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Sonny Jim

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Everything posted by Sonny Jim

  1. also, I think the argument that "the gov is just trying to help" is a very ignorant one. I am sorry to say "ignorant" but it is true and I am guilty of this ignorance as well. There's just no reason at all to suspect the gov wants to help us (not help us die!) when you take ino account the actual things the gov does, has done, will do. The only possible reason to assume the gov is out to help us comes from the gov's propaganda. There are zero reasons to think otherwise when yo actually look into it. if they cared about the kids. would they? fake vaccine the kids water fluoridate the kids BPA lace the kids microwave the kids etc etc How can we even think about "gov takes babies at birth because of "drugs"" being anything other than pure, smokeable evil? how many times throughout history has "gov takes babies at birth because of bullshit reason" turned out to be a good thing?
  2. but i don't think the reason for why this genocide goes on is for lack of proof to put a case in law. no, I think it goes on because anyone who gets close to getting some traction to bring them to justice will be stopped via the use of violence of some sort.
  3. I see plenty of proof of malice. I see plenty of motive. I don't think it would be hard to prove in a fair court. if a fair court could be found.
  4. slybacon it's not proven that fluoride has any health benefits. Never has, never will...just like uranium. The dental benefits are a lie, sodium fluoride is bad for human teeth.
  5. if i come across it again i will post a link but with wireless communication, I remember reading where the law had to be changed (back in the 80's 90's, can't remember exactly) to enable mobile phones et al to be sold legally. Apparently there had been for a long time laws to protect us from the specific frequency bands now used by mobile phones and towers etc The specific type of microwave frequency had been previously classified for use in medical instruments only (because they cause change to tissue). They changed the law so they could use those medical frequencies to broadcast wireless to the masses. I suppose I should find that link. it was not some scary youtube video, i read it on the phillips (electrical goods) website. It's in one of their product specs or something. It's probably written as a part of many product info pages on wireless products.
  6. yes I am saying there is enough proof that they hurt us on purpose as a way of managing us.
  7. i disagree it's pretty easy to prove all the things I mention are done on purpose because they were all known to be poisonous before was introduced. Even the mobile phone towers and handset were known to be operating on frequencies that causes changes tissue before they were perpetrated against the public. people who put the fluoride in the water can't say they didn't know. it would be like putting uranium in the water today and trying to argue there's not enough safety research to prove uranium is a poison. A gov official would have to be lying to try that one on because I don't believe they didn't know. it's pretty obvious as well.
  8. i thought microwave radiation is ionizing if it is strong enough. Is it true that all electromagnetic radiation can cause ionisation if it is strong enough? anyway, those sources of radiation i listed are all serious health hazards and will induce/interfere with electrical current. I thought that what's meant by ionising radiation. anybody know about that stuff? the main point is that they are a health hazard because they cause pathological damage to tissue, like the brain damage caused by mobile phones...hey Sally? and that's EASY to prove with a SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Easy because the methodology has already been scientifically carried out and we just have to google the damning results. no?
  9. this is not about toxicology. this is about giving gov power to hurt us all for no reason other than the consolidation of power/control for gov. that's where a historical perspective is important to help us remember that--> big gov = BAD
  10. this is bad because "drug abuse" could mean anything. we already have laws to protect and remove children from harm. this is not about protecting children and it worries me that is lost on some people. as a parent it really worries me. thank god my kid is in her teens now and not at risk from these horrible people who are sure they know what's best for me and my kid. "if only those pesky rights-in-law weren't so restrictive of our attempts to help the poor stupid masses"....they seem to think
  11. ^^^I disagree, some things can be proven easily with SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Things like; the water is poisoned on purpose the vaccines are poisoned on purpose ionising radiation is not healthy (wi-fi, mobilephone towers and handsets, smart meters, baby monitors and more). and when the reason the oligarchy do these things to us are written by them on record then we are going off more than just what one believes to be true. We can start to talk about it being objective truth/fact at that point...or pretty damn close. again, I maintain it's the lack of historical context to understand the present day that causes us the most trouble with all of this. I mean, the science is easy enough. What seems to be hard is realising there is even a reason to employ the science to investigate the tyranny in the first place.
  12. anybody who can support these proposed laws are in my opinion far more dangerous to the children and community in general than the most fucked up of "pregnant drug abusers" (what ever the fuck that means) and not that there's anything defensible about abusing children but to even suggest this kind of shit!...what kind of low life trash?...honestly. I know a young couple who had their new borne taken from them because the mother tested positive to cannabis at the hospital. It happens regularly in the Illawarra. I guess nobody put up a fight so they are really trying to drop the hammer, hence these proposed new laws.
  13. stonewolf weather jesus is real or not is actually not important to the points I am making. The history of true christians fighting tyranny dominates the actual history of the last 2000 years. My posts are not about convincing you or my self that "jesus is lord"...I am not personally a Christian. My posts in this thread use the very important (but seemingly a tad hidden or forgotten or something) examples of Roman's VS Hebrews to remind us all that the "animating contest of liberty" has dominated human history. I want to warn people to think twice about the idea that government oppression doesn't happen in westernised countries anymore. ..........because they are poisoning us on mass and it's our lack of historical insight that probably looms largest in what causes Australia's inability to protect our children from easily avoidable but incredibly horrible ongoing mass poisoning by chemical, radiological and biological agents. It's in the interest of the oligarchy that you don't understand the role Christianity has played in the ongoing "animating contest of liberty". It's in the interest of the oligarchy that you know nothing real about the "animating contest of liberty"...and by and large the oligarchy have been successful in achieving that end. It's basically the same thing as when ignorant media pigs describe ethnobotany type trippers as "hippy-crack" addicted, airy fairy, delusional etc nothing could be further from the true spirit of the pursuit but it's easy to believe for people who want to believe it. edits:most typos
  14. True Christianity/Jesus and the establishment churches are not the same thing. That's my point. Catholicism and many other established churches have little to do with Jesus, that is obvious to many people. That's what I mean about history, you have the same opinion I had of Christianity until I studied the bible and the history for my self over the last couple of years, I have put a lot of time into it and found out how ignorant I was. The thing is that throughout history the established churches have been used and even created by the oligarchy to give true Christianity a bad name. It's impossible to know that without the history of the churches. It makes it easy to jump to the conclusion we have both jumped to. That's why building an understanding of history, especially the history of tyranny VS liberty, is paramount to maintain a free society and to be able to speak intelligently about the current gov etc.
  15. Sonny Jim

