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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Horus

  1. 110 views and not much interest,thats a shame.

    Wonderful gift pack available available to early ticket buyers

    This is an inspirational event with 2 awesome guest speakers, a meditation, heartfelt sing & song, a wholesome meal and a great opportunity to meet like minded people.
    If you book within the first 20 people you also receive a beautiful Jambuana gift pack worth $45. In fact when I add up all the awesome value the event is easily worth $150 so a ticket price of $35 is just a no brainer.
    All monies being donated to the Fred Hollows Foundation. To find out more about the event please click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/262344110596599/ and To secure your seat please click here: www.worldbridger.eventbrite.com.au In Gratitude







  2. It all gets SO complicated.

    Very simply a shaman is somebody who can hold the space so you can heal yourself whilst journeying safely.

    they will know the spirit of the medicine you are working with.

    And be able to channel energy into you, if and when required to assist in clearing your blocks.

    What complicates things is that they have so much training in other cultural and spiritual practice.

    There needs to be a new word for the facilitator rather than just facilitator and not shaman. And please not Gringo Shaman.

    Because the word Shaman relates to people with a lifetime of healing and priestly duties.

    But our world needs "post modern" plant workers to spread the message and gifts from the teacher plants.

    There is not enough time for facilitators to do rigorous training in a different cultural paradigm in the amazon.

    To then come back and try make that fit the needs of a totally different culture.

    The plants themselves will teach us how to run circles in our own cultural context.

    They are not called teacher plants for nothing.

    Faith, we are all equal, we are all from the same source, we all have access to the same unlimited power of consciousness.....

    we could all be shaman if that was your pure intention

    • Like 7

  3. Ok, now I have your attention...

    Read on for your own good.

    I have some lovely friends who create intelligent community events.

    There is a great night coming up in Bondi,

    with one of the speakers being a professor talking about ayahuasca.

    $35 includes a beautiful Middle eastern soul food meal,and live music.

    A charity event with all proceeds going to "the Fred Hollows Foundation.

    Forum members most welcome,

    A great night guaranteed,

    Come along and come up and say hi !



    Sebastian’s talk will focus on the psychoactive teacher plants and their offering to modern humans. On the one hand, we are arguably suffering from various forms of ‘disconnection’, and the living planet is certainly suffering along with us. On the other hand, the ‘teacher plants’ are often reported to provide a sense of profound ‘reconnection’ to the planet, to the biosphere, to the ‘Gaian mind’. Sebastian will share his research into this area, in the hope of opening up a conversation about the cultural, political, spiritual and psychological potentials of these plants, particularly for a shift towards more ecocentric societies.

    Following talks will be dinner provided by our Jamabuana Team whose food will be inspired by the flavours of the Middle East including falafel, mejadra and fattoush salad. Special music performance by singer songwriter Mimi Gilbert will be performing her latest songs over dinner.

    • Like 7

  4. Thanks so much guys.

    You all know how much I love my plant bros

    Spent my Birthday at ones lovely wedding, in a botanic garden of course !!

    Come on lets catch up soon, I miss you guys.

    Autumn camp time soon as well !!

    And yes Sally, I plan to start hanging around again,

    now I have found out my bro Responsible Choice has got the forum bug.

    Much love

    Big Old Col.

    • Like 3

  5. Well in other news 1 dead and 14 others overdose on a mystery drug,fuck knows what from fuck knows where.

    Compare that to a plant from your own garden,that you prepared yourself,and if you get the dosage wrong your body will purge it pretty dam quick.

    My point, the only people who will benefit from this are the Chinese drug lords.

    Why isnt there some Greenie law about declaring genocide on flora.

    Thats got to be the worse of the two evils.

    And we can view all the studies and statistics of cactus harm and social problems in the community where.......?

    There is a phenomena of people awakening on entheogens at the moment , feeling good within themselves, getting some insight into life.

    Yep thats enough to brand them criminals, lets call a spade a spade....this is a war on consciousness.

    • Like 6

  6. Thats a big question to answer.

    And I dont want to railroad Change's thread.

    Lets just say they are meditation aids.

    The Tibetans used them to remind them to have a good karma at the time of death.

    Also to be skilled in meditation so when the hit the Bardo realm,they wont be too freaked out ,and jump into the first reincarnation option available,

    they will navigate into the optimum incarnation, ie, somebody who is going to be a Tibetan monk again.

    This guy was a big shaman,and a skullmaster himself, and I have no problems sleeping with him in my room

    Massive amounts of good energy as his Karma is still imprinted into the DNA of that bone.


    Now lets get back to seance stories



    • Like 3

  7. Well my dear young friend, of course big bad col cut his teeth on ouija boards.

    Maybe I should keep the story for next time we are around the campfire.

    When we were just on the cusp of puberty we were adepts at calling up the dead.

    Yeah, home made boards work the best.

    And of course growing up next to the biggest cemetery in the southern hemisphere, where we knew where all the open tombs were,

    it is only a natural evolution we would do it in open tombs.

    I reckon Ive only just shaken off some of the entities we must have picked up.

    But I think it all helped me attract my skull collection.

    I just used to do it with one friend, it wouldn't often work if we had guests,who would giggle and have no respect.

    We would have sleepovers, and buy packets of smarties.

    We would eat the smarties and set the boxes upright.

    Then have our seance, we would ask the spirits to prove they were there,by knocking over the smarties.

    We just took it for granted, until once the glass went flying off the table,it finally scared the fuck out of me, and we never did it since.

    I often wonder about it, I think our pre puberty power had a lot to do with it...somehow.

    The board is really a psycho theatre prop that helps you by pass the ego, and tap into your own psychic energies

    Once years later,I was sitting around stoned,and there was a box similar to the smarties,I thought I will try knock it over.

    It fell over,and me and the other guy in the room both jumped up exclaiming.I just knocked that over !!!

    There was no collusion,just one of those things.

    Last I heard, the original guy I did it with is in Jail for manslaughter. Threw a guy out of a hi rise building.

    You still couldnt pay me enough to have a seance in my house, even though I work with skulls all the time.

    I must say I like Sally's story,blindfolds is a great idea.

    • Like 2

  8. Boy with my arthritis every trip would be a body load bummer.

    I dont think taking pre existing conditions into a journey is what is commonly meant as body load.

    If the mind set is right and you accept your lot in life, achy joints shouldnt be too much of a bummer.

    I know in the ayahuasca context, a vine heavy,or some particular strains of vine,or strong brew gives a body load of "drunkeness"

    very feeble and weak, with a deep purge. So in that context it is cautionary advise.

    "hey bro this is a great brew but with a heavy bodyload " gives you the information to make a better informed choice of weather to partake

    or the mental and dietary preparation needed.

    Preparation is the key, some chemicals do give constricted chest, so always have ventolin handy.

    Mushies can smash the blood sugar so have lollies ready.

    Shrooms can also cause panic, so have a valium in the kit.

    The other classic bodyload is with heroic doses of shrooms,

    the lactic acid in the leg muscles can really get out of wack, and cause the wobblyest boots ever.

    Just knowing about this stuff thru discussion on this forum is a great help.

    Next time you have to crawl around the place after 8g of subs,you wont have to panic and raid your emergency valium stash,

    you just go, "hey wow ,this is that lactic acid thing colhawk was going on about....cool, can somebody pour me a whiskey "

    • Like 4

  9. Lovely photos Dreamtime,

    U got a propa camera now.

    Your radar seems to be working well, giving the dood a run for his money.....

    he will be hard to beat this season.
