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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Mycot

  1. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Yes I know that strong language was used in my last post and some may be shocked by the directness by which points were made but they were not made lightly. The serious nature a subject matter does sometimes require that things be put strongly. Wishing to provide further information (at times a pointless exercise) to help clarify a number of points made, I'll press on. First a quote I'll include for interest. "Today’s situation for men ruled by feminism parallels the historical institution of slavery in the United States. At that time, even those slaves who believed in the ideal of racial equality didn’t consider it possible to be completely free in that society. Instead, they learned to excuse, justify and adapt to slavery. Few could even conceive of eradicating the entire institution. It had become so embedded in their culture and way of life that it seemed normal, even natural. " That both genders voices be included I consider an important matter and in that spirit I wish to post clips from two amazing and exceptional women. The first from a black woman speaking about what feminism has done for women in the black community. It may be only a mattter of time before the white Community catches up.
  2. Mycot

    WA Gyms, tis the season

    While dry tissue itself may be used I have little experience in this method. The easiest way is gill fragments on agar. It's even easier than working with spores a lot of the time.
  3. Mycot

    WA Gyms, tis the season

    Amazing find Bushturkey. They are not G.purpuratus and may well be an undescribed active species. Dry and preserve a number of fruitbodies from which identification and cultivation efforts may proceed from. Regarding ingestion shrooms may also be made into a tea when one doesn't wish to eat large amounts of solid matter.
  4. Mycot

    The rape of men

    More on misandry, the oppression of men and do contemplate the social consequences. Why do my son's books tell him all men are useless? Never forget that men are not useless, far from it so keep your chin up. Women are not and never will be the equal of men in many areas and conversely men are not the equal of women in other areas. The only sense that the two can be considered equal is in the sense that is meant in the declaration that all men are created equal. One thing that I can not stress enough is that WOMEN ARE NOT THE ENEMY. It is feminism that is the enemy, consider it nothing short of war. Space and time wont allow me to elaborate on exploitation inherent in dealings with the modern western woman conditioned by feminism which I'll presently leave for the readers consideration. Feminism is not only the enemy of men but also of women for whom feminism has failed lacking as it does any good role models for women. Women are more and more realizing that feminism, far from bringing them emancipation has entrapped them bringing them escalating levels of misery and discontent which is only getting worse. Through feminism women have painted themselves into a corner, little knowing how get out and they are panicing. Whether man or woman DO NOT support feminism for it is about totalitarian control at your expense. Do not support International Womens Day for it has been hijacked by the feminist agenda and consider yourself amongst the truely confused and deluded if you find yourself supporting slutwalk. Do not buy into the feminist agenda or accept feminist bullshit which is reaching unbeleivable levels. And as far as possible do not be a victim of feminism or feminist agendas.
  5. Mycot

    The rape of men

    While I can appeciate some of your finer points here, to attempt to eridicate imbalances in many of these areas is very misguided. Men and women naturally have strengths in different areas through biology and evolution and function best when they best utilize these strengths. Hopefully they can do it together. No I don't think there is agreement between all feminists on all issues. When we talk about the feminist movement we're often talking about a body of political thinking that is associated with the term. Much of this has assumed the form of an ideology, a creed, a set of beleifs that shares more similarity to a religion than independant thinking. Hence it can be unattractive. In it's political sense there has been much focus on women climbing financial ladders and assuming male roles(why the hell would they want to do that ). For reasons I have outlined above this is misguided. Merely climbing the ladder in a patriarchal system simply strengthens that system because of the support for that system. I say tear the system down before it tears all of us down.
  6. Mycot

    WA Gyms, tis the season

    On that last link thats because it most likely is G.purpuratus and not G.dilepis. G.dilepis has a tendency to much coarser squamules on the cap than G.purps. Here's what appears to be Australian G.dilepis:- http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24636&st=0&p=259257&hl=dilepis&fromsearch=1entry259257
  7. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Apology accepted.
  8. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Other than my last post I really haven't said much on the subject in this forum as yet. For those interested in "Roissy in DC" I found a link to archived material through the Wayback Machine Here
  9. Mycot

    NZ man faces jail over kava haul

    Seriously abused I can understand kava having health side-effects. Even coffee can have side-effects if seriously abused. I have little knowledge of the severity of the problem in Pacific nations though.
  10. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Quite an outburst there Darklight. I only wish that it less resemballed that which militant feminists are prone to making. My position is actually closer in line to what FancyPants expressed. On the subject of work when was the last time you saw a team of women erect a large building. I've seen a teams of men do this many a time. And the men would get the job done in half the time because they are physically stronger on average. Because of the greater physical strength men are able to outperform women in a great many labor activities. I'm not saying that all feminist thought is bad. What I am rebelling against is the unquestioning acceptance of everything issuing from the feminist camp. Personally I feel that feminism would do well to rediscover femininity. And Incognito you may have misunderstood me, I'm not really against women per se.
  11. Mycot

