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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Humboldt

  1. Humboldt

    how to cure herbs for smoking

    They claim to have a 2 way exchange happening. Something ive never seen with potato, apple peel ect which shrivels. Maybe silica? Its a liquid inside that apparently sets hard when its depleted. There are youtubes of people reactivating them. Never tried, never depleted one either. Glass for storage (always), pop in after the drying process is pretty much over. Good storage for years. Would you like me to send one to you so you can tear open and analyse the goo inside?
  2. Humboldt

    how to cure herbs for smoking

    Hey, I have used Boveda sachets for a few years now. Excellent for a nice cure. Originally i think they were for cigars 69% humity, but there is a herbal medicine 62%. I also like the 58%. Give them a go. https://bovedainc.com/ https://www.australianvaporizers.com.au/products/62-boveda-humidipak-10-pack-8-gram?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=40277767555&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2f7bBRDVARIsAAwYBBvII8YciRu4cyCMhsS8RBysABV25YvtTcud660XNNTHwmoVN6YIH7YaAoMlEALw_wcB
  3. Humboldt

    Germinating Eucs and other natives

    Hey mate and thanks for the reply. Looks like im a bit premature with my seed. Cant say im not keen. The seedlings are in styro's under plastic and kept in my shed. Will see if they take off when things warm up. Went through my lists, cross checking with understory to get myself a bit of a native germ calendar going. How about a 'cold- moist stratification' treatment of seed for the conifers? King billy, Celery top, Huon. Was planning to head into the Hartz in march- april to take cuttings but i have some seed to try out too.
  4. Hi heres a pic of Euc. viminalis and ovata catching there 1st ever rays. I hope one day they will be a home for all manner of things. However Im an absolute novice and my germ rate ( apart from the Melaleucas ) isnt spectacular. Maybe 4 out of 20 - 30 pips of the Eucs even less for wildflowers and grasses. Ive tried 3 methods for seeds i believe are fire sensitive but would love some feedback to improve: soaking seeds in near boiling water (at 1st using a sealed thermos which probably over cooked them) overnight. 2nd Soaking in smokewater from 2hrs - overnight depending on the size and hardness for the seed. Then running through a coffee filter to separate out the seeds. 3rd Using these germ granuals things that sit on the soil then watered in. ( have only tried these for wildflowers) All kept at 21c. Any advice on how to improve my methods would be awesome Ps Cant seem to use the search engine apologies as Im sure this is old ground. Peace H
  5. Hey Thelema, i found this an extrodinarily interesting and well put together read. Loved it! Thanks heaps for sharing your research.
  6. Humboldt

    Aloe Vera seeds

    Hi, can anyone help with some Aloe Vera seeds? Would also love some perescopsis seeds or cuttings. Im located in Tassie. Trade or $$.
  7. Humboldt

    Pereskiopsis in Tassie?

    Hi, do any Tas residents have any Peres they could spare? Or is it possible/ practical to acquire seed? Thank!!
  8. Humboldt

    Echinocactus grusonii seed giveaway

    Thanks very much Gimli.
  9. Humboldt

    Graft of the day

    Great info Inyan, once i get some pereskiosis Ill get practising. Will be sure to run it by you for tips and advice. Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated
  10. Humboldt

    Graft of the day

    Yep, now i get it. Thanks mate, vids were really helpful. Parafilm is very different to the grafting tape i used (stretch). Does it have pores/ holes when stretched? I assume things would vary with stock and conditions but how long would you leave it on generally? Just ebay'd me a couple of rolls, cant wait to get my graft on.
  11. Humboldt

    Graft of the day

    Thats me!!! and im inspired Inyan. Awesome. Must be fun too. Once i get some peres im gunna give grafting some seedlings a crack. This is my 1st ever attempt taken straight after surgery. 3 weeks on patient and host doing ok. Inyan, do you tape so as to add downward pressure? I imagine its a delicate job no to overdo it and squash the little fella. Do you have tape on pics?
  12. Humboldt

    Cactus seed giveaway #3

    1. Hooray!!!
  13. Humboldt

    Cactus seedling pack

    Yep. Me too.
  14. For me i cant go past the late, great Jerry Garcia as someone whos guitar work conveyed the psychedelic experience better than anyone else ive heard. While not to everybodys taste or maybe an acquired taste. His work is broad from Jazz to Psych to folk and prolific. Robert Hunters lyrics still relevant, evocative and potent. Check him out if you havent already. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FGLV9GarciaSaunders&redir_token=973Q6_kVN_1IPSc0aNM65C-jWF58MTUzMTY0MzQxMUAxNTMxNTU3MDEx&v=RHhcdIBsyck
  15. Humboldt

    Going it alone

  16. Hi am after some wisdom, guidance and encouragement, 1st Ill explain a little of my situation. Im a middle aged bloke with wife and kids looking to deepen my understanding of myself through mother earth, plants, ceremony and self love. I do discuss my thoughts with significant others but lack any mentoring in these areas apart from on wonderful forums like this. Unfortunately when i was a kid i had some shit things done to me which has negatively affected my relationships in later life. Ive spent much of my life alone because its easier but now Im worried im passing some karma of this onto my kids. They too ( ecspecially the boy) have some difficulty in the social sphere. I have determined to confront these demons in order to move through to a better space for me and those connected to me. Although lately Ive rediscovered much of the self assurity and passion i had in my 20s for the spiritual path these days i dont really have the physical and social support of like minded friends. I am planning to head to some special places alone to begin this healing but its been quite a while since ive experienced such altered states, and want to be safe and responsible about it. I am a pretty grounded, calm, peaceful person with a geniune want to come at things from a place of gentleness, kindness and love. Any advice is gratefully appreciated. H
  17. Humboldt

    subaeruginosa prints for microscopy only.

