoke with my gf, she said vegans almost always need to take a B12 supplement- there are no non animal sources. They are also likely iron and calcium deficient. Vegetarians are most likely iron and calcium deficient. Apparently most have trouble with iron- especially women. Something that she said I found very interesting; The protein requirement for the body is really a requirement for amino acids so its important to get the right amino acids. Now people who are omnivorous dont have any problem with protein variety, in fact meat provides a complete source for protein requirements. Vegetarians (and more so vegans) have a much harder job as plant foods are not complete sources, so they must have a diversity of protein sources. Now amino acid deficiency has some very general effects on the body including nervousness, exhaustion and dizziness. Really all that matters is you eat a balanced diet- balanced vegetarian, vegan or omnivorous it doesnt matter as long as you get what you need.
  21. This is for me the key to living, everyone IS different! I dont however see it as something that one needs to make a big song and dance over- ie just because you are wheat intolerant doesnt mean wheat is evil. I do believe there is some truth to the idea that you are more adapted to diet similar to you close ancestors, however once a selective pressure is removed a whole manner of things can pop up, ie intolerances.
  22. The article was meant as a humorous note, it really doesnt even have much to do with this thread topic. There was a springerlink article on the same subject running in the same vein if you'd rather a "scientific" paper. LokStok it is an interesting question, maybe if I get some spare time.
  23. hehe http://www.theguardian.com/education/2001/sep/06/medicalscience.healthandwellbeing
  24. Cant be bothered to research modern and heirloom wheat protein levels, so Ill stay broad, sorry. Not much in this world was designed to be eaten, its a biological arms race. Many many crops contain toxic compounds that are limited, destroyed through cooking etc. Natural selection says that individual plants could have novel compounds present- whether those genes are propagated into the future depends whether the compounds contribute to survival. Toxins are everywhere and our bodies have evolved to remove them effectively. For some reason people seem hell bent on avoiding various compounds; gluten, vaccines, fluoride, nitrate/nitrite. Yet, as has been the same throughout history, other compounds are declared to have healing properties, in general the weirder the better.
  25. Hehe I figured that was too obvious