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Everything posted by mcgrath111

  1. mcgrath111

    thai loph.jpg

    Ah I have the same one's from Samyod. (Your's look a bigger than mine / but I have been a bit mean to them). I found Samyod's seeds had high germination and for hybrids, they have grown quite well.
  2. mcgrath111

    thai loph.jpg

    Nice lophs! - What CV's are they?
  3. mcgrath111

    M.speciosa leaf cutting

    Thanks for the kind offer John, but my heat matts are choca block at the moment.
  4. mcgrath111

    M.speciosa leaf cutting

    I didn't have any luck either John. However, what you sent definitely had some seeds in the mix, I think germinating fromthis type of seed is very time sensitive (<7 week).
  5. mcgrath111


    Nice mate, how old are they?
  6. mcgrath111

    M.speciosa leaf cutting

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing John. I'm keen to check out the book mentioned.
  7. mcgrath111

    total lunar eclipse tonight!!!

    Thanks mate, I wouldn't have known otherwise
  8. mcgrath111

    P. som seed varieties giveaway

    Great work Glaukus - very generous Are you not legally allowed to sow them? (I've been trying to find out legality in VIC, and could only see that they were determined a noxious weed). Thank you, Apologies, with a slightly different search I found: "It is illegal to take, use, sell or grow poppies without a licence from the Victorian Government. Illegal possession of poppy plant parts or substances derived from poppies is a criminal offence and attracts heavy penalties." I've always seen poppies growing around, and thought it was fine....Guess I should remove the one's from my front yard lol.
  9. mcgrath111

    Mega sale - rooted cacti

    Bargin! - If only I had more room I'd take the lot!
  10. mcgrath111

    Treat like a Pere or Ario?

    Hi All, I recently acquired a very nice Ariocarpus Reutsus. It has been grafted onto pere (Yet the pere is short / has been buried into the soil) & I believe the ario is starting to form roots, because of this I'm guessing i should water sparingly as though I'm watering an ariocarpus and not the pere? Also, at what stage of root development should I cut out the pere? Apologies that I can't upload photos (My phone was $99 at officeworks and won't connect to the PC lol) Thank you!
  11. mcgrath111

    Treat like a Pere or Ario?

    Great, thanks mate - rot is the big worry.
  12. mcgrath111

    Importing ariocarpus seed

    Hi All, (Sorry, to bring up an old thread) Has the legislation/ process around this changed at all? - I've tried to source some ario seeds locally with no luck (Kots, Godzilla, Scapaharo and a handful of others.) I note a seller on Ebay has a few of the seeds I'm after, and sell phyto certs too. Would this be sufficient to get the seeds in? (I've had a few seeds confiscated in the last 12 months). Thanks!
  13. mcgrath111

    eBay/Gumtree finds

    Some cheap graft stock, no bids on a few of em: https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/mysuitisblack-pause-not/m.html?_nkw=&amp;_armrs=1&amp;_ipg=&amp;_from=
  14. Could it be Arisaema triphyllum?
  15. mcgrath111

    Looking for Ariocarpus seeds (Updated)

  16. mcgrath111

    Acacia phlebophylla research

    Thanks for your reply fyzgy. Typically how long did it take to see germination? (Did you just keep in the fridge until you saw germination?) Also curious as to your soil mix? are they really as fussy as the internet says? or just slightly more difficult than your average acacia (i.e. acuminata) Thanks!
  17. mcgrath111

    Acacia phlebophylla research

    Sorry to hash up an old topic. I'm trying to germinate some phelbo seeds, and have gone with boiling water scarification. I've gone with a basis soil mix with some diatomite / zeolite mixed in; with mycorrhizal blend watered through. However, I'm wondering if germinating this time of year is too hot. Any tips 8 years on? (I've read through herbalistics, some good info) - wondering if anyone has info that has improved results. Thank you
  18. mcgrath111

    M. speciosa seeds

    Yes please, pm sent.
  19. After red mulga seeds if anyone is will to sell or trade. Cheers
  20. mcgrath111

    Wanted: Red Mulga seed

    Sorted! - Cheers
  21. mcgrath111

    Cordyceps Militaris growing

    A recipe I have used with success is (Recipe from cordy fb): It's pretty low tek, but works: 500ml solution 3 whole eggs blended well (shells included) 1 tbs malt 1 tbs yeast Add dry ingredients to blended eggs add h2o to bring to 500ml blend again. Put 35g rice in a qt jar add 50 to 70ml solution not including foam in measurements and PC 1 hour at 15 psi. (I'd upload photo's but my phone camera is terrible - $99 from officeworks, what did I expect? lol) My question is, what is the main way to avoid senescence with cordyceps, as i was reading they respond poorly to master culture slants...tips or suggestions? Cheers,
  22. mcgrath111

    Loph seed ploise

    I recently came by a big loph graft, should have some seeds shortly if no one else can help (Prob about 3 weeks, flowered a month ago) - I'm sure someone else can help you before then though.
  23. mcgrath111