    Thanks Spooge, prints arrived today. Win!
  18. Humboldt

    New cactus seed webshop

    Hey DWR, i put an order in last week but something went wrong with processing ( i didnt get a opportunity to pay). It just said 'thanks for your order' or something. Should i reorder? Oh, I love the site and the wonderful variety of seeds. Well done. Cheers
  19. Humboldt

    Going it alone

    Thanks for the replies and insights. Its sincerely appreciated. Im not sure how to respond apart from trying to take it all onboard and sit for a while. Im concerned that my entire premise for this post is over thinking, being too prescriptive. Ie looking for an experience, instead of simply enjoying those times of just finding one, whatever the source. I think im looking for meaning and connection but id be well aware that i have no idea really what awaits or what form healing will take. Northerner i understand what your saying but it might be interesting if you could you expand on this? Definately Crop roll on summer. Not terrible advice at all (dive in) my intuition feels that i wouldnt be at this point if i wasnt ready for growth and the confrontation that may accompany it. I feel i can be more honest in this process when alone but... Dose is one im a bit uncertain about and being able to intergrate it all without someone to talk to is another Id definately seek such knowing Bardo but might take me some building up to. Getting more confident in that space.
  20. Humboldt

    Going it alone

    Hi Inyan,yes the slow road is pretty much is the path im taking atm. Gardening and communing, learning and befriending. Whats nice is that I have also recently found some friends who are keen to provide mutual spiritual support in such matters. Thanks for your reply and sound advice. Peace H
  21. Humboldt

    Echinocactus grusonii seed giveaway

    Yes please Gimli. Roll out the barrel
  22. Humboldt

    Psychedelic library for sale

    Hi Ayjay could i please grab: 2. Entheogens and the future of religion. Hoffman, Wasson, Mckenna etc. 10. The journeybook. Rak Razam et al
  23. Humboldt

    Death as an Ally

    Hey Alchemica, first up i enjoy reading your well thought out and put together posts. Thankyou. Slighty off centre to your topic maybe and i ramble but here goes. I had until recently been studying nursing and i work in the hospital system. Through years of learning and thinking about the body as a machine (and maybe the death of mum ) I gradually, insideously dissassociated from my previous beliefs. I began to be very 2 dimensional about life seeing it only through a biomedical prism. This culminated in me having thoughts about death and the hopelessness of exsistence almost constantly, like every minute or two, this went on for many months, maybe a year. Constantly thinking im about to die. Before going to work the shutters would come down, i would feel like an army guy about to jump out of the trench ( knowing im fucked ). Sometimes id have to stop driving to work and just sit for a time because i was so upset and so anxious. The night before things changed i remember lying in bed remembering when i was happiest. Noticing that i had no belief system anymore where i once did. My reality so fucking bleak. The next morning my 3 yo son Joe and I found a dead Grey Goshawk out front of the house. If you've never seen one they are pure white (grey ???) a truely stunning bird. They're nearly extinct with only 120 pairs left. Devastating! Joe and I went to a nearby lake for a burial. We have tassie aboriginal ancestors and i wanted share a smoking ceremony with little Joe. I lit a fire either side of the bird and looked with my imagination through its eyes. Thought about the decisions,the thoughts, understandings of the bird. Then at the point of ignition of the gum leaves, where heat becomes flame, like a crack of light under a door i saw JOY just for a timeless moment. Something i hadnt seen or felt for years, I understood it as an inherent joy connecting all life. I had found a strand, a place to unravel some new beliefs from. It was the earth and the natural world around me communicating with me. Reassuring me. I all of a sudden had a reference point a deep feeling of connection. Some days later trying to sleep ( nightshift ) before work, the predictable heavyness decended on me. I got up as i couldnt bear it. After a while i lay back down and put hands on heart. Was then that something asked permission to come in. Intuitively I said yes and 6 things, entities, spirits, something filled my body. Tingling, restoring, filling me up. From out of nowhere Im back in the belief game. All these anxieties reduced to just shitty memories. Work isnt a problem, thoughts of dying gone. I no longer default think that everyone hates me. Such a relief. I feel very grateful, humbled, lucky, happy. Joe still talks about that day often as it stands out as special to him too. I vow to always work towards making my world a better place for birds, so atm im growing as many natives as i can propagate. Learning as much as i can. And have quit studying nursing as its toxic for me. I am better serving to heal others through healing the environment, rather than the acute, ambulance at the bottom of the cliff shit. It wasnt long after discovering that the natural world as my guide that I found SAB and a whole heap of people who may feel similarly. Blown away to have a sense of community and access to all this knowledge as well. H