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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by PhoenixSon

  1. PhoenixSon

    Whats new at Wandjina Gardens

    used to love making crystally extract from sally, happy to do it for anyone that cant be arsed.
  2. PhoenixSon

    Lophs of sale ( pic heavy)

    Send a PM off mate, just in case WT doesnt see your post.
  3. PhoenixSon

    Whats new at Wandjina Gardens

    very interested in the kratom extract, will do a write up when i receive it. choice!
  4. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    Fresh seeds of psychotria.carthigenesis still in the berries only picked them today. Fair few to the first 5 people that post here and that are a positive influence to the forum other requirement is that you send a SSAE best would be a padded envelope, and i will then pst them to you. ALL GONE, cheers
  5. PhoenixSon

    Shaman-australis: known dr*g website

    yeah the websites gets blocked at some international airports aswell, also at tafe campuses
  6. PhoenixSon

    Pet dogs.

    nice dog! be a good guard dog and a cheeky loyal mate no doubt
  7. PhoenixSon

    catha edulis panorama shot

    your still keeping the plants right, just not breeding them anymore? What do you fertilize them with? Are these your motherplants for crossing? as they seem pretty young to flower. What size are you plants that you cross for setting seed? Do you water them and pamper them so they set seed, whats your secret? sorry about all the Q's
  8. PhoenixSon

    catha edulis panorama shot

    Lovely hedge there, i love how the new crosses tend to be more bushy creating awesome hedges. Lovely plants!
  9. amazing grafts modershaman amazing variety of monstrose habits there, nitrogens mutant seeds, these genetics are perfect!
  10. PhoenixSon


  11. PhoenixSon

    Lophs of sale ( pic heavy)

    you all good?
  12. PhoenixSon

    Lophs of sale ( pic heavy)

    very nice plants! I would be keen, if i didnt have enough cactus to play with at the moment.
  13. PhoenixSon

    Growing Coffee

    how long did the beans take to germinate? any treatment needed for them to germinate? they have a couple of layers to the beans. a dwarf coffee would look nice, be a great dual purpose screening plant which crops
  14. Psychotria.Carthigenesis seeds for sale going cheap $25 for #80+ seeds including express post. Fair few berries are ripe. Pm if interested.
  15. PhoenixSon


    yeah is it slightly indented? maybe viral? have the same thing happen to some plants , seems to go away eventually for me but.
  16. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    all SSAE received have been sent ie sabry and nothink happy growing
  17. we have no chooks aswell, foxes nibbled through them all, we used a foxlight http://www.foxlights.com/aus-online-prices--order.html to nill effect, maybe kept the fox away for a little while
  18. PhoenixSon

    Desert Yam Ipomoea costata Grow log.

    any pictures of the tubers?
  19. certainly naja the best thing is no one now has a monopoly on the freaks in Aus, our genetic pool of mutants has been flooded. About time as we are pretty limited in that aspect. nitro certainly deserves heaps of respect for freely sending out fuckloads of seeds. a true gent! refused any monetary offers aswell. loves ya
  20. PhoenixSon

    The life of a grafted button

    lovely button there!
  21. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    will be more around soon ID
  22. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    lucky last!
  23. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    yeah has weed potential, dont think any birds here eat it from what ive seen Nice work sound nice
  24. PhoenixSon

    Free'ish Carthigenesis seed

    One is gone, Thanks for the free cactus pup 6 odd months ago