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Everything posted by sagiXsagi

  1. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    TPM#2 "crest type" / europe . I sourced it from "kakteen plapp" a german nursery at 2008-2009 ... doesn't really revert to columnar except for a little bit untill it goes crest again.. faster growing than TPM#1 IME and 2 of my biggeys... They too could flower some time soon... PS: all TPM#2 specimens I am showing here come from the same clone / variety : "kakteen plaap" euro "pachanoi crest"
  2. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    wow, post moreplease!! besides TPM could both men pachanoi or peruvianus mosntrosa so its relevant, bring them on!
  3. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    TCM#1 / kada's garden / looks like Smiths "short spined peruvianus" (wrong name), and propably CCC and altmans clone too. ^^^^^^ my most prized specimen. I expect it to flower at some point soon, and I assure you I designed it to be so beautiful - and well maybe I was a bit lucky since the column hasn't yet terminated, currently it is reverting to monstrosa growth a period when column growth speed reduces dramatically . ^^^^^^^ new surprisingly long spines in older growth (well not surprisingly, its a pachanoi, no?) in another specimen. main column has terminated. one of the pups seems to have pupped - not sure why, but propably not damage. PS: ALL TPM#1 's I am showing in this thread come from a single clone (kada's garden,)
  4. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    my opinion is that semi-mosntrosa's should be also discussed, especially if someone has a clone for a period of time, so that he know the habits, as I already said ...
  5. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    #15 does it look a bit like PC, that one, or is it just rootbound and unwatered?
  6. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    #16 why not a tpm? TPC = TPM as crest is a monstrosity we dont exclude the crest types do we?
  7. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    post #13 pic 4 , seems interesting but needs a bigger pot no?
  8. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    TCM#1 / kada's garden / looks like Smiths "short spined peruvianus" (wrong name), and probably CCC and altmans clone too. terminations . specimen on the right has 3 pups at the base now this clone wasn't really columnar for me when I received it. Well it was, but it reverted to crest first thing... so had to try and revert this clone to columnar monstrosa growth (I had already a full crest pachanoi). It seems I made it, and that's where the thoughts I talked about earlier lie... with patience and time you can make several different shapes from the very same clone.. ^ this is also PCM#1 ... it seems cutting in crested areas results in cresty pups (hint hint)
  9. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    comments on highdesert post#9 , about "altmans clone" well its seems to me PCM#1/kada-smith/altmans are on the same page, if not the same we know "short spined peruvianus" is smiths specimen and we know HE coined the term. your description and the pictures I see fit exactly, from the longer spines on older growth, to the anus-like termination, to the rib formation and phenotype, except one thing, mine haven't ever stayed in normal growth for so long. They seem to usually alternate.... But this could be explained in other ways.. I have more thoughts on this, but I will share at a later point. How long did you say you're growing it? its in the ground huh? your comment, #10, man I dont really get ya wut your saying. I have to reap up again on what nitro has said about TPQC and whatanot PS: I dont really feel like naming them, I just used the terms PCM#1 (columnar) and PCM#2 (crest only) to differantiate between two substantially different clones. #1 and #2 for practical reasons.. you can still use the name "altmans" , there's not confusion if there's only two main phenotypes.
  10. sagiXsagi

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Yesterday: I washed the soil of my 5x echinocereus ridigissimus rubrispinus . Then I washed them thoroughly with pressure, there were coccons all over the arachnid spines and bodies.. Today: I sprayed them with Ca salts , and took some shots well one might not be totally rubrispinus , even though it has recently started to do redder spines
  11. sagiXsagi

    seed grown Trichocereus ID

    would BBB be bouncing bear botanicals? time will tell I guess
  12. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    apart from pics, people with some years of growing experience are encouraged to make a short description of their clone and growing habits. I will return with more pics eventually, people chime in, show your pachanoi crests, will ya?
  13. sagiXsagi

    seed grown Trichocereus ID

    even if I got in touch with the dude I doubt he could say more. I think there was some BK code (location code?) and some numbers too. Hmmm if we accept that validus is a variety around terscheckii, this is going far too fast for that. but yeah the spines haven't fattened up (yet) to show cuzco..
  14. sagiXsagi

    How to recognize a bridgesii

    I have a psychO but its relatively new arrival. From descriptions, and especially of the double spine motive noted on PsychO, it is perfectly possible that TIG=PsychoO. TIG consistently does the double spine motive, and is pretty recognisable by that and fatness alone, at least in my collection and in my eyes .. PsychoO is still a 20cm freshly rooted cutting...
  15. sagiXsagi

    Stolen Cacti, Again....