    Youtube vids

    Tarpley's 2013 CSPAN Lecture on Russian Fleets of 1863 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLB1umCHaqw This is amazing. Russia played a role on the side of the American republic during America's civil war against the Anglo Oligarchy/British Empire. How can we possibly make sense of geopolitics today if this level of history is kept in the shadows. I find accurate accounts of history are a source of nourishment for the spirit. So wholesome
  16. PhoenixSon "a bit of a smear campaign against a slow moving gradualist change, its actually quite forward thinking, if you dont take the shit smeared on it. " It's not a smear campaign, it's a factual observation. Also their policies have always been completely morally corrupt and yes that does pass for "forward thinking" in populations deprived of basic history education and christianity (by true Christianity I mean an emphasis on the individuals relationship with God, as opposed to an emphasis on the states relationship with God being the focus of the collective) and that's not my opinion either. Just study Russia under Stalin. I think we have a massive problem in this country because our education system teaches us government oppression is a thing of the past. It sounds like a trick too dumb to work on a smart country like Australia but it has absolutely decimated us. It's because of this that we can't even mobilize to stop them from poisoning our children at school with vaccines and fluoride in the water. The FACT is government oppression is worse than it has been in centuries (right now!) in this country and I am taking into account the mass genocide of our indigenous people that happen at the start of European settlement here! I hate for this to sound like I am trying to be anything other than truly helpful and respectful (loving ;0 ) when I say that people here who are confused about this topic really must start studying history. We have and are being dumbed down on purpose. With chemical, biological and radiological agents and with weaponized culture at school. It worked well and we are still getting dumber. I don't understand how you can call the gradual changes they force as being somehow good for anybody except to the consolidation of the power of the financial oligarchy. How can that be a good thing? They have gutted the country with their deregulation....on purpose to consolidate their power...and it worked! look how dramatically financial policy alone in the last 30 years has dropped the standard of living for most Australians. Socialism is obviously a form of weaponized culture invented by the oligarchy and sold to the masses as a populist ideology. That's also the history of it, not my opnion. Can you think of any examples in history where any form of collectivist state (communism, fascism , social marxism etc) was anything other than a method by which the oligarchy consolidated power and brutalized the humanity of the individual? and again, I just want to promise I am not trying to belittle anyone but must state that us aussies are dangerously ignorant of history and of true Christianity. I am not a christian, I am a tripper but I respect Christians and am sorry it took me so long to realise their history is nothing but a big long fight against the oligarchy but I was taught the opposite by the TV documentaries I watched as a kid and my teachers and parents. Christian's have a very brave history of fighting tyranny and that's why the oligarchy must keep the true story of Christianity out of society. Check out the bible for stories of Romans Vs Hebrews. edit:tried to fix up spelling. and also to add that. I think when we have conversations and get bogged down in the intricacies of the symbols and other tricky occult stuff like the meaning of their rituals etc we run the risk (due to our lack of historical perspective) of not seeing the wood for all those trees....you see, if we can't recognize the basics, like when mass murder, mass maiming and mass sterilization (to name but a few current hot topics) of the public is "public policy". We can only get lost in the detail going in circles until we throw history into the equation and allow our selves some useful purchase on this mountain of a learning curve. T the victims (the people, the cattle, the rubes) can't think clearly enough to discern a bio weapon from a medicine or to be able to discern that they are the pray of the oligarchy (currently on planet earth we have a financial oligarchy).
  17. Subaeruginosin "Expendable": The harrowing case of innocent Schapelle Corby. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w8hWo-puqU apparently she was set up by the cops for fun or something equally horrible. It's so hard to know this kind of stuff since Australia has close to zero alternative media.
  18. Apparently the idea that we live in a free society has not been true for the majority of the last 2000 years and beyond. I think it was George Washington who calls it the "animating contest of liberty" and he says that's really all that goes on upon this planet i.e. Romans VS Hebrews over and over again just wearing different clothes and using different technology as time has proceeded to the present day...it's kind of that same thing...collectivists vs those who value the individual. for me the obvious proof of the fact that we are owned and our owners consider us to be their cattle is that they can poison us with water-fluoridation and vaccination (bio weapon/soft kill technology) and the masses are so mind fucked they can basically tell us they are intent on killing us and the masses don't flinch. I mean we have known since before they started putting it in the water it's only useful as a soft kill/mind control agent but we are so broken. Torrents of "science" graduates created every yer in Australia alone but none of them capable of adding 1 and 1 to get 2....because that's all that brain power it takes to realise what's going on with vaccines and water fluoridation alone. Like what the fuck are they doing to the sky with their pulsing directed energy and aerosols. It look scarily bad most days but instead of getting angry most of my friend just refuse to look at the sky when I point it out. We are broken http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8YtmxXfNic edit: typos were to bad to ignore. edit: lol seriously...lots of people pretending and even proclaiming "huh? mate I don't really notice the sky, I am too busy"...that's pretty scary right there
  19. Oligarchy For some perspective I recommend some Webster Tarpley lectures. Palmerstons Zoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G2BkV3cL9Y&list=PL35349314E5D788B2 Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzyq4BXTkhQ check them out, he is one of my favourite historians. I recommend having goole open inanother tab while watching to look up any thing he mentions that you don't can't follow off the top of your head. There's soo much in these lectures and none of it is really touched on in Aus high school so it can be hard to follow without google to help but it is really worth trying to atleast build an overview of what he says about oligarchy.
  20. they aren't all that covert but IMO the main elitist "think tank"/secret society we should be investigating in Aus is the Fabian Society. Many aussie and uk prime ministers are Fabian's, that's no secret. The thing about the Fabian's is that they are the epitome of collectivist depravity and self loathing. They name them selves after a cold calculating and morally bankrupt ancient roman military figure. one of their emblems is famously the "wolf in sheep's clothing" and the patient cranky looking turtle asserting that "when i strike, i strike hard". I recommend the very very old movie call Pygmalian. It was written by a prominent Fabian, Bernard Shaw. It's easy to find streaming online for free. It gives a good insight into how much better they think they are then most people. There's not heaps online about them but there's enough to understand what they're about and that they are influential.
  21. Sonny Jim