    WA Gyms, tis the season

    I haven't found a lot of info on G.dilepis in WA. What I did find were two records probably from the same collection made in 2008. The find is recorded on the Atlas of Living Australia site Here More info can be found through the "View occurance records list" link and also on the "Australias Virtual Herbarium" site. We've had a good number of G.purps from WA. Here's another that appears to be G.purps from Vic. http://www.flickr.com/photos/87791108@N00/3653819456/
  12. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Yep, thats the one. He's too much for the politically correct and while one does not have to agree with everything he says, there is much valuable and also humorous and addictive material. Doesn't now seem to now be any way to check the material out or even a way to sign up. Keep running into the message "roissy.wordpress.com is no longer available". Thats fucked up.
  13. Mycot

    The rape of men

    Your welcome Syncromesh. Whats really sad is that menfolk have also been brainwashed such that they parrot the feminist BS and their identity as males has become confused. There used to be a valuable blog called "Roissy in DC" which had much therapeutic material for confused males which no longer seems to exist.
  14. Mycot

    Police investigate Kronic death

    Chronic death does seem to be a major problem. Perhaps the police should invest their energies in the medical field.
  15. Mycot

    NZ man faces jail over kava haul

    "His luggage contained 19kg of kava separated into 18 different bags. The street value of the drugs was estimated at $19,000." This is absolutely ludicrous, at one time you could get it from the asian supermarket for less than ten dollars a kilo. And jailing someone over such an innoculus substance thats used by Pacific nations communally without problems is again ludicrous. Is the law trying to tell us that the kava of the peaceful Pacific islanders is worse than their booze. If its so lucrative, goddamn we should be growing the stuff.
  16. Mycot

    WA Gyms, tis the season

    Sure is, recent find by Myco here and an explosion of WA gym purps finds at the Shroomery this year. More eye candy. http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/14848130/fpart/all http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/14860599#14860599 http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/14826258/fpart/all/vc/1 Some cultivation info in the pinned woodlover thread.
  17. Exellent post in post 6 of the Jwh carcinogen thread.

  18. Nice find and thanks for the report Myco. In my own experience I've often found gyms in quite open spaces or the bushland bordering same and also to the side of trails more frequently than deeply into dense forrest. I think that this is because as gym spores blow about the atmosphere they find these places much easier to reach than penetrating deeply into dense thicket. Can you identify what type of wood these gym purps were growing on? For Australians I think at this stage it would be good to start tabulating what woods gym purps tends to favor. Thanks.
  19. Mycot

    Creating an Outdoor Patch for Woodlovers or Subs

    Though from a Thread some years old and the uneven ripening I contributed the pic to give folks some idea of how rewarding outdoor beds can be, often for no more effort than a much smaller indoor grow. There are different approaches in making outdoor beds. In this case the substrate was first colonised under controlled temperature conditions before being laid out into a bed 5x2 ft. Keeping a couple colonising jars(even baby food jars) of substrate enables one to observe and experiment for optimum conditions. If one experiment goes really bad you've got a backup. The addition of small amounts of soil to the woodchips has been observed to be beneficial for a number of reasons. The mycelium colonises wood that is moist and not wet. After boiling the chips to hydrate and sterize excess moisture may be drawn off by newspaper. If they stick to the paper they're too wet. The addition of vermiculite serves as a water buffer since the water of moist chips is quickly enough used up. What I do when I add it is to wet it then squeeze it out to field capacity and then fluff it up before adding to the substrate. Smaller amounts of colonized substrate can be rapidly multiplied by mixing with an equal amount of fresh substrate. More info can be found in the thread link. Have fun experimenting.
  20. Mycot

    The rape of men

    There is much misandry (hatred of men) engendered from years of feminist ideology such that men are second class citizens. A Quote from Why Psychologically Men Don’t Exist - UN Documentation "Men today, and particularly young men, are in a very vulnerable position. The majority of women in the west now have an exaggerated sense of privilege and self-worth from decades of misandry/feminist ideology and behavioural-education/brainwashing starting at early childhood resulting in treating men like second-class citizens. We only have to look around at the attitudes and behaviours of women today to see that something has gone radically wrong. Men’s worth and role in society has been reduced to ridicule. Alcoholism, drug abuse, homelessness, suicide, social alienation are all predominantly male problems."
  21. Mycot

    2011 Census

    You may be taking this way too seriously. Nobody of any concern is likely to even look at it. What they do is that they get a bunch of drudges who turn the answers into a simplified code which then gets entered into a database. Said drudges handling the workload really wouldn't give a shit what you put on your form.
  22. Mycot

    Police use technology to target drug users

    Moral panic engendering fascism. What an alter to worship at.
  23. A really amazing looking toad. Makes me curious about the chemical composition of its skin secretions.
  24. Mycot

    JWH carrier plants

    Gotu cola is a mild neutral tasting smoke with a little mild activety of its own. I might also add some mullein to this.