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The Corroboree


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    All plants especially cacti, Ethnobotany, Metalworking and motors, sustainable local food production

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  1. Potted up a few cuts with revised technique, hopefully I can go away without having rooting plants fall over. The majority of plants shown are well established and on offer at my next market stall. I bought that fat bridgesii as 'Single spine', just noticed some areoles have a second spine emerging haha.
  2. Yes but only while supervised in a space with no thick bushes to disappear into I tend to stay close in fear of predatory birds
  3. We love the generosity and beautiful plants... Feeling lucky Post #4
  4. Hey guys, just doing a little advertisement for my first market stall at The Channon markets tomorrow. A wide range of plants for sale, including succulents small to large, a few named clone trichocereus and more. Come check it out and mention the forum for discounts
  5. Just started a blog which will focus on my trichos :)

    1. 2XB


      Coo! looking forward to seeing your collection grow to psycho obsessive levels ;-)

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