    Staying off the radar

    I think there's a lot of merit in what paradox and many others are trying to convince us all of. Definitely best to not do anything you don't want public on the net and realise there's no good way to have privacy on the net. but I want to remind us (and have in previous posts in this thread) internet security is important for reason other than talking about how to break the law undetected, that's because internet forums are very good places to get hacked by identity thieves and remote access thieves who steal you computing and internet download credit. Apparently this is very common and lucrative. so yeah, I think the whole idea of remote access is totally, crazily powerful and I was amazed when I realized its extent. If I can give one piece of advice to anyone it's don't use a computer attached to the net unless you know about remote access and root-kits. It doesn't matter if you aren't doing anything private, you are a target as long as you have the net and are vulnerable.
  22. Sonny Jim

    don't cha hate it when..

    don't cha hate it when every second bud in the q you get has been damaged by mold...so u take it back...all friendly and nice and say "hey, when your "friends" spray water on the big bag they give you (to make it weigh more than it really does), your "friends" should have also told you that if you keep the big bag sealed and warm it's gonna be worthless in a few days"...but you told them that last year and they are still struggling with the concept of "mold"....they must teach even less basic science in school these days because this is not an isolated occurrence in my regional part of aus. so yeah, fuck that shit! I NEED PROPER BUD IN THE MORNING YOU PIGS!!!!
  23. Sonny Jim

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    Has Anyone heard anything more from Anne Bressinton. I know she is not running for pm but she should. I wish she would try and make the news this week with something, might help wake people up and vote in a less zombified manner.
  24. Sonny Jim

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    cheers ballzac, nah, not gonna vote for them. maybe there's a real "legalise drugs" party...or at least, legalise pot party? anyway, got the best part of a week to have a look. oh and the referendum on local council is what this election is really about...mate if we give that away we're seriously f'ed on.
  25. Sonny Jim

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    the sex party looks like mainstream political evil in disguise....to me. I definitely don't see how voting for them is like not voting labor, liberal or the greens. but I still have to vote this weekend and I don't like just wasting my vote, so I am trying to find a good protest vote but got no idea yet.