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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Horus

  1. Ok, so Amazonian can relax and focus on her kuffuffles, Glaukus can sort his business too, old mate Eth can get all loved up with our collective blessing, Obtuse can enjoy all the EGA has to offer, and Watertrade can spend the the time with his lovely family.

    For those of us still wanting to go on a trip that weekend, I will refer you to the Sydney Newcastle meet up thread, where I will try raise a crew for some social interaction with the ancestor spirits of Yengo.

    Let's take a rain check on this grand idea, for some time next year.

    • Like 4

  2. Hmmmmm, its a bit patchy.

    I understand life has its bumps, and in particular I hope everything is manageable in your world Amz. Love to you.

    The travel and my lack of camping stuff (ie a nice cozy van) make this a bit of an imposition.

    Probably more driving than socialising. But I was up for that to play with the Melb crew.

    I think that only leaves Etherial, if he is not going, then that defeats the purpose.

    yes a lot of pressure there Eth.

    And of course Watertrade too, who is still unsure.

    If Eth needs to spend packets hiring a camper again,it would just be cheaper to fly him up to Sydney.

    What I am saying is, if the numbers reduce to not justify the petrol ,time etc.

    To drive down to an interstate meet, with no interstate guest stars,

    Then we can always default to a camp meet at my farm, and fly Eth and his lady up if they are available.

    We could put in some of what our petrol costs would have been.

    Maybe entice some of the Newcastle crew out from the shadows.

    At least we will have total privacy, more relax time. Dry firewood.

    We may not even be able to sit around a campfire Fireban time of year, in a public place.

    So just sayin. A plan B is now avail, not to complicate things, or compete with plan A

    but to provide a simpler alternative to Sydney folks who have booked that weekend to party.

    I can see Toby, Hillbilly and I sitting in some random spot, in the rain again, looking at each other going,

    why did we have to drive 8hrs to catch up with each other.

    • Like 5

  3. Bloody EGA, they dont bung on a gig for ages, and then they put a runner against us.

    We baggsed that part of the future first !!

    At least they have a venue..........but we still have our spontaneity.

    Any other Melb peeps needing to EGA as well ?

    Should we all fly down there for a laugh?

    Back on topic, we are always welcoming of newbies, lurkers, young and old.

    Unless a mod tells us you smell fishy or you've been a dick.

    • Like 4

  4. A search on google..........the computer says Eden


    ......or Tarcutta 8hr41min either way


    ....Eden sounds nice,and as I usually weekend in paradise, and live in groovy bliss...Eden wouldnt take too much adjustment.

    Old mate incog can finally get that fishing line out and catch a feed.

    • Like 3

  5. There are no real instant cure alls in the plant world although old mate Iboga comes close.

    Mushrooms are well documented for their anti depressant abilities.

    Ayahausca will do the job, but will only work with regular serious relationship with that spirit.

    Just about everyone has psychic parasitic entities that are doing a good job of creating the misery in the world.

    They attach when vulnerable, like in your childhood. reckless drug/alcohol use, physical trauma, sex abuse, grieving etc

    As they thrive on negative energy they affect your choices,behavior,addictions,fetishes etc

    Some even try to kill us with accidents and suicidal thoughts.

    The decline of ritual, rites of passage, initiated shaman in the world, particularly in our materialistic culture, that doesn't even acknowledge the spirit world,

    means people have little opportunity to have these things identified and cleared.

    Dont feed your parasite.

    Move into the light, that way if you eventually want a shaman supervised plant medicine session

    it will be an easier job to detach it.

    So in the mean time, avoid alcohol,meat, violent entertainment, gossip, extreme porn....yeah all the fun things, but your mood will lift if you live imagining you can raise your vibration . Be compassionate and avoid any negative assumptions about anyone.

    Empathize, because they are just being misdirected by thier own entities.

    Most people are blindly running out of control.Obesity, addictions common outcome.

    For example alcohol based domestic violence is mostly entity based. A negative energy feeding pit.

    Spend quality time connecting to nature, like filling up on premium fuel.

    Choose the highest path thru all situations, the best food for your body.

    Change your choices to give yourself the best vibrational outcome, rather than your current choices which are giving you your depressed outcome.

    The light will eventually direct you to the path or medicine to get rid of your entity(s)

    It is cost free and easier than you think to transform into a different person if your not happy with how you are.

    Its a ridiculously awesome universe, with not the slightest reason to be depressed.

    You are a spirit, remember what you came here for. It wasn't to mope around.

    Ive never been to a gym but I imagine they are more ego /physical based rather than spirit emotion enhancing,

    Gardening is by far the best pursuit for human contentment.

    And that is what this forum is mainly all about.

    • Like 11

  6. A pic would assist us with the answer you seek.

    Myth says vines must be 5+yo.

    Many say pieces should be thumb thickness.

    Ive had a brew with root included and its very recommended for those with experience.

    Common sense says that the great plant mother will do you good in any case, young or old ,sublime or extreme.

    I say dont waste any, its not good for karma to kill a whole vine.

    With patience the roots will throw new shoots if cut into lengths and potted, as would have done vine cuttings.

    Use the dried leaves as sacred smudge, or in smoking blends.

    Make a brew of the vine, it wont kill you.Then give thanks and ask for forgiveness for killing it.

    • Like 9

  7. The staunch and the foolhardy.

    But our friendship is so strong we put up with anything to hang out and journey together.

    So many other random pickers going to that spot,HA ! not finding anything,its picked clean.

    But get off the track and you will find goodness.

    Nice Lactarious Risotto, hot shower, warm bed with a naked woman makes a nice contrast to 2 days standing around a smoky fire.

    Yep, new spot, warmer time of year, the novelty of subs has worn off for most of us.

    So good to see you all, thanks for your generosity guys.

    Staunch friends are the best friends.

    • Like 1

  8. well. besides having no camping gear. cause its all in use up the farm, I am reasonably psyched and ready to go.

    will be up Fri, im usually the first one there. in a blue Jeep Cheroke this year, I hope there is room in the back to sleep.

    being old and wise I have my own bulbs and bulbinator.

    lets hope the extreme weather events have blown their load, and need a while to re jizz.

    subs here we come !!!!

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