    EG? cutting the thumb of the thief? the sharia-extremist jihadists way? Derek? "In my state, you'd probably make it off fine for shooting a trespasser dead, assuming you have a decent lawyer and 'feared for your life' " ? wtf? "hey a trespasser! He's coming right for us!! Shoot him!" reference : Southpark episode #1 I think: mountain... we know what's the result of american guys having guns with too much freedom and no brains: accidental shootings in the house: 5 year old kills his 2y.o. sister with daddy's gun or 15 year old, gets his semi-automatic riffle and goes to school shooting everyone heck, there are even kid guns now! real guns, real in that they kill. they got pink riffles for little girls?!? Suggesting to get a gun for a cactus robbery, is ...... such an american act.. for fucks sake these are no common thieves, they're druggie hippies probably This happens only becauase you have too many druggies in oz. and usa. Do you think its so hard to ID a tricho garden? I am happy the OP doesnt think guns and such PS: if those laws for trespassing were true in my country we would get shot all the time for collecting wild mushrooms, herbs, and in general edible wild food.
  16. I have many pasacanas, both blond-spined and brownish-spined, but I haven't seen any with spines that fade to white... well there is some strange specimen I have been long puzzled by, with pale spines, but its still differnt than this one. Could it be some chilensis form and not pasacana? it seems to grow pretty slow
  17. sagiXsagi

    Stolen Cacti, Again....

    boy that sucks!
  18. sagiXsagi

    2 id's please

    I would say Eriocereus / Harissia / Selicereus for the 1st one, but then again, I might be wrong. I dont know why EG says its Opuntiod.
  19. sagiXsagi

    How to recognize a bridgesii

    TIG (oz) bridgesii - still the fattest
  20. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    so, its possbile CCC=altmans=kada/smith/PCM#1 no?
  21. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    there are also (?): * TPQC (USA) with a strange story of crestation.... this clone played a role in nitrogen 2012 hybrids progeny .. apparently the cactus went monstrosa after a snail attack. I seem to have a specimen of a non-monstrosa tpqc (sourced from some nooker). *TPC (USA) also vital to nitrogen 2012 hybrids progeny. This rather looks like TPM#2 , the europe , crest form, but who knows? *several claims for 'pervuvianus' crests that seem pachanoi *some pachanoi crest shown a couple months ago from Philocacti, which seemed to have longer spines than usual *an ozzie "Hammiltons crest", labeled both as peruvianus and cuzcoensis (seems to be the latter) *an yet another ozzie "pachanoi/peruvianus" crest that seems to be different to those I have, but I haven't really grown this out a lot. (this came as a graft) I have rooted a couple cuttings from both those two last ozzies, so next year I will hopefully see something interesting. *last but not least, I remember a couple very distinctive individuals created from nitro 2012 seed (one particularly grown by naja naja I think, which seemed to have some bridgesii traits.. ) I am sure , if all these seedlings are grown out and cut and propagated, there might be some new distinctive monster varieties in a couple years!
  22. sagiXsagi

    the 'TPM' thread

    very interesting thread I have had two clones of pachanoi monstrosa/crest for years. 1. was bought from kada's garden, who once said his clones dont really crest , while mine both crest and do columnar monstrosa growth. The columns might alternate between normal and monster growth or terminate at some point or more rarely revert back to crest. Rooted columns pup from the base like the normal pachanoi habit. This clone seems to be the most common form seen in USA, and I suspect its the same or very similar to the fabulous specimens of M S Smith that was once known as "short spined peruvianus" (a wrong term for which Smith has explained a couple times) . The "altmans clone" also fell into my attention lately, and it too looks a bit of the same "persuation" , that is columnar monster growth.. I would love to see more pics of this "Altman clone" as well a description of the habits would be awesome! I used to call this kada strain, so maybe we call call this smith/kada or TPM#1 , for the sake of ease in this discussion. 2. was bought from Plapp's german nursery , and seems to be the commonest form found in europe. Its a faster grower than TPM#1 and it maintains the crest habit at all times. Larger specimens pup from near the base and pups might sometimes start columnarish, but soon enough they crest . Lets call this TPM#2 , or TPM europe or TPM crest or crest form ^^^^^^^^^^^ a nice specimen of TPM#2 . The front crest came from a new pup that started columnarish, then crested and both of them, 2+2 big specimens , in the same pic at the right, 2x TPM#2 crest form and at the right 2x TPM#1 (kada/smith) . You can see one of the TPM#1's also has a large crest (photo taken on June)
  23. sagiXsagi

    White spines pasacana? ID help

    I guess you're right, chilensis spines are much thicker