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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by tonic

  1. tonic

    Lophophora Lewinii

    Firstly, welcome to the forums. Secondly, never heard of L. lewinii. What you are describing sounds like a L. williamsii var. caespitosa. 50cm is enormous is there any chance of some pics? If anyone knows of this loph please correct me.
  2. tonic


    Looks like I can't make it to this one. Have injured myself and am hoping it's not too serious. Will have to go to the doc and have it checked out. Everyone have a good time, it's looks like it might be fine weather for a change. Will make it to the next one. Hopefully some more regular meets will commence after this one.
  3. tonic


    Will definitely try, as I said. Be good to catch up with you P. Good to see you back here too.
  4. tonic


    Will try and make it, no promises.
  5. tonic

    More Flowers.......

    Psycho0 X tersheckii??? Or vice versa??? Sounds interesting to me. Again, nice flowers dude.
  6. tonic


    Very cool Passive..How tall is the Psycho0 in the pic? Is it in a pot, looks like it's inside in one of those pics. Very nice indeed.
  7. tonic

    Planting Acacia for R.E.G.E.N

    Not familiar with that subspecies from west NSW apoth, now you have piqued my interest and will do some research. See what I can find out about it. How many A. floribunda seeds were you after mate? Have atleast 30 seeds you can have. Shoot me a PM if you want them.
  8. tonic


    LOL, I have enough trouble trying to keep those damn pesky possums out of my cacti let alone letting some other critter running riot in there.
  9. tonic


    Yeah I knew they couldn't hear, that's why I was banging the glass as it vibrates the whole bench. So the snake seems to have moved along now, question is WHERE THE HELL IS IT NOW??? Will just have to keep my eyes open and hope it doesn't chose to make my g/house it's home. I suspect now that this snake is a nocturnal slitherer as it become more active as the air cooled and the light faded, I saw it start to make a move, then it seemed to vanish. Wish I knew what it was, beautiful snake it was, just didn't want it in my g/house.
  10. tonic


    strangebrew I gave a bit of a squirt of water with an atomizer earlier and then tried banging the glass and rattling the bench [from a vantage point where it couldn't bit me of course], didn't really seem that bothered, it had shifted it's position slightly when I looked again an hour later is all. Surely it will need some decent sun, some water and a meal soon? I suppose it will move on soon..........I hope.
  11. tonic


    Will probably have to call a snake remover, though how they will get here is another story. The strange thing is my greenhouse is on my large deck which sits about 20 or so feet from the ground and the snake is sitting about 4 feet off the ground on a mesh rack. it's been in there since I noticed it and is still sitting there. Might give a blast of water tommorow if it's still there, like you suggested. Don't want it escaping onto the deck and hiding someplace else. I would much rather it just went back into the bush. Think it might have gone in there yesterday to escape the torrential rain we had, nice and dry and warm in there.
  12. tonic

    Planting Acacia for R.E.G.E.N

    Thought I might add, I have Acacia seeds I could donate of NSW species, though I would suggest finding out if they grow in the area receiving revegatation first and foremost. I have A. decurrens, A. falcata & A. floribunda Personally don't think you could get decent plantable sized tube stock by the 15th, but hey it might be worth a shot.
  13. tonic

    Planting Acacia for R.E.G.E.N

    I strongly urge you against planting Acacia acuminata in the bushland in the state of NSW. This Acacia is an endemic species to Western Australia ONLY and could cause severe weed problems if planted into bushland outside it's native habitat. A couple of WA Acacia spp. have become terrible weed species in the sydney region., namely A. saligna in the Warringah Shire. They were planted in the 1970's and the councils etc. still haven't found a way to get rid of them properly. Am pretty sure A. saligna is now declared noxious throughout NSW. You have to be really careful planting out into the bush. The A. obtusifolia shouldn't be an issue as it does grow down south. [N.S.W., Qld, Vic.] "A. maidenii Occurs in Qld, N.S.W. and Vic. E of 148E, in coastal and subcoastal environments, from Proserpine in the north to Orbost in the south. Grows usually in more fertile soils, sometimes derived from basalt, often on the edges of littoral rainforest. Flowers mostly Jan/June" I suggest you do some further research before planting out plants into the bush. Hope that helps. --Conservation is the Key--
  14. tonic

    My Babys are having SEKS

    Lopholicious!!! Those are some seriously PHAT lophs dc. I can see a monster one that looks grafted to the left of the pic. Was that flowering one grafted at any point?
  15. tonic

    Help a Newbie.

    The first one looks strange to me. While the lower spines do a have a bit of a Bridgesioid look to them the upper looks pretty different. I think possibly a hybrid. Given a few years of large pot or ground growth it willl be easier to tell. Looks more Peruvanoid to me though. The second one is Cereus peruvianus. EDIT: Sorry to be pedantic. It's Trichocereus bridgesii now known as Echinopsis lageniformis and not Echinopsis bridgesii which is a totally different species in it's own right.
  16. tonic

    Acacia ID

    Yep that's an Acacia podalyriaefolia. Sorry can't verify. Hmmm there are a number of them growing locally, bit of a weed around here. EDIT: Be good to hear back any hypothetical results on that species actually.
  17. tonic

    Acacia ID

    I reckon you're probably right on with the A. binervia call turps, though does it occur in QLD? The fact that it is fruiting/seeding now [flowers Sept-Oct] and the dark flaky bark are good indications of it being that species. Phyllodes look right too. EDIT: According to this link it occurs from Southern QLD, through NSW into VIC and also looks like a collection was taken in SA too.
  18. tonic

    ethnodude's cacti log

    I agree with Passive. Let them grow huge and fat and glory be thy Eileen. A true beauty to behold.
  19. tonic

    Acacia ID

    Looks far too tall to be Acacia sophorae.
  20. tonic

    Unknown cacti collection

    Pretty sure it does contain small amounts of M. Thanks for pointing out thet thread paradox, some interesting reading there.
  21. tonic

    Please Help ID

    I will attempt to narrow it down a bit for you. 1. Not sure? 2. Gymnocalycium sp? 3. Ferocactus sp. 4. Dolichothele/Mammillaria sp. 5. Mammillaria sp, might be an Escobaria sp. though, hard to tell. 6. Echinopsis sp. 7. Mammillaria sp. or possibly Escobaria sp. 8. Opuntia sp. 9. Parodia magnifica 10. Astrophytum myriostigma genki was correct. 11. Oreocereus sp. looks like O. celsisanus 12. Parodia uebelmannianus Hope that helps a bit, also here is a handy link for cacti pics, good for ID. http://www.thater.net/cactaceae/db/
  22. tonic

    Unknown cacti collection

    ...and no, they aren't of any great ethnobtanical interest. The T. spachianus sort of is, but not really too interesting when you consider some of the the quality bridgesioids getting around the community, it has nice flowers though and is an attractive columnular. The two different Cereus spp. are good landscaping columnulars. but only if you have plenty of room to let them grow. The first two look like C. peruvianus.
  23. tonic

    Need Id ????

    Looks like T. bridgesii to me, could well be a hybrid though. Looks interesting. This thread should be in the ID forum though. EDIT: Looks to be a bit of T. pachanoi in there possibly. Give it a few years to grow out and then the ID will be a lot easier.
  24. tonic


    I also wouldn't mind a nice cut, she's a beaut!!!
  25. tonic

    Free earthcore ticket for tomorow

    LOL you're a funny bastid shroomy!!!