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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ZooL

  1. ZooL

    Hey all

    I believe in climate change but don't think human activity has much effect on it, I think the real cause is the reptilians doing it in order to make the surface more hospitable for them. I like that trump somehow manages to reaffirm both my sense of inferiority and superiority and also both my sense of oppression and dominance but I'm pretty sure he's a reptilian so looses my support on those grounds. I am torn on the right to life thing, on the one hand there is the fact we will need as many soldiers as possible in the coming war with the reptilians for the surface but on the other hand there is common sense,empathy and respect for other people and their autonomy. On the topic of cacti I have almost no experience with them but intend for that to change over the coming months.
  2. ZooL

    Hey all

    quote error